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Re: To Jerry & Dallas: "I view M. as a composite character...."

Oct 17, 2004 07:54 AM
by netemara888

--- In, "Daniel H. Caldwell" 
<danielhcaldwell@y...> wrote:
> Jerry, you wrote to Dallas:
> "If you have specific errors of fact,
> errors of misreading, errors of interpretation
> etc., or endeavor to point out, or make
> further comments upon Daniel's or my
> criticisms, then I think you would be doing a
> service to inquirers into Theosophy to make
> these alternative views known. . . ."
> Jerry if you or Dallas have any comments
> you would like to make on the following essay,
> I would greatly appreciate it:
> "I view M. as a composite character...."
> Of course, anyone else who wants to throw in 
> their two cents worth should also chime in!
> Daniel

Hi Daniel and all,

Here is my two cents. 

I can only garner what I know about the TS master from her 
writings, TMR, this life and psychic impressions and they amount to 
a few things which I still have not completely categorized and one 
of those mysteries is that of Master Morya.

I came to see him as a reflection of HPB when I kept hearing "Less 
is More" that phrase equivocated HPB with MM for me. Then I also 
believe that she would often attribute visions or clear dreams and 
write them as outer physical events, that might also account for 
some of the inconsistencies. Then there is the idea that she was 
well on her way to being a Master and took the liberty of hiding it 
through such a personage as M Morya (my strongest view). 

I also believe that she encountered at least ONE being who did 
appear to her and she did spend time with in Tibet or India and that 
was the "Real Master" thus I believe that there was perhaps one 
person other than HPB who would be classified as a Master. It is a 
circuitous route in thinking for sure and a tunnel I am not quite at 
the end of but that is what I have put together so far.

In sum, Morya could have been HPB's alter, higher ego and she hid 
herself through him. There was at least ONE master present but it 
was not MM nor perhaps anyone who has been thus far identified. That 
the real lesson is that they were human beings living at the time of 
HPB and that she knew them as such.


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