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Re: Theos-World To Jerry & Dallas: "I view M. as a composite character...."

Oct 15, 2004 01:39 AM
by Morten N. Olesen

Hallo all,

My views are:

I think I have said it before.
What baffled me the most was, that K. Paul Johnson in his book having the daring title "The Masters Revealed" - seemed to have forgotten to mention the very common theosophical hypothesis (or Knowledge), that a Mahatma are capeable of materialising and dematerialising his physical body - at will, and at any geographical location on the Planet Earth. And that Blavatsky maybe also was capeable of doing this.

Such a hypothesis is not that strange to people living in India. But, of course
a western audience will not easily be absorbing the truth about such a hypothesis.

M. Sufilight with peace and love...

----- Original Message ----- From: "Daniel H. Caldwell" <danielhcaldwell@y...>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, October 15, 2004 4:30 AM
Subject: Theos-World To Jerry & Dallas: "I view M. as a composite character...."

Jerry, you wrote to Dallas:

"If you have specific errors of fact,
errors of misreading, errors of interpretation
etc., or endeavor to point out, or make
further comments upon Daniel's or my
criticisms, then I think you would be doing a
service to inquirers into Theosophy to make
these alternative views known. . . ."

Jerry if you or Dallas have any comments
you would like to make on the following essay,
I would greatly appreciate it:

"I view M. as a composite character...."

Of course, anyone else who wants to throw in
their two cents worth should also chime in!


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