ML 74 Quote
Oct 01, 2004 02:31 PM
by fdavis
Very grim quote:
>Dugpas can be quite useful for someone searching for truth:
>"They are trained to deceive; we — to undeceive; they do the scavenger's work
>themselves — barring a few poor sincere tools of theirs — con amore, and for
>selfish ends; we — leave it to our menials — the dugpas at our service, by
>giving them carte blanche for the time being, and with the sole object of
>drawing out the whole inner nature of the chela, most of the nooks and
>corners of which would remain dark and concealed for ever, were not an
>opportunity afforded to test each of these corners in turn. Whether the chela
>wins or loses the prize — depends solely on himself."
>(Mahatma Letters, letter 74, chronological)
This is a sobering quote if one thinks about it ... I understand that chelas
are tested by their master but to open them up to testing by dugpas ... kind
of reminds me of the story of JOB in the Jewish-Christian Bible and God
allowing the devil to test JOB "to test each of these corners". It does for
sure point out the rocky road an initiate must take as said "solely on
No room for the faint of heart here.
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