Re: special issue of THEOSOPHY WORLD coming out
Oct 01, 2004 04:39 PM
by Erica Letzerich
Congratulations Eldon, it is really a great issue.
--- In, Eldon B Tucker <eldon@t...> wrote:
> The next issue of THEOSOPHY WORLD will be its 100th. It will be a
> issue devoted to the questions "What is Theosophy?" and "Where is
> going?" It will be sent out on the 1st of October. Be sure to look
for this
> issue when it comes.
> If you are subscribed to the monthly and do not receive your copy,
> because your mailbox was too full, you will be able to access a
copy on the
> 2nd of October by going to
> You can also send me an email requesting a replacement copy.
> Also note that there is no longer a requirement that you subscribe
> THEOSOPHY WORLD if you want to be on theos-talk. All subscribers
on that
> list have been changed to "Individual Email". If you were only
> there in order to be on theos-talk, and had your email option set
to "No
> Email" or "Special Notices", you should unsubscribe, since there
is on
> purpose being on that list unless you actually want to get copies
of the
> magazine.
> Eldon Tucker
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