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Passing it on for those who may be interested

Apr 25, 2005 09:31 AM
by Cass Silva

ARE YOU Tired????? Feeling perpetually tired? Do you have fatigue 
and lethargy, even after many hours of sleep? Do you feel spacey and 
have an inability to concentrate? Do you have insomnia or better yet, 
regular awakening, often at predictable times during each night? Do 
you have joint and muscle aches and pains that cause you to awaken, 
feeling as though you have been working hard all night long? Do your 
feelings of depression that do not seem to match the circumstances of 
your immediate life? Do you have free-floating anxiety and/or panic 
that cannot be traced to any specific trauma or cause? Do you have 
allergies, skin conditions and immune difficulties that almost seem 
as though your body is at war with itself? Do you have thoughts 
of "going away" without a clear idea of where you wish to go? Do you 
have unexplainable weight gain or loss? Do you have incidents of 
time loss, loss of short-term memory? Perhaps it is because we are 
doing our "work" we are "advancing"… Perhaps there is a level of 
consciousness that our waking consciousness and our sleeping 
consciousness are trying to merge. Maybe it is part of the "trip."  
Is it one more step in our body/mind/spirit re-connection trying to 
boot up all the new "software?" We have read in the past few months 
many variations of the above theme… each writer putting his/her own 
spin on the what/why and how come I feel the way I do? It is really 
up to each person to look at all parts and the sum total of "self"…  
As you examine (not analyze or pick apart for you folks who spend 
most of your time doing that) yourself and how far you have come just 
in this lifetime, you will begin to realize that this may indeed be 
the next step…. Maybe there is a reason for feeling tired, huh? Just 
maybe you are moving from normal or as some writers call it "numb-
all, to newly alive. We have heard it called "The Quickening". It 
seems we have all been asleep in some way or another and are now 
awakening. You feel power surges or shooting pain… you may feel weak 
and distraught… Remember the movie Matrix?..... Neo asks 
Morpheus "why do my eyes hurt?".. He replies.."you've never used 
them before". What a ride!!!!!!

The physical body is going from a carbon based entity to a 
crystalline based body. There is a sloughing off of brain patterning 
to permit the intended consciousness raising effect. DNA changes are 
creating possibly disturbing sensations. All of this is to your 
benefit—it is increasing spiritual clarity and will enable physical 
survival in the higher vibrations.

The earth's background base frequency, or "heartbeat" (called 
Schumann resonance.. a definition will be given at the end of this 
newsletter for those brainiacs of you who need it) is rising 
dramatically. Though it varies among geographical regions.. for 
decades the overall measurement was 7.83 cycles per second. This was 
once thought to be a constant; many global military communications 
were developed on this frequency. Since 1987 (Harmonic Convergence) 
this resonance has been slowly rising. Recent reports set the rate 
at over 11 cycles and climbing. There have been reports of it going 
over 12. Science doesn't know why, or what to make of it. Now why 
would I even mention this???? Wellllllll, time will appear to 
speeding up or collapsing.. A 24 hour day will seem to be about 16 
hours or less. So with the earth's base frequency changing… how 
could we not be affected by it????? We are "of the earth"…. We will 
certainly be affected by this change, not only in our individual 
bodies, but also with spiritual healing. Spiritual healing has been 
a fundamental aspect of all world religions. It is a universal human 
potential which has found renewed interest not in only the religious 
field, but the medical as well. Reiki, Qi Gong, Reflexology, 
Acupuncture, and Therapeutic Touch are all _expression of the healing 
nature of energy. Spiritual healing operates on an energetic model, 
one that addresses consciousness before mechanics. Consciousness 
itself is a spiritual energy. It pervades all the cells of the body. 
The Earth's field is not fixed, it is a background magnetic wave, and 
we are tied into this magnetic field. David Maginley, a Therapeutic 
Touch practioner writes, "The Earth's magnetic field is a 
synchronizing signal to all life on Earth that influences hibernation 
cycles, migration navigation, plant growth, in fact, NASA found they 
had to incorporate this resonance into the equipment on the Space 
Shuttle to promote the health and well being of the astronauts while 
they were outside the magnetic field generated from the ionosphere to 
ground level. In healing, a frequency window opens between a healer 
and patient, a Schumann resonance. When both are oscillating their 
brain waves around whatever the resonance is at that given time (now 
around 11), there is a maximal transfer of energy. The healer is 
then acting as a conduit for this subtle energy." As a healer, you 
also create ripple effects that affect the local environment.


As you know, we are in linear time here in the 3rd dimension. We 
are going to spend a line or two on this because many of us will ask 
intuitive folks questions pertaining to the future. As one looks 
into the future, you will enter a timeless continuum. Although you 
will get or be told accurate glimpses into happening, timeframes are 
based on linear time continuing at a constant pace, and that is not 
what is occurring. Our concept of time doesn't exist elsewhere in 
the universe – the timeless continuum does, where everything is now – 
your past, present and future are happening simultaneously in 
different energy planes. When you are predicting or being predicted 
to… keep this fact in your mind. Your natural pattern of proceeding 
is linear, and if time and time again you have preconceived ideas as 
to when happenings `should' occur and they don't materialize within 
those timeframes, you are discouraged and think "you've blown it… 
have no, nada intuition". That is why the most credible reports from 
respected channels do not give timeframes. Besides, the "time" 
problem… you also have to take into consideration "free-will." Just 
because it was supposed to happen a certain way, doesn't mean other's 
free will won't affect the outcome.


Are you a pain in the neck??? Seriously, do you have a pain at the 
back of the neck???? At the base of the back of the skull is a 
chakra known as the Well of Dreams. It is sometimes known as the 
channeling port. Sometimes when you are approached by "spirit" to 
channel through some information (be it verbal, written singing, art, 
spoken word, etc.), you will get pressure and sometimes intense pain 
at the base of the neck…We all have a tendency to 
think "stress", "sinus", "whiplash from my last accident", etc. and 
thus dull the pain with medication instead of looking at 
another "cause"…. It is time for you to begin your "work"….. It is 
surprising how fast the "pain" (or gentle nudges) disappear as we 
write, paint, sing, speak, etc. This is also a good place to talk 
about "window of opportunity". A window of opportunity is a linear 
timeframe for us to act upon these gentle nudges. As I (Diane) look 
back, I have had great ideas that I sat on for years only later to 
find the ideas used and put into books, seminars, teaching methods, 
etc. We are given the opportunity to bring it into the third 
dimension, but procrastinate and don't do it… so it is given to 
another. Don't miss your "window of opportunity"… AND you know what 
I am talking about.

Many people labor under the burden of "false humility", as they try 
not to say or do anything that might reveal them to be the Wizards 
and Sorceresses that they truly are. This is left over from the 
Middle Ages, witch burnings, persecutions, and childhood censure by 
parents – who install the illusion of being "dumb as an ox"… and 
stays safe from being worshipped or persecuted. It is also the cause 
of the pain of repression that we deal with everyday. Repression is 
a word that is often bandied around sometimes if someone feels they 
are being kept from saying all they want to say on a particular 
subject (or sometimes if people around them don't agree with what 
they are saying). There is a distinction to be made between proper 
restraint (staying on a topic in a public forum, being in a 
particular discussion in a group, etc.) and repression. The former 
(restraint) is a decision made by leadership or group consensus, to 
maintain structure, and the latter is something we tend to do to 
ourselves. Where the pain is located in the body, is an indicator of 
the source of the restraint. Do you follow what I am saying? It is 
easy to blame our own "bottledupness" to repression while it may 
indeed be self-imposed. It may be us denying or revealing/accepting 

Do you casually refer to things that are happening in your life 
as "strange" or "weird" or just simply "interesting"??????

"The reasonable man adapts himself to the world; the unreasonable 
one persists in trying to adapt the world to himself. Therefore all 
progress depends on the unreasonable man." George Bernard Shaw


We came across an interesting question in a website we were 
puttering around the other day. The author of the website stated that 
the question and discussion that followed was submitted by an 
anonymous visitor to the website ( The Question was:  
Believing and Knowing ---What's the Difference???? It certainly 
gave us something to think about… perhaps it will do the same for you.

"It is important for you to know the significant difference between 
the two words "believe" and "know." For what most people do not 
appreciate is that these two words are opposites!! (gotta say--- this 
grabbed our interest) 

Definitions –Merriam-Webster Dictionary (

`BELIE' – (1a) to give a false impression of (1b) to present an 
appearance not in agreement with (2a) to show something to be false 
or wrong (2b) to run counter to 

`BELIEVE' – (1a) to have a firm religious faith, to consider to be 
true or honest (1b) to accept as true, genuine, or real, (1a2) to 
have a firm conviction as to the goodness, efficacy, or ability of 
something (1a3) to hold an opinion

"KNOW" – (1a(1) to perceive directly, have direct cognition of (1a
(2) to have understanding of (1a(3) to recognize the nature of (1b(1) 
to recognize as being the same as something previously know (1b(2) to 
be acquainted or familiar with (1b(3) to have experience of (2a) to 
be aware of the truth of factuality of (2b) to have a practical 
understanding of

It is imperative that you understand the "BELIEVE" and "KNOW" are 
opposite in meaning. If you "BELEVE" that something is true, it is 
because you do not as yet "KNOW" it to be true. Conversely, if 
you "KNOW" something to be true, you are no longer in a state of 
wondering whether to "BELIEVE" it or not. 

Now look at the construction of the word "BE-lie-ve" in conjunction 
with the meaning of the work "BE-LIE" above. Keep this thought in 
mind and look at the first definition of "BELIEVE", where it says "to 
have a firm religious faith" and then ask yourself the question –
"why are all the religions referred to as religious be-lie-fs"?  
Have you ever been asked "what is your religious be-lie-f?"

Yes, that's right, we've all been tricked once again by -- who 
knows what… that we are anything other than who and what we are truly 
capable. We are all Co-Creators of unconditional love, capable of 
creating any experience into existence, by our POWER of THOUGHT.

None of what we tell you in this section will work, if you be-lie-ve 
that your "creative thought" will work. Your power of "creative 
thought" ONLY works when you KNOW that it works!!!!  

To BELIEVE is to accept another's truth.

To KNOW is your own CREATION."

The above is just fuel for thought……. Get that??? Don't spend a lot 
of time trying to analyze it, just start "knowing" your own truths.

In any given moment we are making small and large decisions. Each 
decision is based on LOVE or FEAR. Choose love, follow your 
intuition and follow your passion or "burning inner desire." Be 
aware that most of the media is controlled by just a few. Use 
discernment. Look for the hidden agendas. Why is this information 
being presented to you? What is "their" real agenda? Is it a case 
of problem/reaction/solution? Do "they" create a problem so 
that "we" react and ask for a fix, then "they" offer their solution?  
The "solution" is what "they" really wanted in the first place. Or 
are they reporting something insignificant to hide very significant 
things that could affect you personally?

Discernment applied to different sources of information is becoming 
of paramount importance. The message is to follow your heart, your 
gut feelings and intuition, not your intellect. Be discerning with 
the feelings and information you process. Does it resonate with 
you? Be in balance. Balance never means indifference.  

Being in "fear" allows whatever is outside your body a chance to 
affect you. The "outside" influence will resonance with the fear 
inside you… and, possibly cause you all sorts of problems, both 
physically, emotionally, and mentally. Again, balance, balance, 

We ran across this editor's note in the website 
It explains something we've been asked over and over again. We 
believe this editor, Ken, says it about as well as it can be 
said: "My reading of metaphysical texts has always affirmed the 
notion that the respect of free will is uppermost in the spirit world 
and if you want to obtain assistance from the higher spiritual 
sources, it's necessary to ask for help. I learned something from 
master dowser Walt Woods about requesting assistance from higher 
realms that I'll pass along here. Walt said to always request help 
from spiritual beings who have the APPROVAL of your Higher Self and 
who are working for the HIGHEST good of all concerned, especially  
YOUR highest good. By inserting the caveat that your request is 
limited to ONLY those being who are approved by your Higher Self, you 
avoid the pitfall of being misled by deceptive spirits." We believe 
this goes for requesting help for others… always ask 
for "healings", "help", assistance", etc. in alignment with the 
Higher Self of the individual. Perhaps a person's aliments, 
maladies, disease, even death is the individual's soul contract or 
learning path. Matthew Ward said through his mother Suzy Ward, "If 
one's soul contract calls for leaving at a specific time, that will 
happen regardless of where the person is, what the person is doing.  
If the contract's longevity provision calls for remaining in the 
lifetime for many more years, wherever the person is will be a safe 
haven even if it is in the midst of turmoil and death. What are 
considered by most as survival "miracles" is in actuality.. the 
workings of guardian angels." So to send a person healing, etc. 
without considering the soul contract as well… not in the person's 
highest good.  

There are people who make the transition from one step to another on 
this path of evolution in a relatively gentle way, but there are many 
who experience a crisis when "stuff" happens. Both ways are just 
that… ways… neither good nor bad. Most of us experience a 
combination of both ways. Sometimes we are thrust into 
psychological, emotional and bodily changes and can find no logical 
explanation. This alone can cause a crisis. We have received many 
emails lamenting about what is going on in either with that 
individual….Below are a list of some of the symptoms experienced in a 
process of breakthroughs that we received via email from a Ms. Fenn:

"a. Sudden extreme sensitivity to people and environments. A person 
who has previously been sociable and active suddenly finds they can't 
bear to be in shopping malls or in crowded environments such as 

b. An increase in psychic ability and awareness. This most often 
manifest in the ability to almost "hear" the inner thoughts and 
feelings of others. This can be disconcerting if the person imagines 
that everyone else can also read their thoughts and feelings. Also 
an extreme sensitivity to negative energy in certain environments or 
people, including the inability to tolerate certain people who had 
previously been close.

c. This increased sensitivity can lead to panic attacks or anxiety 
attacks. These can occur at any time, even when the person wakes up 
at night. Often there is no valid reason for the attack, although 
the person will often seek to find a reason.

d. The person might also find themselves "zoning out" for long 
periods of time, just wanting to sit and do nothing. This can be 
irritating to someone who has previously been very energetic and 
active. This is just the consciousness adjusting to spending more 
time in the higher dimensions and less time in the 3rd and 4th 
dimensions. Related to this is the need to rest and sleep for far 
longer than previously, and a general slowing down. (from the 
Mickelsons: Remember many of you have asked to "remember" everything 
you have learned from past lifetimes… if you have asked for this, you 
may be having many etheric "downloads" that are in progress, bringing 
in many new "files' containing forgotten knowledge and abilities from 
the cosmos, loading themselves into your consciousness.. you may feel 
at times on brain overload or having the strangest "dreams…"  
Remember, you asked for this process, you can also slow it down or 
shut it off….)

e. Obsessive anxieties about human beings destroyed (by pollution, 
lack of resources, aliens, technology, etc.). This is because multi-
dimensional consciousness can access all levels of the group mind, 
including that part which hold the fears and anxieties about the 
survival of the species. Since the person is often concerned about 
their own survival, they tend to resonate with this part of the group 

f. An obsessive need to understand what is happening, leading to the 
mind becoming overactive and the person fearing they are losing it or 
suffering from "burn-out". Also a fear of going mad and being unable 
to cope with everyday life in the future. Again, psychologists and 
doctors seem able to offer very little help.

g. Depression for no reason, or related to the crisis state. This 
is often just the consciousness clearing out old layers of energy 
that need to be released. It is not necessary to "process" or relive 
the experience, just allow the body to release the energy. Have 
patience with the process and know that it will pass.

h. Disrupted sleep patterns, often waking up to 3 times a night, or 
just about at 3am. Again this is just the consciousness adapting to 
new cycles of activity. Higher consciousness is often more active at 
night since the lower dimensions are quiet at this time.

i. Feeling strange electrical energy waves through the body. The 
crystalline body is incredibly sensitive, and feels solar and lunar 
waves, cosmic waves, and multi-dimensional energies. Often these 
energies are assisting n the process of "rewiring" the body to carry 
higher energies. This can be uncomfortable, but the body eventually 
acclimates to dealing with these energy waves.    

J. A whole range of physical sensations and experiences, usually 
related to detoxification. The crystalline body holds no toxins, but 
allows everything to pass through it. In fact the eventual trick to 
being "immortal" is just to allow everything to pass through and hold 
onto nothing. The ultimate state of detachment. But at this stage, 
the body needs to release years of "toxic" waste, whether physical, 
emotional or mental. The release is always through the physical 
body, which present symptoms such as intense fatigue, muscle and 
joint pains especially in the hips and knees, headaches, especially 
at the base of the skull (hear this before?), and neck and shoulder 

k. Dizziness and "spaciness". This is because you are in "higher" 
states of consciousness. You need to get used to being at these 
levels and staying grounded at the same time. These sensations tend 
to increase with solar flares and full moons as well.

l. Increased appetite and putting on weight. This is because the 
body needs huge amounts of energy to power this process. (But…you 
can get the type of energy from "good" foods that don't make you gain 

m. The ability to see beyond the veil. That is, to become aware of 
spirits, devas, E.T.s, and angels as a reality and to communicate 
with these. This can be very frightening if the person is not 
accustomed to this kind of other dimensional awareness."

So the good news is that if you are experiencing any of the above (or 
many that aren't listed)… you are advancing….. the bad news is… 
well… you are experiencing them.

So what do we suggest????  

· Think yourself big.

· Do the gold light exercise (If you have forgotten what this 
is refer Gold Light Exercise on website).

· Try thinking your body as infinite instead of finite… think 
about this statement…do you really have to expect a physical death?  
Are you starting to think about your body as infinite… immortal or do 
you expect it to die?

· Be at peace with who you are.

· Be kind to yourself and nurture yourself. You carry an 
equal balance of the female energy and the male energy.

· Maybe avoid crowds and crowded places… if possible.

· Try to stay grounded and centered. This can be very 
challenging for those who are acclimating to higher dimensional 
awareness. You will often feel dizzy and spacey, but try to pay full 
attention to the physical and grounded aspects of life. The key here 
is to spend time moving your body somehow (walking is good), eating 
whole foods, fresh vegetables and fruits (if possible) and not 
neglecting your artistic/creative self..

· Spend as much time as you can in nature. You will find 
spending time in fresh air and sunlight will assist to strengthen the 

· Also, since all thoughts and certainly your spoken words are 
manifesting at an alarming rate… if you want things to happen, watch 
the words you say or think… "eventually (example – eventually I will 
have my dream house), someday (example – someday I will be in a job I 
love), in the near future, soon, later, when it's supposed to be, if 
it's meant to be, going to, will be, etc. Get the idea??? If you 
want something to happen… say it…. The universe needs direction.. if 
you hedge with ify words, how can you manifest?

· Channeling or receiving information: it is important for 
you to set the stage before opening up to channel or receive 
information. Do the Gold Light exercise and state your intent before 
opening up to receive. Demand that only "beings" of your highest 
good contact you (or if you are channeling for another, ask that 
beings associated with that individual's highest good be present).  
If you sense or feel any resistance to the sensations produced by the 
communication, cease immediately – it is your soul's notification 
that lower vibrational energies are getting to you. You'd be 
surprised about how many "folks" from other dimensions are waiting to 
speak – not all are for your highest good.

Well, that is it for this newsletter---We certainly have gone on long 
enough, huh? Have a great spring!!!!

Loren and Diane Mickelson


** What is a Schumann Resonance?

Believe it or not, the Earth behaves like an enormous electric 
circuit. The atmosphere is actually a weak conductor and if there 
were no sources charge, its existing electric charge would diffuse 
away in about 10 minutes. There is a `cavity' defined by the surface 
of the Earth and the inner edge of the ionosphere 55 kilometers up.  
At any moment, the total charge residing in this cavity is 500,000 
Coulombs. There is a vertical current flow between the ground and 
the ionosphere of 1 – 3 x 10^-12 Amperes per square meter. The 
resistance of the atmosphere is 200 Ohms. The voltage potential is 
200,000 Volts. There are about 1000 lightning storms at any given 
moment worldwide. Each produces 0..5 to 1 Ampere and these 
collectively account for the measured current flow in the Earth's 
`electromagnetic' cavity.

The Schumann Resonances are quasi standing wave electromagnetic waves 
that exist in this cavity. Like waves on a spring, they are not 
present all the time, but have to be `excited' to be observed. They 
are not caused by anything internal to the Earth, its crust or its 
core. They seem to be related to electrical activity in the 
atmosphere, particularly during times of intense lightning activity.  
They occur at several frequencies between 6 and 50 cycles per second; 
specifically 7.8, 14, 20, 26, 33, 39 and 45 Hertz, with a daily 
variation of about +/- 0.5 Hertz. So long as the properties of 
Earth's electromagnetic cavity remains about the same, these 
frequencies remain the same. Presumably there is some change due to 
the solar sunspot cycle as the Earth's ionosphere changes in response 
to the 11-year cycle of solar activity. Schumann resonances are most 
easily seen between 2000 and 2200 UT.

Given that the earth's atmosphere carries a charge, a current and a 
voltage, it is not surprising to find such electromagnetic waves.  
The resonate properties of this terrestrial cavity were first 
predicted by the German physicist W. O. Schumann between 1952 and 
1957, and first detected by Schumann and Komnig in 1954. The first 
spectral representation of this phenomenon was prepared by Balser and 
Wagner in 1960. For more information see: "Handbook of Atmospheric 
electrodynamics, vol. I" by Hans Volland, 1995 published by the CRC 
Press. Chapter 11 is entirely on Schumann Resonances and is written 
by Davis Campbell at the Geophysical Institute, University of Alaska, 
Fairbanks AK, 99775. There is also a history of this research and an 
extensive bibliography.

Copyright Notice:

Copyright 2005 Loren and Diane Mickelson. This information may be 
freely disseminated in whole or in part provided that there is no 
charge for the information and provided that this notice is 
attached. When using an edited or partial version of this material 
please clearly state that this is an edited version and refer the 
reader to the full original version.

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