Re: Re: How fractal evolution works - part 2
Dec 27, 2004 03:21 PM
by leonmaurer
In a message dated 12/20/04 10:36:38 PM, writes:
<<maybe einstein was baffled because the very tool he was using to see the
unified field was the unified field itself.>>
Not really. Einstein knew the metaphysical truth about the origin and
genesis of the Cosmos... The same way any master, adept or occultist could know it.
The problem was that he was baffled in finding an objective evidential proof
that also could be expressed mathematically (i.e., falsifiable and testable,
as required by the scientific method) of what is essentially an insoluble
metaphysical problem. So, we could say, he was trying to examine the unified field
(that had a non measurable aspect at its metaphysical end near the
zero-point-instant "singularity") with the same tools that described the directly
measurable or indirectly provable electromagnetic, weak, strong and gravitational
fields or forces at the other end. At the same time there was a basic
discrepancy between his relativity and quantum theories that also couldn't be resolved
using the tools he had at hand.
Even today, no matter how close M-theory, aether physics theory, quantum
field theories, ABC field theory, etc., approach a scientifically valid Unified
Field Theory, or Theory of Everything -- they can never reach, touch, or
objectively explain the primal cause of Absolute zero-point "spinergy" -- or infinite
angular momentum of abstract circular, or "gyroscopic" motion that started it
all (at least this present cycle of phenomenal existence) which, in itself,
like primal thought, the (ąG) force, and consciousness, would necessarilybe
infinitely divisible (as well as infinitely expandable)... And, thereby, cannot
be defined using any finite mathematical or word symbols...
Although, I believe its awakening, manifestation and differentiation (at
least the coenergetic field involutional stages) can be graphically,
topologically, numerologically, as well as algebraically symbolized -- provided one can
focus on limited realms within the overall involution of the coadunate but not
consubstantial fields of consciousness as they descend from the higher octaves
of energy-frequency on the spiritual level, to the lower order fields on the
physical level. This process, being fractally infinite in scope, repeats itself
analogously and correspondingly all the way down from the Cosmic to the human
level, passing through to the lowest cellular forms of life, to fundamental
particles themselves, ad infinitum. Thus, the first triple field "monad" and
all its replicants, that can be likened to two bubbles withn a surrounding
bubble, is the effective source of all life and consciousness throughout the
universe. (Ref: web sites below.)
In addition, there are scientific theories and mathematics such as Cantor's
infinite sets, Bohm-Pribram's "holographic paradigm," Mandelbrot's fractal
geometry, new math's that use imaginary numbers, etc., that someday could be
combined (possibly together with biological evolutionary theories such as
Sheldrake's morphogenetic field concepts) into a true theory of everything -- which,
nevertheless, might still remain non testable and non provable for a long time
to come. (Unless, of course, subjective evidence could be given the same weight
as objective evidence.)
Unfortunately today, reductive science, which is still crawling around in
materialism, believes wrongly, that matter sucked into and being absorbed in a
black hole is compressed at the zero-point "singularity" into an infinitely
dense solid mass, or spins around in a "wormhole" to be spit out in some other
volume of space-time, or even into another parallel universe. The real question
is... How far can they stretch materialism and reductive science -- trying to
causally pin down intangible G-force, thought, mind, will, or consciousness--
before it slaps back in their faces so hard it wakes them up? :-)
Therefore, even if Einstein were still alive today and working on the problem
-- while he would comprehend the latest holistic field theories and probably
see their ultimate combinatorial approach toward understanding the true nature
of reality -- he would still be "baffled" in finding a means to express it
objectively or mathematically without accepting Spirit or Consciousness as a
universal a priori given... Along with the idea that it is separate from, but
simultaneously (or as Buddhists might say, "dependently") arising, along with
Matter or Substance, out of the initial "zero-point" and its surrounding
"spinergy" or G-Force -- that in its vibrational interference patterns,
holographically contains the noumena of all phenomena, as well as the interrelated memory
and imagination of all cosmic experience, past, present and future. How all
that can be possible and contained within an absolute, unconditioned "empty"
Space of zero dimension, extension, contention or apprehension, is beyond all
human intellectual comprehension. (But, not necessarily beyond their intuition or
imagination. :-)
Thus, all such theories, however combined, will forever remain incomplete and
non provable in objective terms... Although, that reality would certainly be
capable of being intuited subjectively, and visualized imaginatively (as
theosophists or Buddhists might say) by the "opened eye of the Dangma," or by a
Self realized, spiritually awakened subjective observer of one's own inner nature
-- who can see the nature of the Universe reflected in it.
And, doesn't all that fit in with the ancient sayings; "As above, so below,"
and; "God (can only be described as being that which) is Omnipresent,
Omniscient, and Omnipotent," and as; "God said to Moses, 'I AM THAT, I AM'"? Well,
who is that I AM, other than each and every one of us I AMs, all together? If
not that -- then who can say what, where and who is the "God" that Einstein
said, "doesn't play dice with the Universe"?
Best wishes,
Leon Maurer (for fun)
"To know what is impenetrable to us really exists, manifesting itself as the
highest wisdom and the most radiant beauty...this knowledge, this feeling is
at the center of true religiousness."
-- Albert Einstein
"The difference between genius and stupidity is that genius has its limits."
-- Albert Einstein
---- Original Message--------
> From:
> Date: 2004/12/17 Fri AM 03:37:51 EST
> To:
> Subject: [bn-study] How fractal evolution works - part 2
> How fractal evolution works...
> ... Is an interesting animation, related to ABC theory that describes how
> emanation of a dual entwined (positive-negative) ray (Superstring?) of
> Force fractally involves radially (cyclically and vortically) out of the
> "spinergy" (or abstract motion) surrounding the absolute zero (laya) point
> to initially form the "coadunate but not consubstantial" fields of
> consciousness... That continues ("as above so below") in descending phase
> orders of frequency-energy, to eventually replicate into the seven fold
fields of
> human consciousness. This also indicates why analogy and correspondence is
> basic rule for understanding theosophical metaphysics or occult science.
> diagrams showing how this works, see:
> Science today -- while it is gradually approaching an understanding of
> multidimensional hyperspace fields (Superstring/M-brane theory, quantum
> theory, etc.) that are analogous to the ABC fields, and is beginning to
> the relationship of the Aether (lower Astral field that, besides being the
> magnetic model of all forms of life, is also the medium of light) to the
> or metric fields of matter -- has still a long way to go before their
> for "Unified field Theory" (that baffled Einstein for more than 30 years)
> become a scientifically proven reality. But, first, they have to solve the
> "hard problems" of explaining the "experience of consciousness" and
> binding" that is still baffling all of science -- even after the past 10
> of serious study as a recognized scientific discipline.
> This won't occur until scientists realize that consciousness (as awareness
> and will or intent) is a universal aspect of fundamental reality related to
> zero-point itself... That is everywhere (contiguous on the highest level of
> zero-point energy) and is the central origin of all fields of force...
> being the basis of the so called "entanglement" or "action at a distance"
> fundamental quantum particles on any level. With this ultimate
> they will also be able to synthesize information theory with relativity and
> quantum theories, along with recent theories of Aether physics, plasma
> electrodynamics, holographic paradigm, etc., and come up with an entirely
new and
> synthetic scientific (physics, biology, cosmology, physiology, etc.)
> When all this is accomplished, science will be able to finally merge with
> religion... And, the rest of Mankind can go about learning these
> truths, absorbing them (along with the eternality of spirit or self, and
the unity
> and connectedness of all that they imply) into their souls, and cleaning up
> its act (that is now driving the world toward it ultimate destruction).
> Best wishes,
> Leon Maurer
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