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Spirit-destroying women

Jan 14, 2005 08:38 AM
by kpauljohnson

--- In, ringding777@t... wrote:
> Agreed. I know of no theosophical group of whatever lineage
> (at least in my country) in which the spirit of HPB is alive
> or is tolerated. In fact, all these groups are controlled by
> women. The woman destroyes the spirit. In fact they have
> become sects where free speaking and free thinking is
> forbidden.
That's a libelous falsehood about the TSes! You can think whatever 
you want and no one will bother you unless you speak or write your 
heretical thoughts.

That spirit-destroying female domination sure does contrast vividly 
to such male-dominated bastions of free thought and speech as the 
Roman Catholic Church, the Southern Baptist Convention, the Church 
of JC of LDS, and the Baha'is.

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