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RE: Theos-World Veda's once Universal by HPB

Feb 04, 2005 09:23 PM
by Cass Silva

Dear Dallas

By the time I studied all your references I would be part of the 6th root race. You might consider this lazy, but in fact, we are blind beggars wondering around in the dark looking for the light. What was "truth" for HPB is "potential truth" for those who cannot prove it to themselves. 

You said that THEOSOPHY teaches that the ATMA, the HIGHER SELF of each human being is such an "avatar." Can we believe in that? Can we begin to act as though we were
the custodians, guardians and helpmates of THAT which represents the utmost
perfection of the Universe? This is something to ponder and meditate on. 

Perhaps this is why HPB referred to us as Orphan Humanity, we keep looking for our avataral parent and hope to meet someone whom we can trust who says, this is the way. Is it so wrong to look to higher beings for direction. As a member of the 4th/5th root race and probably 10,000 years away from knowing the truth for ourselves. We, like Christ, are nailed to matter, and no amount of study or meditation will change that. 

our higher self will be the cause of our salvation; 

"W.Dallas TenBroeck" <> wrote:

Feb 3 2005

Dear C L and friends:

Let me offer the following ideas in answer to your writing:

I think one of the most important ideas to always carry in mind: We are the
same immortal Egos who used bodies in the early races and therefore, we have
incarnated down the ages -- in Lemurian, in Atlantean, and lastly in the
present great Race called, in general, the "Noble" -- the Aryans. THEOSOPHY
preserves a record of all the past and of our work and adventures -- call it
the "story" if you will -- in earlier ages.

You ask:

"Can you tell me what HPB means to say in the following story:

"Truly so; the Veda of the earliest Aryans, before it was written, 
went forth into every nation of the Atlanto-Lemurians, and sowed the 
first seeds of all the now existing old religions. 

The off-shoots of the never dying tree of wisdom have scattered their 
dead leaves even on Judaeo-Christianity.

And at the end of the Kali, our present age, Vishnu, or 
the "Everlasting King" will appear as Kalki, and re-establish 
"righteousness upon earth."

The minds of those who live at that time shall be awakened and 
become as pellucid as crystal.

The men who are thus changed by virtue of that peculiar time (6 race)
Shall be as seeds of other human beings and shall give birth to a 
race who shall follow the Laws of the Krita age of purity; i.e., it 
shall be the 7th race, the race of Buddhas, the sons of God, born 
of immaculate parents.

That Kalki should be the last Avatar on earth.

As far as I can understand all have to do with consciousness bringing 
to a higher level. And all needs help for that, one more than the 

For that HPB does not mean to see the Kalki [avatar] in words, as a man on a

white horse with a sword, but as an Inside power given to us!

So I think, all goes on as it must go.

And it is up to us to choose the right way, to go with the flow of 
illuminated minds."

THEOSOPHY was presented my Mme. Blavatsky and the "Masters of Wisdom" for
whom she wrote and spoke -- not just for Americans, Europeans, or modern
inhabitants if India, China, Asia, Africa, South America, Australia or
anywhere but, for the whole world, wherever inquiry into the causative side
of Nature and her regulations has arisen. 

This ancient Science and an overview of its Records has been reopened, and
leads are given in its presentation to historical events and records
available for all to verify.

To be specific: [ read beyond the references I offer, please, on the
method of teaching THEOSOPHY uses ]

I am not sure I gather your question exactly -- I mean the quote you mark
S D II 483 concerning the KALKI AVATAR of VISHNU.

Here are some notes and cross references on S D II pp 480 - 492 

Maybe there is help there? Check the cross references.


479-80 Same titles for St. Michael as for Christ - examples

480 Farvashi the inner immortal man, the Ego which 
reincarnates SD I 266 II 390 478 488-9

480 Farvashi is ATMAN - the impersonal and true essence of 
Deity, one with Atman. SD I572-3 II 241 276

481 Michael is Mercury SD I 127fn 459 II 115fn

481 Gnostic Jewel - A LION's head SD II 564-5

481-3 Catholic "borrowing" from pagans -- examples
and from Enoch SD I 311 Isis II 518

483 Veda-Vyasa divides Veda into 4 and distributes it
[Rik, Saman, Yajur and Atharva Vedas]

483 Veda of the earliest Aryans formed the seed of all the 
now existing "old" religions.
SD I 269-70 Isis II 116 SD II 272 281 415

483 VISHNU -- ever-lasting King will appear as Kalki
KALKI and re-establish righteousness on earth.
SD I 268 378 II 31 416fn Glos 170

Minds of those awakened to become as pellucid 
483 6th RACE crystal (6th Race) to be the seeds of
other humans and give birth to a race that
follows Laws of KRITA purity SD II 416

483 7th RACE to be a race of Buddhas - "Sons of God" 
born of immaculate parents
SD I 108 II 275-6 415-6


483 History begins Descent (FALL) of "Gods" to Earth and
- who incarnate in mankind - can no longer be
immaculate (whether Angel, avatar or anything
SD I 108 II 267-8 273 487 510

483 - symbols of human races on planet of dense matter
SD II 328 Glos 44 FP 152

484 Generation Fall of Gods into SD II 358

484 VEDAS Vedanta, Upanishads : sublime conceptions of the
great highways of Humanity -- Guignault

484 Catholic veil inverts true meanings for 16 centuries.
- dogma of an Evil Spirit instinct from Good Spirit
- Evil spirit lives predominantly in man & matter
- Hell - a god-slandering dogma
- eternal perdition
- higher intuitions of man veiled from Divine 

484 DOGMAS Verities ( ? ) to be proved

- made people ignorant of the fact that there are 
no Fiends or Demons in the Universe
before man's appearance
- original sin gave some consolation without truth

implants in every man and beast a passionate
inherent and instinctive desire for freedom and
self-guidance -- pertains to psychology

484 FREEDOM SD I 413 639 II 79 103 176 275
304fn 412-3 420-1 

484 Better be a king and crown of terrestrial production than a
will-less spiritual being lost among others in the
WILL will-less spiritual Hosts. SD I 577
SD II 274 482 785 506

485 Divine Monads destined to perform a whole cycle of 
incarnations - Stars of Heaven (Divine Monads)
"cast down to Earth" SD I 577 II 358

485-6 LIGHT comes from DARKNESS DARKNESS is the principle
of all things SD I 40 380 443 II 489-91

486 PYMANDER "Thought Divine" issues as LIGHT from DARKNESS

486-7 China, Greece, Scandinavia, Mexico, Egypt had same myths 
and used same symbols for primordial evolution
Examples given.

487 Every sentence in the ancient cosmogonies unfolds to him who
can read between the lines the identity of ideas,
even if concealed under different garbs.

does not put forth evolution 1st Lesson
in Esoteric philosophy (consciously or 

but only exhibits periodically 
different aspects of itself to the perception of 
finite Minds. SD I 14 130 280 326 II 58 489-91 
SD II 105 555 581

487 Universal (Collective) MIND -- combining Hosts of various
Creative Powers (infinite in "measured Time") is
still finite when contrasted with unborn and 
undecaying SPACE in its supreme essential aspect
` SD I 632 II 105

All governed by LAW

488 Ahriman is manifested shadow of AHURA-MAZDA (himself issued 
from Zeruana Akerne) -- BOUNDLESS (circle of) TIME
SD I 113 II 358 480 Glos 11 386

488 Eternal LIGHT is its Primal Emanation -- "too resplendent 
for mortal eye or human intellect to grasp and 
see" "ETERNAL LIGHT" SD II 485-6

488 Concealed in DARKNESS was called to manifest itself -- thus
Ormazd forming ORMAZD -- King of Life

488 "Time" - first born -- in BOUNDLESS TIME SD II 233

488 Logos of Ormazd: 7 = 6 Amshaspends + himself Glos 19
(Primitive Spiritual Angels and Men)
SD I 113 II 233 251

488 Absolute - stands on the borderland between
uncreated eternal Causation and ""finite
effects [our earth] as the first aspect of
SD I 208

488 Two heavens separated planes of consciousness
- the unknown from the known

488-9 Karma and the 7 circles of Time (planets, colors, 
sounds) SD II 642-3



religion of II 272 
fell victim to animal natures II 285 

KALKI [white horse] Avatara (Skt)

expected fr Arghya Varsha II 416n 
Io symbolizes race of II 416n 
last messiah of great cycle I 384 
Maitreya or fifth buddha & I 384 470
paranirvana, second Advent & I 268 
Sosiosh or II 420 
Vishnu will return as I 87; II 483 
will close kali-yuga (427,000 years from now) 
I 378; II 483


elemental dissolution I 372-3 
Hindu Asclepios I 286 
kali-yuga described to I 377 
Parasara described seven creations I 445, 456 &n 
in Vishnu Purana II 155, 322


angels, angelos II 48, 243, 514n 
of Anu II 62 
descend to eat with men I 441-2n 
of Life (Nazarean) I 196 
Maluk, Muluk, Maloch, etc II 514n 
metatron or II 111 
theoi, of manvantaric law I 346
Messiah born in lunar year 4320 I 654, 656 
Brahman's, Vishnu as a fish I 653 
connected w water, baptism I 385 
"Good and Perfect Serpent" II 356 
Jupiter, of the Sun II 541 
Kalki avatara as last I 384 
Kenealy saw Narada as II 48 
perfect, enters Eden II 292 
Pisces constellation of I 653, 654 
Sun is, esoterically II 23
Boar or Varaha I 368-9 &n; II 53, 321 
Buddha, of Vishnu II 578 
coming, or tenth II 420 
divine-human, of India I 349; II 478 
every, a fallen god II 483-4 
Hindu, & unseen principle II 555-6 
immaculate conception & I 399 
Kalki I 87, 268, 378; II 416n, 420 
Krishna as II 48, 225n, 359, 550 
Kurma, of Vishnu II 549 
Kwan-shi-yin last of I 470 
Matsya (fish) first, of Vishnu I 263-4, 369, 385; II 69n, 139, 307, 578 
minor, & Buddhas of Confession II 423 &n 
Nara-Simha (man-lion)an II 225n 
spiritual Sun sends forth I 638 
successive, of first triad I 668 
Tsong Kha-pa, of Amitabha I 108n 
of Vishnu I 18, 653; II 33, 408n

As you say: There is always an unveiling from within outward. 

Let me add this: According to the SECRET DOCTRINE 

The Lemuro Atlanteans have an antiquity of well over 4 million years and
their lore, myths, & traditions when sifted, show that they are at the root
of every subsequent "religion." -- the Atlanteans, and then ours, the

A religion is NOT blind faith in anything, or a series of DOGMAS that limit
faith, but serves to unite humans because it is an expression of certain
UNIVERSAL TRUTHS. What are those? Why should we not know them?

That being said, the next question is: Can those TRUTHS be proved by

THEOSOPHY answers Yes, and, as in the SECRET DOCTRINE, it proceeds to do two

1 It provides a HISTORY of the development of religions in ancient
societies and it explains the strange old terms and names given to those
theogonies (systems, myths and lore of ancient deities, their relations as
concealing the science of those days, and thus religions arose). 

Scholars in those sciences will appreciate this more than perhaps you and
me, unless we are determined to study EVERYTHING in an effort to prove
THEOSOPHY either right or wrong. 

2 It provides a key to perceiving under the veil of myth and theogony
the relation of the laws of Nature -- and those on analysis will be found to
coincide all the way. For the intuitive it leads them inward -- to perceive
that within each of us there resides a "spark" or a "ray" of the ONE
UNIVERSAL SPIRIT. So, at no time are we exiled from contact with THAT --
unless our desires act as lures to divert us. Of course when we realize
this, such bonds can be more easily broken and readjusted to the TRUE. 

Let me add, as HPB says, there are always two levels of religion. 

(1) The beliefs that the average thoughtless individual places with
devotion and confidence in the hands of his chosen "priest," and 

(2) the logical and well reasoned SCIENCE of the laws and regulations of

To further explain: 

By NATURE, I mean: the world and the Universe we all live in. 

It is not only the physical aspect, but includes also the creative, "behind
the scenes," energic, and force-field source, of physical forms and
operations -- as for instance the power of the electric current to operate
a motor, a fan, in industrial machine, etc... or, -- the desire we
generate for our own protection and selfishness which then moves the mind to
so guide our living.

An atom is not "solid" but is the result of a highly efficient set of strong
forces generated (in modern scientific terms) by electrons spinning around
a nucleus of protons and neutrons. A "desire" is a spinning center of
limited energy, centered on the physical existence and supposed well-being
of a person. Does it spin in harmony with Life as a whole, or adversely:
for isolation and "self-protection?" 

And, other examples can be given from the fields of chemistry, physics,
engineering, biology, sociology, economics, mathematics, psychology,
medicine, and all kinds of measurements, etc... that we rely on when we
analyse our living in health or disease. 

Why do we rely on those ? It is because after much investigating and
examining, SCIENCE has found them to be expressions of invariable LAW. So
the "faith" of the scientist is a reliance on provable LAW. 

Now, when it comes to looking at the past, the gaps that exist, have caused
speculations to arise based on such evidence as has been found, relics,
fossils, lore, myths, legends, etc... Out of these theories and hypotheses
have been generated: such as the creation of the world and universe, the
program of human development, of possible links with animals, and of mental
intelligence, ]

Now you can see why the SECRET DOCTRINE was written in a seeming haphazard
jumble of statements of LAW interspersed with a history of the usage and
source of those LAWS -- as can be found in the old religions, or traced in
myth and legend, and often concealed in the genealogy of the "gods." . 

This method of presentation was most carefully designed to show that the
gaps we face in history for periods starting around 1 to 2,000 years ago,
are due to the fanatical and systematic destruction of libraries, and other
sources, where such information was stored -- the successive burning of the
Library at Alexandria, of Buddhist records in Ceylon and Mayan manuscripts
in Guatemala and Mexico, and of copies of the Kaballah and the Torah, the
persecution and suppression of the Gnostic sects and of the Neo-Platonists
illustrates such fanatical efforts. On examination, this type of
destruction and eradication of antique sources of wisdom, will be found to
have been conducted all over the ancient world. Only the edifice of the
modern Church was left victorious with its mind-deadening dogmas. 

The progress of our World and Universe is uniform, regular and always
harmonious. Every event (as an effect) is shown to emanate from earlier
choices and causes. After all, consider that our universe supports us all
the time with life-giving care, and the least of beings, as well as the most
complex, are shown to be interdependent. Cooperation is at the base of all
life. Further, THEOSOPHY holds that no "form," when dispersed, destroys the
indwelling "spiritual center" of that form, it only releases it to further
lawful work elsewhere. The spiritual nature of life, and the Spirit in Man,
are shown to be demonstrable facts. 

Cycles of Time, marked by the advent of great Personages in places where
they could work as needed, finds its residual record in all myths and
legends -- what THEOSOPHY does is to show the links and similarities of
widely scattered systems. There is a universality of comparative religions
to be discerned in this.

But let us ask ourselves: If the public advent of a being of superior
wisdom and knowledge occurs, how are we to be affected? How are we to
prepare for that? 

THEOSOPHY teaches that the ATMA, the HIGHER SELF of each human being is such
an "avatar." Can we believe in that? Can we begin to act as though we were
the custodians, guardians and helpmates of THAT which represents the utmost
perfection of the Universe? This is something to ponder and meditate on. 

Look back from our present: We have in religions today: hundreds of sects
named "Christian." 

What is their "heredity?" Judaism, Gnosticism, Platonism, Egyptian and
Greek "Mysteries;" Assyrian, Chaldean, Babylonian lore. The sacred and
secret "Schools" of Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Hinduism, Vedic and pre-Vedic
antiquities. And we have murmurs of ancient vanished continents:
Posedonis, Atlantis, Lemuria, and more lost in time, but all recorded as
having wise Men at their time as teachers of agriculture, ecology, alchemy,
engineering, architecture, mathematics, astronomy and astrology.

What has the teaching of present day THEOSOPHY through ISIS UNVEILED and the
SECRET DOCTRINE done? It has drawn partially aside the veil of myth and
legend in such a way, that some of the links between our present and our own
antiquity have been revealed. [ This in many ways runs counter to the
reconstruction our science has attempted to build -- I mean their theories
and hypotheses based on fossils and other physical remains. The physical
alteration of size and shape does not necessarily lead to valid conclusions
concerning the growth or alteration of consciousness and intelligence. ]

In doing this several facts of Nature are opened to us for consideration.
Here are a few: It seems to me there are two intertwined approaches.

(1) One is the ideal -- as an expression of a universal and impersonal
of evolution in which all beings get an equal chance at developing
what might be called "conscious immortality."

(2) The Second, the "other," are the many expressions of formal and
formative opinions of those ideals.

Those who are in resonance with the first, the IDEALS, have little
difficulty in grasping their capacity for drawing all things together.
To them the ideal of a practical Brotherhood appeals. Call it the
"Heart Doctrine." 

Those who balk at various aspects of theosophical doctrine, or who are
in disagreement with earlier conclusions concerning the history and
narration of events and applications -- as presented through certain
persons, and events -- form the body of those to whom Theosophy appears
faulty and may therefore (in their opinion) be discarded. Those seem to be
snagged in the meshes of diverging "Eye Doctrine" approaches. 

Let us look at what it is claimed to be, And let us use the
words of those who were the pioneers in advancing those ideas.


The 3 Fundamentals of the SECRET DOCTRINE are spoken of so as to
evoke the imagination.

It asserts:


There exists all around us and as far as we can imagine, an Omnipresent, an
Eternal, as Boundless as SPACE -- an immutable "Principle" -- which is
beyond the range and reach of the physical brain thought. 

It is called: ' the unthinkable and unspeakable.' It is "Be-ness" rather
than Being (in Sanskrit SAT ), and is beyond all the limits of ordinary
thought or speculation. This Infinite and Eternal Cause is the 'rootless
root' of "all that was, is, or ever shall be." It is devoid of all
attributes and is essentially without
relation to manifested, finite Being. 

This "Be-ness" is symbolized under two aspects. ABSOLUTE ABSTRACT
"SPACE and, ABSOLUTE ABSTRACT "MOTION," representing "unconditioned

This aspect of the one Reality, is also symbolized by the term "The Great
Breath" indicating the coming and going of Universes as a form of
reincarnation of the many spirits' that animate all forms.

The first fundamental axiom of the Secret Doctrine is this metaphysical "One
Absolute"-- or "Be-ness"--symbolized by an endless Circle or, infinite SPACE
filled with infinitesimal units of life, each imbued in potential with the
attributes of the ONE, called the MONADS, or 'atoms of Life.'

UNIVERSAL LAW (in Sanskrit KARMA). Is explained as :

2. "The Eternity of the Universe "in toto," as a boundless plane;
periodically "the playground of numberless Universes incessantly
manifesting and disappearing," called "the manifesting stars," and the
"sparks of Eternity." 

"The Eternity of the Pilgrim" (the MONAD) is like a wink of the Eye of
Self-Existence. [The "Monad" is the "two in one" or, "Atma-Buddhi," the
"Eternal Pilgrim;" It is the only immortal and eternal principle in us,
being an indivisible part of the integral whole--the Universal Spirit, from
which it emanates and into
which it is absorbed at the end of the cycle. "The appearance and 
disappearance of Worlds is like a regular tidal ebb of flux and reflux."


It is "the absolute universality of that law of periodicity," of flux
and reflux, ebb and flow, which physical science has observed and

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