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Judge "even higher than" Blavatsky??

Oct 03, 2004 11:37 AM
by Daniel H. Caldwell


Thanks for all your various replies.

I will comment on some of them from time
to time in the next day or so as I find

You wrote in one of your postings:

"We know that the detailed occult status of 
Judge was a secret at HPB's time and she never
revealed to the lay chelas his high occult 
status, which was from one point of view even 
higher than hers."

Your phrase "from one point of view" is
interesting but puzzling.

You believe that from this point of view,
Judge's occult status was "even higher than hers."  

I am not at all certain exactly what you
mean by this but readers of this might
want to keep in mind what Madame Blavatsky
actually wrote to Judge in February 1887:

"Yes, there are 'two persons' in me. But 
what of that? So there are two in you; only mine is conscious and 
responsible – and yours is not. . . . "


[Quoted from The Theosophical Forum, July 1932, p. 226]

As noted above, this statement by H.P.B. was written in February 1887 
several months after she had written in 1886 the following to Judge:

"The trouble with you is *that YOU DO NOT KNOW the great change* that 
came to pass in you a few years ago. Others have occasionally their 
*astrals* changed and replaced by those of Adepts (as of 
Elementaries) & they influence the *outer*, & the *higher* man. With 
you, it is the NIRMANAKAYA not the `astral' that blended with your 
astral. Hence the dual nature & fighting. . . . " 

caps added to "you do not know."

This 1886 statement by HPB has been usually misunderstood by
Blavatsky students.

One key to understanding this 1886 statement is to be found in 
another comment by HPB to Judge:

". . . unless you consent, you force me to a miserable life and a
MISERABLE DEATH, with the idea preying upon my mind that there is an 
end of Theosophy. That for several years I will not be able to help 
it on, and steer its course, because I will have to act in a body 
which will have to be assimilated to the *Nirmanakaya*, because even 
in occultism there are such things as a failure and a retardment and 
a misfit...."

HPB's references to "Nirmanakaya" may be better understood by what 
Judge himself says in two letters:

Sept. 3, 1889: "My dear [James] Pryse, ...Your vision that when you 
looked at HPB and saw no old woman but a *God* is correct. You were 
privileged to see the Truth---For the Being in that old body called 
HP Blavatsky is a mighty Adept working on his own plan in the 

Sept. 9, 1889: "But as to HPB you cannot judge her by any rule. There 
is a great Adept there and he uses that body for His own purposes , 
both for use and for trial of others."

Again students might want to compare Franks' statement about
Judge being "even higher than" Blavatsky with what the Masters
M. and K.H. wrote about H.P. Blavatsky:

"[H.P.Blavatsky is] . . . a woman of most exceptional and wonderful 
endowments. Combined with them she had strong personal defects, but 
just as she was, there was no second to her living fit for this work. 
We sent her to America...." 

"This state of hers [H.P.B.'s] is intimately connected with her 
occult training in Tibet, and due to her being sent out alone into 
the world to gradually prepare the way for others. After nearly a 
century of fruitless search, our chiefs had to avail themselves of 
the only opportunity to send out a European body. . . ."

". . . We employ agents - the best available. Of these for the past 
thirty years the chief has been the personality known as H.P.B. to 
the world (but otherwise to us). Imperfect and very troublesome, no 
doubt, she proves to some, nevertheless, there is no likelihood of 
our finding a better one for years to come. . . . With occult matters 
she has everything to do. . . . She is our direct agent. . . . "

Food for thought.


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