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RE: re Zakk's "if there is interest in this area".

Oct 20, 2004 04:44 AM
by W.Dallas TenBroeck

Oct 19 2004

Dear Zakk:

You ask:

"This is the quote from HPB :

"I am conscious day and night, and have much to do and to endure in
both these existences from which you, being half-conscious, are happily

I would ask : Why did she say "are happily saved"?


I would say she used that phrase because the burden is enormous. But as an
Adept she had assumed that responsibility.

She, in effect, as the "messenger" of the Masters, took on the whole
responsibility for organizing and originating the THEOSOPHICAL MOVEMENT --
she sought out Olcott in 1873/4 and secured his interest and help. [Account
of this is given in A MODERN PANARION].

In regard to the origination of the THEOSOPHICAL SOCIETY, if you read the
first 200 pages of Vol. 1 of : Blavatsky: COLLECTED WORKS, you will find
this detailed. Additionally the Masters give their specific reasons for
her selection on p. 263 of the MAHATMA LETTERS (Barker edition). [ see also:
pp. 203, 314, 368, 370 ]

Additionally consider this:

If our very limited minds (may I say: "infantile minds" -- as compared to
the highly trained minds of the MAHATMAS) can conceive of some of the
outlines of grand and universal ideas of spiritual depth and wisdom, --
then such ideas show It (our Mind, in its higher aspect as "Buddhi-Manas")
is not bound to material things.  

If the "mind" is free -- because as I see it, it is united by a living
thread to the Absolute ONE SELF OF ALL -- the nameless and indefinable
"ABSOLUTENESS," then, imagine how much more the trained mind of an ADEPT
can encompass many karmic matters and threads or responsibility, as
compared to us at the beginning end of the ladder of progress. 

I hope this makes sense?

Best wishes,


-----Original Message-----
From: Zakk 
Sent: Monday, October 18, 2004 7:36 PM
Subject: Re: re Zakk' s "if there is interest in this area".


I have a question of speculation or opinion for you. 


This is the quote from HPB :

"I am conscious day and night, and have much to do and to endure in both
these existences from which you, being half-conscious, are happily saved."

I would ask : Why did she say "are happily saved"?

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