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Re: Theos-World Re:Re: Blavatsky writes: "Mistakes have now to be checked by the ORIGINAL TEACHINGS...

Sep 25, 2004 02:50 AM
by Morten N. Olesen

Hallo all,

My views are:

Leon wrote:
"There is a correspondance between the 7 Rishis with seven
> >stars and the seven gotras (lineages) but in many ways it doesn't
> >with the later theosophical models developed after HPB's death"

Can anyone expand upon this in a comparatively short manner???

M. Sufilight

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "nhcareyta" <nhcareyta@y...>
To: <>
Sent: Saturday, September 25, 2004 3:57 AM
Subject: Theos-World Re:Re: Blavatsky writes: "Mistakes have now to be
checked by the ORIGINAL TEACHINGS...

> --- In, leonmaurer@a... wrote:
> >
> > In a message dated 09/23/04 9:15:08 AM, arasophia@y... writes:
> >
> > >Leon wrote,
> > >>
> > >> Incidentally, the concept of "rays" by these later teachers in
> order to
> > >> justify a personalized hierarchical ruling system of descended
> (or
> > >>ascended) Masters,... is a much distorted interpretation of the
> occult and
> > >>impersonal nature of reality as presented by the Masters through
> HPB,
> > >
> > >There is an ancient concept of rays that might be what HPB was
> > >alluding to in her SD. It is the 7 rays that are in the Vedic
> > >teachings. They are explained by Sri Aurobindo in his works on the
> > >Vedas. There is a correspondance between the 7 Rishis with seven
> > >stars and the seven gotras (lineages) but in many ways it doesn't
> fit
> > >with the later theosophical models developed after HPB's death. I
> > >think this (the vedic) is the teaching that HPB was hinting at. I
> may
> > >be wrong.
> > >
> > >Koshek
> >
> > As I see it from a metaphysical and scientific point of view -- in
> the
> > original teachings, "Rays" refer solely to the different orders of
> energy emanating
> > (initially as "lines" or "strings" of force) in a spiral vortical
> manner from
> > the primal laya point -- that, individually, form the first
> spherically
> > involved coadunate but not consubstantial fields of consciousness --
> identified as
> > the initial "Dhyan Chohans" or "Rishis" who are the "Architects" of
> the
> > Universe.
> >
> > These all wise beings of the highest spiritual nature, encased
> within the
> > surrounding primal field of Mahatma, are, in effect, the
> forerunners of the
> > individual "lineage's" that represent the predominant natures of
> the seven races as
> > they evolve from spirit to matter on each of the seven rounds. They
> also
> > represent the seven fold inner natures of each individual sentient
> being -- from
> > Atma to the Physical Body.
> >
> > In the original teachings, either outlined in the SD, as recorded
> in the Book
> > of Dzyan (extracted from the Kiu-te or Book of the Golden Precepts)
> or,
> > explained in the Vedas -- although there is a hierarchy of
> knowledge and wisdom
> > applied to different constructions within the Cosmos -- there
> appears to be no
> > intent to represent these lineage's as the basis of a governmental
> or "ruling"
> > hierarchy on any of the individually spiritual-mental, yet subtly
> substantial
> > higher planes, or on the lower, more substantial astral-material
> planes. Such a
> > governing hierarchy would be in direct opposition to the laws of
> karma that
> > depend for their enforcement on free will and naturally guided
> evolution -- 
> > based solely on the three Fundamental Principles without conscious
> interference
> > (other than initiating teachings related to study and practice) -- 
> until a true
> > brotherhood on Earth is achieved through our own individual self
> devised and
> > self determined efforts.
> >
> > Accordingly, some of the later theosophy teachers who came after
> HPB greatly
> > distorted these concepts of "Rays" and Chohan-Rishis, and conflated
> them with
> > their "channeled" "descended" and "ascended" Masters -- in order to
> conform to
> > their preconceived notions about establishing a new, organized,
> supposedly
> > theosophical religion, linked to Christianity, that could only be
> enforced by
> > inventing and promulgating a hierarchical ruling system with a
> carnalized
> > Messiah at its head, and absorbing all other religions (or
> eliminating the
> > recalcitrant ones) into a "New World Order." (This was and is
> directly opposed to the
> > teachings of HPB and the Masters for whom she was their only
> ordained
> > "messenger.")
> >
> > Could that be why those later teachers, notably AB and CWL, during
> the early
> > part of the 20th century were friendly with both the original
> National
> > Socialists in Germany and the Fascists in Italy and Spain? And
> why, today, the
> > Arcane Group of the Lucis Trust (founded by AAB) has managed to
> infiltrate and
> > indoctrinate the UN and the current US administration with their
> version of such a
> > New (Christianized) World Order? Could it be that the blind
> followers of this
> > pernicious system of dictatorial rule under such a supposedly
> theosophical
> > religion (identified as a form of "Liberal Catholicism") are
> entering into a
> > path that seems to be closer to fulfilling the aims of the Dugpas
> rather than the
> > Master's sanctioned Objects of the Theosophical Movement as
> originally
> > presented by HPB? Considering this, wouldn't it be wise for us to
> more closely
> > examine what "Forming the nucleus of the Universal Brotherhood of
> Humanity" really
> > means -- in the light of the following two objectives?
> >
> > Leonardo
> Leon
> Brilliant, with profound implications on so many levels.
> Nigel
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