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Re: Theos-World Re: Creating authority under sweet name of original teaching

Sep 18, 2004 08:52 AM
by ringding777

Daniel asks:
>So did not HPB give out the teachings of the 

Not always, according at least to John Algeo. 
I have just read an article of him in the 
German Adyar TS magazine "Adyar" (wow, an 
ingenious title!), were he claims that CWL 
was more correct in repeating the doctrines 
of the Masters as HPB. He gives the 
Mars-Mercury-chain topic as example. CWL was 
convinced in his exoteric misinterpretation 
that Mars and Mercury were not globe chaines 
of their own, but only parts of the globe 
chain of the Earth (inner rounds). HPB on the 
contrary taught that Mars and Mercury do not 
belong to our chain (outer rounds).
What should I make out of such a statement? 
Either Leadbeater is a "Big Initiate" (Dr. 
Peter Michel in his hagiography), bigger than 
HPB, more faithful to Masters as she, or John 
Algeo errs.
But when John Algeo wrote that he had the 
post of GS of the American Section. Can it be 
possible that someone gets a high 
theosophical post, salary, insight into the 
theosophical secret chambers of which 
existence the ordinary member never ever 
dreams of, and does not understand basic 
theosophical doctrines like that on the inner 
and outer rounds?
And how then comes it that a "later claimer" 
like Gottfried von Purucker (he turned to his 
German name when he took office as leader), 
as he is drawn by lesser intelligent critics, 
did understand that doctrine??

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