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RE: The Sun

Apr 28, 2005 09:05 PM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

Apl 28 2005



That's absolutely what I have in mind.

In spite of these vast forces passing in and through us all the time, we
survive - is it because we are not Karmically linked to those forces at this

To me it suggests that because we are many-fold beings only those that
relate to us physically at this stage, seem to impact on our cohesive

I think you "got" what I was trying to say.


The SUN of our System has additional work to maintain: For this is works on
different planes, not merely the physical one we analyse now with

Here are some notes:

life part of universal life I 591 
lunar & sun, cycles I 229; II 620-1 
contains many unknown elements I 583 
contraction & expansion of I 541-2 
creation of life by I 294 
divine spirit symb by fire or II 113 
eclipses of, & allegories II 380 
eleven year cycle of I 541 &n 
evolved fr primal matter I 101-2 625 
explosion of, & planets I 500 
Father II 105 109 113 462, 540 
focus, lens of primordial light I 580 
formation of, & stars I 595n, 602 
gives life to planets I 386; II 23 
glowing, not burning I 149, 541, 591 
has no polar compression I 593 
heart of solar world I 540-2 
heat of I 102, 149, 484n, 528, 591 
highest god II 361, 538 
incandescent, a fallacy I 149, 528fn 591 
inner man drawn to Parent- I 639 
jiva (soul) goes to I 132 
Kama-Rupa Of Akasa I 527n 
manas, kama-rupa fr II 241 
as the Logos I 134n, 428 
as a magnet I 497-9, 501 
millions of I 576n 
not cause of light, heat I 580 
noumenon of electricity I 531 
occult influence on seven planets I 575n 
perturbing influence on planets I 503 
planets brothers not sons I 101, 449, 588-9 
at pralaya I 370, 376; II 69n, 611 
reflect concealed primaries I 289 
regulates manifested life II 595 
rotates w the planets I 100 &n 670
sevenfold I 179 290 &n 
seven(fold) ray(s) I 290, 515 &n; II 25, 69n 
as seventh principle I 527n 
source of vital force I 531 591
spectroscope shows outer, only I 528 
spectrum of I 143n, 528, 595-6 
spheres of action of II 621 &n 
spirit of light, life giver I 481 
spiritual, enlivens kosmos II 23 
substance of all I 289 499
substitute for sacred planet I 575 &n 
surface described I 530, 531 
swallows comets I 204 
symbolizes resurrection II 459 584
threatened younger brothers I 102 
understanding II 639n 
unknown rays in spectrum of I 143n 
vehicle of a god I 479 
Venus "the other" II 24, 31 
visible, a maya or reflection I 179 
vital electricity of, & man II 105 




-----Original Message-----
From: steven 
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 7:52 AM
Subject: Re: The Sun


This issue is most provocative. 

I mean really, given the way you
describe this intense interaction of energies and materialities of all kinds
and densities, if we were as physical as we allow our senses to convince
ourselves of, wouldn't we have been torn to bits ages ago? 

It would be like
subjecting a piece of paper into a furnace. 

We, therefore, must live in a
symbiotic relationship with all of those energies and materialities. 

In this
way, the phrase (reminiscent of your idea about God): "in whom we move and
have our being", makes more sense.



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "W.Dallas 
To: "AA-BNStudy" <>
Sent: Wednesday, April 27, 2005 8:20 AM
Subject: RE: The Sun

Apl 27 2005


Dear C:

Consider that our astronomers, and the development of very powerful
instruments capable of measuring many kinds of radiations, show us that we
live in an enormous sphere (at least 50 + billion "light-years" in diameter)
- with energies crisscrossing every portion of space, could we not say that
we all live within this sphere with tremendous variations of temperature,
light, radiation, sound intensities, vibrations, solids and non-solids, new
stars and planets, comets and meteors being created, and, per contra:
"black-holes" -- and seem to be able to survive for a while?

We think, and we ask: Why ? How? Where are we all going?

Everything that lives and moves is comprised in this indescribable WHOLENESS

It is the ultimate DIVERSITY IN UNITY.

I might hazard a guess that the "reality" is: we live INSIDE this - and it
may be considered to be the "central Spiritual Sun" itself ?

No one knows where the "center of Space" is (physically).

In an infinite Universe it is everywhere and nowhere. So to the limits of
SPACE and its "circumference" are not to be found physically.

Just a guess - but has been making me think for quite a while about this

Its like asking where GOD is. Omnipresence is EVERYWHERE.

So "God's: "center " -- is in us, as well as everywhere else - in every
human, every atom, every Sun every world.

But IT is not physical or psychical, it is SPIRITUAL.

As Krishna might say: "Its manifestations are infinite."

Mentally I find it difficult to think of THAT as a "Maya."

Since movement and change is everywhere, LAW and the EVOLUTION of
intelligence and responsiveness have to be well organized and thus we might
say: they are requisites in all beings of more limited "form." [see S D
I pp. 14 - 19 ]

Or is this just nonsense?

Best wishes,


Here are some S D references I have:


[ in SECRET DOCTRINE ] I 231, 379.

causes Fohat to collect dust I 201
central body of Milky Way II 240n
determines motions of bodies I 673
dhyan-chohans have not penetrated beyond I 13
formless invisible fire in I 87 , 574; II 114
Sun emanates from I 527n
Sun is a reflection of I 100, 639
teachings re II 214, 239-41
uncreated beam reflection of I 275-6


-----Original Message-----
From: Cass Silva
Sent: Tuesday, April 26, 2005 2:52 AM
Subject: Re: The Sun

Would this central sun, hidden in the centre of the galaxy, be the
etheric/astral body of our visible sun?


Peter D wrote:

The Sun has a rhythm of sending out its energy every 32 minutes.

There are Masters of The Sun as there are of the planets, ....

There is a Central Sun which is hidden in the centre of the galaxy.

The other is the mysterious Primary Source we call the Absolute.


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