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Re: Globes and Planes -"Coadunate but not consubstantial" (HPB)

Oct 07, 2004 10:42 PM
by leonmaurer

I thought this commentary (slightly modified) in answer to a question by a 
student of theosophical science, might (simply as a background) clarify the 
discussions on this forum with reference to "globes" (fields of consciousness) and 
their condition of "coadunation but not consubstantiality" (as stated by 

About "consubstantiality"... You are getting close. :-) But, maybe this 
further explanation, from a more or less scientific yet still metaphysical point 
of view, will make it a bit clearer...

Given the definition that "substance" is equivalent to "energy" or "matter" 
(that appears AFTER the Absolute and its surrounding spinergy or "abstract 
motion" awakens, "emanates" and manifests)... Consubstantial (in its negative 
connotation) refers to the eight fields of consciousness that, together, form the 
seven fold Chakra centers (or separately located zero points of consciousness) 
are -- like bubbles within bubbles -- in different dimensions of Manifest or 
"materialized" Space-time, and are also of different degrees of 
"substantiality" or energy/mass (Described scientifically as E=mc^2 on our lowest 
experiential 3-D physical space-time). 

Therefore, these "Astro Biological Coenergetic (ABC) fields are NOT 
consubstantial -- as the metaphysical science of occultism (outlined in the SD) 
teaches. Thus, consubstantial (being of the same substance) only describes those 
forms of matter or substance that, in each field of consciousness are of the same 
substance or particular state of matter that everything else is in that 
space-time "continuum" (or, in scientific terms, "dimension or 'membrane' of 
hyperspace"). Therefore, as HPB said, "Everything that exists, from the first 
moment of manifestation, is actually energetic substance or matter in different 
degrees of substantiality (energy/mass) extending (on the physical plane in seven 
step downs) from the most subtle (Atma, Buddhi, Manas, etc.) to the most 
gross or dense" (subatomic matter, e.g., quarks, strings, superstrings, etc.). 

So, as you may have observed... The Astral field -- consisting of Astral 
Form, Prana, etc., surrounding the pineal gland's zero-point center of vision 
(focused in the "uniomniform" crystal or "third eye" within the pineal) -- is of a 
more subtle substance than the matter composing the cellular, molecular, and 
atomic forms of the gland itself. This gland has many more functions of a 
subtle physiological nature on both the atomic and subatomic levels, than simply 
being the focal point of our visual system -- e.g., the source or controller 
of hormones (melatonin, serotonin, etc.) that help determine our circadian 
rhythms, sleep-wake cycles, moods, emotions, reproduction, etc. 

What is outside all those multidimensional and substantial space-time or ABC 
"fields of consciousness -- as pure Spirit, or the rootless root of 
consciousness (awareness-will) itself (that is the rootless root of Perusha) -- is the 
primal or ABSOLUTE zero or "laya"" point... That, along with its abstract 
motion or "spin" Force (the root of Prakriti that is, in turn, the root of Fohat 
and Mahat) -- is THAT unconditioned (non manifest) insubstantial duality within 
a unity, or trinity -- or the unchanging (except for its accumulated 
experience holographically encoded in its abstract motion we can call, "spinergy") 
ABSOLUTE ONE SPACE (The primal or potential Cosmic Monad, Ein-Soph, or Void) -- 
which, together, contain the potentiality or noumena of both ubiquitous 
consciousness, as well as all manifest or conditioned phenomena of our space-time 
continuum... That, in its third logos, become the seven or ten unified global 
fields of individualized consciousness which represent the initial Dhyan Chohans, 
or "Architects of the Universe" (as the Masons say). They are also equivalent 
to the Sephirothal Tree of the Kabbala, and the similar Tree of Life of the 
Brahmanas and Vedas.

The vibrations (frequencies) and associated zero-point energies of these 
initial fields are so close to infinite, that they are beyond all mundane thought 
or comprehension. Yet, they are, in the relative sense, the first subtle and 
super conscious substantiality's that are NOT consubstantial. 

In a nutshell, the non manifest ABSOLUTE and its spinergy (not yet 
conditioned or phenomenal) have no substantiality whatsoever. And, thereby, can be 
considered as a potency, noumena, or potentiality -- but not as any type or 
particular subtle or gross density of "substance" or matter -- which must have a 
manifest or conditioned "form" or "field" to be considered as such. 

It's around this initial pre-cosmic Laya Point that the infinite "abstract 
motion" (which is the root of all sub-stance) circles or cycles. This circling 
force or "Spinergy" -- as angular motion on an infinite number of axes, in 
infinite degrees of frequency-energy or Primal Force, containing all the 
holographic information about the Cosmos' past-present and future, and all the 
"things" (as noumena or phenomena) in it, including their actions and reactions or 
Karma -- is the Akasha, the eternal "photographic" recording medium that 
"carries," in its interference patterns of various harmonic levels or phase orders of 
potential frequency/energy, the memory of all previous manifestations, as 
well as the potentiality (in their individual laya points that are "coadunate" 
with the cosmic laya point) ) of all subsequent forms of substance or matter 
(and their actions) in the present manifestation (Manvantara)... 

This abstract (spinning) motional force of infinite potential energy and the 
carrier of infinite holographic information is -- as the noumenal "electrical" 
(charge force + magnetic force) -- what determines the Laws of Karma (or all 
coenergetic action-reaction in and through every Globe of differing 
substantiality). In addition it is the cyclic basis of all subsequent vibrational 
energies and their laws of action-reaction on any Plane. It is also the root basis 
of every law of physics (which are analogous on every plane -- "as above so 
below"). This is why HPB can say that the entire Cosmos is "electrical in 

Thus, we can say that the electricity in a wire that changes to light in the 
bulb, and which can be changed back to electricity by a simple process of 
action and reaction on a photoelectric sensitive surface, is an example of the 
laws of karma (analogous to the laws of photo electricity) in phenomenal action. 

We can conclude then, that the initial zero Laya point or cosmic 
"singularity" -- which must always be accompanied by its spinergy and its "information" 
throughout eternity -- is pure intelligence or Absolute wisdom in itself. 

With reference to the individualized zero-laya-point that represents our 
individual consciousness, this information can be called our Skandas -- the result 
of all our karmic actions since our individual zero-point ray of 
consciousness first emanated out of the initial pre-cosmic singularity. 

Thus, throughout out all the Globes and Planes on whatever level of 
involution or evolution they may be, the laws of symmetry and conservation are 
universal and immutable -- as are the laws of karma and their corollary, reincarnation.

>From this picture, hopefully, one can imagine the infinite divisibility of 
space-time -- which is analogous to an interference patterned holographic film 
that can be cut into many smaller holograms that each contain the entire 
holographic image when resolved by a coherent light beam. The only difference is 
that, the Absolute unity -- with its spinergy, being dimensionless, and, 
therefore, grainless when manifest -- does not lose resolution when so divided into 
infinitely smaller and smaller parts. Thus, every zero-point in the universe 
is surrounded by one or another degree of substantiality of matter that is 
fundamentally conscious in varying degrees -- which, from the consciousness of 
"elementaries" and "elementals," culminate in human self consciousness as we 
experience it. The infinite potential complexity of the brain, of course, is the 
key to that human consciousness -- which approaches the consciousness of the 
Dhyan Chohans. (Of course, some of us are lucky to be even halfway there. :-) 

Incidentally, with reference to the above scientifically consistent view of 
universal origin and its cycles of manifestation, involution and evolution -- 
the time constant as well as the speed of "light" (or the propagation of 
fundamental force) on any Globe or plane must vary with the level of substantiality 
and energy phase order or analogous electromagnetic spectrum on each plane. 
Thus, these frequency-energy phase orders and their time constants vary, 
relatively, from near zero to near infinite, through the seven fold (eight) globes 
between the spiritual field to the physical field on any plane of 
manifestation. Thus, the speed of light on the astral plane and above must be C^2 or 
greater -- which accounts for the relative instantaneity of thought, and the non 
locality of consciousness. 

I hope I didn't stray too far off the original point, but HPB took hundreds 
of pages in the SD to explain what she meant by "coadunate but not 
consubstantial" with reference to fields, globes, states, or "planes" of consciousness. 
:-) Incidentally, the "planes" spoken of by HPB is that straight line drawn 
through any zero point at the juncture between the Chakra fields that separate 
their individual frequency/energy-phase order or degree of substantiality. 
This is symbolically illustrated at:

Hope this helps. 

Leon Maurer

In a message dated 10/06/04 5:46:11 PM, clarity.....@j... writes:
(commenting on a previous discussion of ABC theory)

>I think I finally got to the problem I have with consubstantial. Is this it? 
>The chakra field around the physical gland is not of the same substance as 
>the physical gland. BUT, it is a subtle substance? So the word substance can
>be misleading, if substance can be as subtle as even potential, unmanifest.
>Thus, I would not use the word substance, even though it it clear that the 
>energy field is not the same. 
>Or am I off the beam entirely? I have had this conversation before, 
>what to call the unmanifest... I like potential or potency. Thus, if the 
>point within the each chakra field is POTENTIAL substance, still a substance
>of potential, then we need to refine the language to be a bit more precise,
>maybe clearer, for the unscienfic mind that needs analogy and even more 
>precise lanuage. 
>vag artha viva samprktau--word and meaning united for right understanding.

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