Re: Mrs Besant's "leading men"
Oct 01, 2004 03:06 PM
by prmoliveira
--- In, ringding777@t... wrote:
> This is a good example to learn how the black magic was
> intruding into the Theosophical Movement in history.
> Annie Besant was "elected" "democratically" by the majority
> of the rest of the exoteric branch of the ex TS.
> But she only elected by them because the delegates was
> presented the the lie that it was the wish of the Masters,
> standing at the death bed of Olcott.
> Without these lie the dull mass had not supported her
> because Olcott always told that he did not want Besant as
> his successor.
> That is the history of the black magic part within the
> Theosophical Movement.
Besant's election, like the election of every international President
of the Adyar TS, was by universal secret ballot. Olcott initially
had "appointed" her as his successor and later corrected this by
nominating her, which was his prerogative as President-Founder. As
Josephine Ransom writes, "even though she was the only candidate, the
nomination had to be ratified by a two-thirds majority vote of the
whole international Society."
> The work was done as pledged and her [Tingley's] evil enemies are
> ashamed, being left to gossip and slander, having no
> intellectual or spiritual counter argument, not even HPB's
> ring as an outer sign.
Was HPB under "dark" influences when she issued the following orders
("H.P. Blavatsky Collected Works", vol. XII, pp.135-137)?
"Strictly Private,
Theosophical Society,
19, Avenue Road,
Regent's Park,
London, N.W., March 31, 1891.
I hereby appoint Mrs. Annie Besant (Councillor of the E.S.) to be my
agent and representative during her visit to the U.S.
She is directed to call together Lodges and Groups of the E.S.
whenever practicable and to explain such matters as are necessary.
Bro. W. Q. Judge is requested to give Mrs. Besant all the aid
necessary for this undertaking.
Head of the E.S.
Read and Recorded April 11/91,
Sec. U.S.
E. S.
I hereby appoint in the name of the MASTER, Annie Besant Chief
Secretary of the Inner Group of the Esoteric Section & Recorder of
the Teachings.
H. P. B. .'.
To Annie Besant, C.S. of the I.G. of the E.S. & R. of the T.
April 1, 1891.
Read and Recorded April 11/91.
William Q. Judge,
Sec. U.S."
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