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Re: Theos-World Anand censors many postings to "Theosophical" group

Oct 03, 2004 11:38 AM
by ringding777

I agree with what you write.
Obviously Eldon is one of the online group few theosophists.

Perhaps his high-mindedness is owed by his decision to 
follow the Blavatsky tradition, which is, as the late John 
Cooper once pointet to, the middle way in theosophy and does 
not, in opposite to other lineages, assumes too much and 
denies too much.

Yes, the real existing Adyar atmosphere is very, very dark. 
Not the sweet cant they declare and write. But what they do.
I could tell you stories about these satanist swindlers and 
hypocrites, who care for nothing except their own occult 
status to enslave others.

Did you know that Hitler possibly wrote the same to the 
Adyar HQ in 1934? It was told to me by a very, very high 
official there who has read Hitler's letter.

In ususal theosophical deceptions like S. Cranston's HPB 
biography (which still is full of errors and fiction on that 
topic!) Hitler is portrayed as a foe and destroyer of 
theosophy in Germany.
After some deeper research one can come with the same or 
even more justification that he liked theosophy in its pure 
form, but he liked not the subterraneous political intrigues 
which were directed from kabalist and catholic Masters in 
Paris. In fact, he can regarded as the saviour of the 
thousands of theosophcial books he confiscated and which are 
since the little reunion in the Berlin States archives.
Without his confiscation all the books from five decades, 
the biggest spiritual output period, would have been lost 
forever due to the turmoils after the destruction of the 

What do we miss today is the books, manuscripts, photos, 
minutes, tapes tec. which have survived in the private hands 
of the old members and which died in last quarter without 
having the opportunity to give the items to an impersonal 
location, a headquarter or so. The public libraries and 
universities have no interest in it. That is the real loss - 
after 1945. But that is hardly Hitler's karma, don't?

Another example of Adyar dogmatism, cant and fanatism: A 
friend of mine, theosophical history researcher (but not 
public known) was on travel in the Netherlands in the 
He also visited the Adyar TS. He discovered a bulk of old 
letters and read them. It turned out that these were 
original letters of G.R.S. Mead and others to Annie Besant 
and to Leadbeater in 1906 about the scandal. He was in 
attempt to make photo copies of it, but the toner of the 
copy machine was empty. The General Secretary said he shall 
come tomorrow again, in the meantime she will take care of 
new toner. So he did, but both the letters and the GS were 
not there anymore. Later on he has heard from other people 
there that the GS has sent all the letters to the Adyar HQ.
I guess they have laid them to the dramatic Judge letter to 
Besant in hope they rod (they believe that they get no bad 
karma, because it is nature not they who destroy them!!!).

Can you imagine what researchers and truth seekers would 
have profited by studing the Mead's letters??
So long as these old auts are there, thinking and studying 
will not be allowed?

Sometimes I wonder whether the Masters will allow the rise 
of a new Vatican.
BTW, do not think that the Vatican in Altadena is one iota 
better. They also swindle and lie as best as they can when 
their sect history is concerned and they make themselves 
looking good.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Daniel H. Caldwell" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 28, 2004 4:06 AM
Subject: Theos-World Anand censors many postings to 
"Theosophical" group


You wrote:

"My simple questions were censored by the
moderator in the new email group Theosophical
Perhaps others here did not know about this
policy of this new group and my also
be interested in the questions, so I
place them here in theos-talk, the only
free email group I know of where fanatical
party liners have NOT the last word
which is always NO."

Frank, thanks for the update.

It is interesting that Anand has written
a number of times about the Theosophical
Society believing in COMPLETE freedom of
thought and also saying that he believes
in freedom of thought.

Yet a number of subscribers to Anand's Theosophical group
has written me about Anand's censoring
even "innocent" posts concerning questions
about Blavatsky's books and Theosophical subjects
in general.

Over the last month or so I have sent a number
of posts NOT dealing with controversial subjects,
such as a simple list of introductory videos, etc.
on Theosophy, and these posts were rejected, that is

Apparently Anand believes in "freedom of thought"
only as regards what you can believe or disbelieve
in your own mind but he believes in censoring
any and all communications to the above group
if it deviates from his belief system.

I am beginning to conclude that Anand's "mindset"
is similar if not identical to the "mindset" found
in many sections and magazines of the TS Adyar.
They give the party line about "freedom of thought"
but censor anything they feel might threaten
the "status quo".

Let us rejoice that Eldon Tucker does not
censor postings to Theos-Talk.


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