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Re: Cayce on Yoga

Oct 07, 2004 09:11 PM
by netemara888

--- In, "kpauljohnson" 
<kpauljohnson@y...> wrote:
> Hey,
> Thanks to Perry, Netemara, Leon, Steve, and John for all the good
> information and commentary on shabd yoga and attendant phenomena. 
> Here is an excerpt from a Cayce reading in which he addresses the
> purpose of meditation:

I'm glad you put the question out there Paul. In fact I had a 
similar thought to this one you posted, I've just now read. I was 
thinking about differences again between psychic and spiritual and 
the answer came back that the psychic was the spiritual side of the 
physical life. It is really our entire sum. Some of us are more 
psychic than we are physical and are thus more emotional too, some 
more mental and therefore less intuitive, less emotional and less 

Then there is the spiritual. It has only one definition that I 
accept and that there is only one spiritual condition. That is not 
death, as some might think but that is meditation. Because we can be 
in a state after death such as on an inner plane where we are forced 
to spend time in meditation, but this is not the only thing to 
occupy us there or here. So spiritual is like "doing nothing and 
getting nothing out of it" and psychic is "doing with less effort as 
lifetimes accumulate in which we gain abilities, thus we are more 
easily psychic." I am putting the quotes around this because it 
represents the thoughts I had on the subject, not a quote or 


> Thus an entity puts itself, through such an activity, into 
> or in conjunction with all it has *ever* been or may be. For, it
> loosens the physical consciousness to the universal consciousness.
> To allow self in a universal state to be controlled, or to be
> dominated, may become harmful.
> But to know, to feel, to comprehend as to who or as to what is the
> directing influence when the self-consciousness has been released 
> the real ego allowed to rise to expression is to be in that state 
> universal consciousness-- which is indicated in this body here, 
> Cayce, through which there is given this interpretation for [2475].
> So, in analyzing all this-- first study the variations of what has
> been the body-temperament, in thought, in food. For, the
> body-physical becomes that which it assimilates from material 
> The body-mental becomes that it assimilates from both the
> physical-mental and the spiritual mental. The soul is *all* that 
> entity is, has been or may be.
> Then, *who* and *what* would the entity have to direct self in such
> experiences? To be loosed without a governor, or a director, may
> easily become harmful. But, as we would give from here, let not 
> a director be that of an entity. Rather so surround self with the
> universal consciousness of the *Christ* as to be directed by that
> influence as may be committed to thee. Thus the entity may use
> constructively that which has been attained.
> But to prevent physical harm, mental harm-- attune self in body, in
> mind, with that influence by which the entity seeks to be directed;
> not haphazardly, not by chance-- but as of old-- choose ye this day
> *whom* ye will serve; the living God within thee, by thee, through
> thee? or those influences of knowledge without wisdom, that would
> enslave or enpower thee with the material things which only gratify
> for the moment?
> Reading 2474-1, Male, 44, 3/27/41

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