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Re: ACCURACY OR ERROR ? hate Leadbeater? mind realms arrogance

Feb 19, 2005 02:32 AM
by Perry Coles

Hi Pablo,
Thank-you for your thoughtful reply, I hope at least some articles 
along this line are published in the future.
I don't feel very hopeful over this though.
You wrote:
"Obviously, Adyar TS doesn't consider writings of Leadbeater, 
Besant, Taimni, Krishnamuti, etc., as "Neo Theosophy" because Adyar 
refuse to admit Blavatsky teachings (or any other) as the official 
ones or THE Theosophy. So, entering in that topics it could seem 
more an attempt of demonstrates their validity –in detriment of 
other approaches- rather than an opening willingness to investigate 
that matters."

All I am suggesting is comparison which is in accord with the second 

You wrote :
"But this is not a simple topic if one wants to produce genuine sake 
for the theosophical movement, and every action must be pondered, 
especially if you have a wide influence."

Agreed but action and open discussion in some form needs to followed 
after the pondering.

--- In, Pablo Sender <pasender@y...> 
> Hi Perry,
> I must think about it more carefully, but in principle I believe 
such articles should be allowed to be published in official society 
publications. However two topics arise here:
> - Are these articles disallowed to be published? I think if any 
member writes one article of this kind with the correct spirit, he 
won't find obstacles to publishes it.
> - There is a danger of falling in a lot of discursive argues that 
never-ending, spreading confrontation and so on.
> Obviously, Adyar TS doesn't consider writings of Leadbeater, 
Besant, Taimni, Krishnamuti, etc., as "Neo Theosophy" because Adyar 
refuse to admit Blavatsky teachings (or any other) as the official 
ones or THE Theosophy. So, entering in that topics it could seem 
more an attempt of demonstrates their validity -in detriment of 
other approaches- rather than an opening willingness to investigate 
that matters. (I fear that grammar of this last sentence –if not 
that of the entire text– is terrible, sorry).
> I agree with your words, specially that "Being told there is no 
problem and everything is ok to me means ignoring certain 
fundamental hypocrisies and I can't just ignore them".
> But this is not a simple topic if one wants to produce genuine 
sake for the theosophical movement, and every action must be 
pondered, especially if you have a wide influence. 
> Best regards
> p
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