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RE: Krishtar Religions and Priesthoods everywhere

Apr 29, 2005 08:56 PM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

Apl 29 205

Dear K:

Some comments: (pretty strong, please) 

THEOSOPHY is NOT "a" RELIGION. [Thank goodness.] 

There is no "blind faith" in it anywhere. It needs no priests or
interpreter, and as a pure statement of facts, it has no "claimants" who
cannot explain clearly and by logic anything it teaches. 

This is why I insist so continuously on the "fundamental ideas."
[Unfortunately words trap us, and especially those we may have used long
ago. We need not defend our selves, but rather seek to review and up-date as
we learn ever more.]

Observe and consider, please: 

1.	DEITY (GOD) is EVERYWHERE and therefore in Man also.

2	No priests, claimants or interpreters are needed.

3	The vast UNIVERSE has to be RUN BY LAWS -- or else it is pointless
and our existence is useless. The cooperation and interaction of all beings
is regulated with exquisite sensitivity and precision so that justice, love,
mercy, cooperation, generosity -- all the great VIRTUES -- express its

4	Every living being, from the smallest of "life-atoms" (Monads) up
to largest, widest, highest, oldest, furtherest limits of this our UNIVERSE,
have always existed, and each is an immortal.  

5	Hence there is no annihilation, when a body dies, and what we call
death, is only a passage of time in sleep and meditation until we are reborn
again for the next day of our education in those School activities we call

6	The Universe is patterned on a School, a University, and all beings
participate as pupils and as teachers in its progressive and interactive
programs. None is omitted or left out. The present day "most ignorant," as
well as the "most educated and learned," have equal opportunities to become
WISE and guide their own lives. Free-choice is our common property. No one
is born incapable, unless our Karma has made it necessary for us to spend a
life-time in such a situation. 

7	The final objective is apparent: For every living being -- the
eternal pilgrims of life -- it is ultimately SUBLIME PERFECTION which some
have called "ALL-KNOWINGNESS." 

Anyone can read and STUDY and draw reasonable and logical conclusions from
the evidence offered.

Hence it is PHILOSOPHICAL (logical) and SCIENTIFIC (investigatory) .

The history of the THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY is NOT the history of THEOSOPHY as a
whole, but only a part of it. When the T S diverged from its Original
Program" in India in 1884, H P B went to Europe and began again.

The SECRET DOCTRINE is a monument to her great sacrifice for all of us. ARE

HPB was not a CHELA -- the masters call her Their companion and Their
willing collaborator.  

You (I mean: all of us) need to look over the TABLE OF CONTENTS for the 2
volumes ( S D ) to assure yourself that only a group of MASTERS OF WISDOM
had to be collaborating since 1875, till HPB's body died in 1891, for (1)
all the magnificent writing covering every aspect of our world's learning,
and (2) setting to rights the errors of the Academics.  

That is indeed a Herculean job -- and it is a pity so few fully appreciate

The physical masks we wear for any incarnation, are not a full transparent
view of the HIGHER SELF, the ATMA and BUDDHI that are the residents there.
Those are of course one with the Masters. We in our lower minds have
created the mists and veils that obscure our also knowing in full. We are
trying to clear those away.

HPB makes it clear (S D I 181, 157-8) the three lines of evolution
Spiritual, Psychic and Physical.  

The matter of authority vanishes when we are asked to read, STUDY and arrive
at our own conclusions.  

HPB offered her incarnated "self" to serve as Masters' messenger and writer.

The time was crucial for the world as there is ongoing a vast change in its
mental and spiritual outlook -- to the extent that mankind increasingly
demands proof and truth. This had to be given -- and from here on the
orientation of the world's thought has had to change, slowly perhaps, but

THEOSOPHY provides us with the necessary tools (IF WE WILL FIND AND USE
THEM) to do the whole work for ourselves -- independently. It is we who
have to contact the Masters by our work. We cannot expect to be "visited"
by Them unless we are going to "work for their Humanity." Are we making
ourselves of value and consequence ? Why should anyone expect (or claim)
Are see seeking to help Them in Their work? 

Note: The priesthoods of all religions, down the ages have claimed some
kind of an association with "God" -- so as to secure "mitigation of
punishment for offences committed" -- which in their heart they know they
cannot escape the consequences of -- [if we know something is wrong, then
why do it at all?] When nothing happens, the priest has an escape hatch:
"It is the will of God. He decides all things. We can only pray for mercy
and forgiveness ! Pray harder, and remember to pass more money to the True
and only Church."

Theosophy says, per contra:  

"You are an eternal microcosm of the vast, ever-existing MACROCOSM -- you
have latent in you right now, every power and capacity inherent in the
Universe, and especially the SPIRITUAL, it is part of your equipment -- to
be accessed by your Mind right now. 

Find it, prove it, use it. Stop being a child ! 

It has always been so. Now realize it for yourself. "

There are no "parachutes" or "safety-nets" out there -- there never have
been any. Yet we are all IMMORTALS, and as such, while we cannot be
annihilated, or destroyed, we can be led to educate ourselves. That is the
great secret. 

If we can only be led to see that this, our present life is just one of a
series of many lives, and that the interior SPIRITUAL MAN never dies; that:
"Law rules everything," the work is easily accomplished each for themselves.

Who is so stupid to think that they can escape evil-doing? Not in a Universe
of Law. So the only recourse is to "CEASE FROM EVIL. DO GOOD. ALWAYS DO

We are invited to study our own MANAS (MIND and its spiritual capacities --
and the wisdom embedded in BUDDHI -- and the extent to which it is enmeshed
in desires and passions (as KAMA-MANAS) that delude it -- using the wisdom
of BUDDHI-MANAS (the Higher Mind or Reincarnating Ego) which we all possess,
to an equal amount.  

We have to exert our WILL and our determination to learn -- and there, as
Jerome suggests, lies the real "esotericism" and "occultism." 

It is not only Hermes: "Man, know thyself." But at this cycle of time it
is also:  


Best wishes,


-----Original Message-----
From: krishtar
Sent: Thursday, April 28, 2005 3:36 AM
Subject: Krishtar Religions and Priesthoods everywhere

Friend Dal

It's always nice to hear from you.

I do agree with what you said and can still, humbly, add:

If we take a look at the Theosophical Movement is if it were a
religion/religious movement we can see just how things work in a religion,
the first prophets, as you described.

It is a relatively recent fact and the tracking down their influence and
their modus-operandi easy to observe.

The disciples are thus responsible for the correct or incorrect spreading of
the original truths and they become " less true" as the times passes by. 
It happens because the same grade of inspirational is not equal in the
discipleship and they'll fatally distort in some level.

It happened as we all know with Buddhism and other mainstreams.

Thus I can now understand the responsibility that a Master has got.
IMO the masters that inspired the TM were splendidly intelligent when they
chose only one main chela for their purpose and I imagine how hurt although
compassionate they could have been when they observed the laster moves from
their "predecessors" self- claimed initiates.

So I īm also very cautious about people who claim to contact masters.
One " must watch and pray " because contacting a master is something too
deep to be mixed up with puerile purposes.

Priesthood in my opinion, collating from your post, is an organized way to
keep people informed in only one direction, infiltering dogmatic and control
commands in people.

This, as you also stated, keeps people in spiritual ignorance.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: W.Dallas TenBroeck 
To: AA-BNStudy 
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 10:49 PM
Subject: RE: answers -- Religions and Priesthoods everywhere

Apl 27 2005

RE: answers -- Religions and Priesthoods everywhere

Dear K:

In my opinion all priesthoods everywhere make it a business to keep people
ignorant of the truth of all real spiritual things, hence they retain
power based on their claims to be able to manipulate both "God" and "His
laws" in favour of those who pay them enough or who give them power.

They promote this ignorance in order to instill fear. They (the truly
learned among them) know the truth, and every thinking human can know it
too. But if that were encouraged, the could no loner be in business. 

We are all in the process, wherever we are, trying to learn how to think
things through logically ad reasonably.

Check the history of every exoteric religion you please. I guarantee you
will find that at the root, there was a great Teacher, a Prophet, who came
to assist a tribe or a nation. His teachings were / are identical with
those of every other Teacher.

The existing priesthood (and political governments) made it very difficult
for him or her.  

A few who listened, caught on to some aspects of what was being said, and
began thinking independently.

Thus a reform movement always started, and was either carried forward or
not. ]

The "carrying forward" has always been in the hands of the pupils and
disciples. They did this on a volunteer basis. 

In any case if it was successful you can see, as in the case of the
THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT, an attempt to divert it back to a kind of
priesthood authority was contrived, and it continues. No logic supports it,
only loud claims and a refusal to hold any reasonable discussions. 

Check me if I am wrong.

Best wishes, 

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