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Re: Revisionism in Theosophical Literature

Aug 31, 2004 02:55 AM
by leonmaurer


I wouldn't be so sure that the Keely Engine, or at least the concept of 
extracting the "etheric energy" from the vacuum of space, was entirely false. 
Although the evidence proved that he was in fact a charlatan and did fake his 
"motor" itself -- which fooled HPB as well as a lot of other backers. See However, HPB did know 
the possibilities of such energy being extractable -- since she assumed Keely 
was using his own psychic energy (which she knew the power of) to make the 
machine work. Also, she did mention in the SD that it wouldn't work without him 
being present. BTW, when I read that many years ago, I was sure that Keely 
had duped her from a technological point of view -- since, judging by her 
discussions of classical science in the SD, she was quite ignorant of their 
engineering potentials, and spoke about such science mostly where it was mistaken with 
respect to theosophy, or when it confirmed theosophy. She may also have 
assumed that Keely had discovered the secret of the Atlantians' power source which 
he had built into his machine, and which required his mesmeric power to start 
it up. 

Although, she certainly did understand the "unity" of energy and matter and 
the corpuscular nature of light from a metaphysical point of view -- which led 
directly to Einstein's photoelectric, relativity, and quantum theories. And, 
her knowledge of the "coadunate but not consubstantial fields" of energy-matter 
that composed all transcendental reality does correspond with the 
multidimensional hyperspace fields postulated by Superstring/M- brane theories. So, her 
idealistic view of Keely's engine (including her reservations about it) was 
quite understandable. Besides, being a theosophist in the true sense of the 
word, sometimes gives one a credulity that is based on ingenuousness and trust. 
(Look at the mistake she made trusting Annie Besant who tried to eliminate 
WQJ, and brought Leadbeater into the picture.) 

As for extracting the Keely story from the SD... I think that is unnecessary 
-- since HPB said that many things written in it could be wrong, and that we 
should use our own judgment to determine the truth of her metaphysical 
teachings or any other assertions she made. If this mistaken judgment of Keely's 
motor is the only exception that proves the rule -- she has made her point.

Considering that the theories of Superstring/M-brane physics prove (at least, 
mathematically) zero points of infinite energy exist (and also postulates ten 
dimensions or hyperspace fields between the zero-point and the quantum 
particle) while indicating the possibility that Zero Point Energy might eventually 
be extracted from such points -- HPB's ideas about how Keely's engine worked 
(even though he had to fake his motor) may just have been a few hundred years 
before its time... Like Leonardo da Vinci was when he invented the helicopter 
and other mechanical wonders of the modern world (all of which, however, 
couldn't work using the technology of his time). 

Also, the theory and science of "Cold [chemical] Fusion" has just as good a 
possibility of being proven in the near future. In fact it has been proven to 
work in a limited area of experiments, although they still haven't pinned down 
the actual physics of why it works... So, established science must consider 
it an unproved theory, if not ignoring it entirely (See web sites below.) 
Unfortunately, most of the negative reports about the experiments in Cold Fusion, 
came out of laboratories working on other fusion methods that were competing 
for large government research grants. In my view, their bias was evident in 
all the government reports which were written by scientists having interests in 
those labs and in such grants. Much work in the field of cold fusion energy 
has been done with some success since it was first introduced in the late 80's. 
In any event, Cold Fusion is still alive and kicking. 

As for CF's acceptance by today's scientific establishment, it's in about the 
same state that relativity and quantum theories were when Einstein began to 
think about them in 1895 and proposed them before 1905... While, most 
scientists at the time thought he was barking up a tree and blabbing nonsense... As, 
none of them could think of a valid experiment to prove any of it, and what he 
proposed violated every then current law of physics. 

Since HPB presaged (and even outlined the basis of) all these theories of 
"Modern Physics" in the Secret Doctrine, I think her belief in Keely's claimed 
process of energy extraction from the zero-laya point was, although sadly 
misinterpreted, just as valid a prediction... Vide, Superstring/M-brane theory... 
That will, if ultimately proven, become -- through the application of new 
technologies now on the horizon -- the basis of such a future possibility. 

In my view, zero point energy (ZPE) extraction will probably be proven to be 
an engineering capability before the end of this century -- whether by cold 
chemical fusion, or by some other process -- several of which are currently 
being researched. Even if cold fusion itself may prove to be unsuitable for a 
practical energy source, it does serve to prove that the extraction of energy 
from the "vacuum" of space, or from the "hyperspace" fields at the sub-quantum 
level, is a possibility worth exploring. 

Incidentally, my ABC theory, based on some "secrets" of metaphysics hidden 
but inadvertently exposed to "the intuitive student" in the SD (along with a few 
hints supplied by Einstein, Tesla, Hawking, Bohm, Pribam, etc.) indicates 
such a possibility using a certain form and composition of a particular atomic 
and molecular crystal structure to act as a "valve" or converter-amplifier" 
between the ZPE realm (etheric or astral hyperspace fields) and the EME realm 
(photon-electron physical space fields). BTW, this concept may have been the 
source of the "Vril" energy used by the Atlantians -- which HPB also talked about, 
and mentioned that "crystals" were used as the "medium." (But, I'm sure she 
didn't mean the same sort of "crystals" used by the fortune telling mediums :-)

As an anecdotal note... When we (my physicist collaborator, Dr. Philip 
Sebastian Perchion, and I) around the mid 80's, proposed our crystal structure 
(along with its physical and chemical nature, and the solid state means to detect, 
discriminate, focus, amplify, and convert to electricity the zero-point energy 
within it) to a small group of open minded Physicists at MIT (some, also 
theosophists) -- they thought the theory was scientifically feasible but much too 
dangerous to experimentally prove -- since, they concluded, there was a 
possibility that we had invented a "creation bomb." :-) 

We came away from that meeting with the consensus agreement that the human 
race (as well as the level of its current science) wasn't ready yet for such a 
development. Consequently, since I have no desire to gain any fame or fortune, 
or contribute to another uncontrollable WMD -- although there is a 
possibility that such free energy source could easily eliminate the ongoing destruction 
of the Earth's ecology due to the continued use of fossil fuels -- I've since 
abandoned all further work on the original central power source system, and 
have destroyed (or made indecipherable) all our technical papers and diagrams 
referring to it... 

Although, there still remains the possibility, using nanotechnology, of a 
modified system that could supply individuals (and possibly even vehicles) with 
controlled amounts of non diminishable and "free" electrical energy -- as a 
permanent replacement of present day miniature batteries or transportable battery 
piles that are disposable or chargeable. 

Turning 80 this month -- and with not much time left to do anything about its 
ultimate development myself (other than initiate it and coordinate its R&D) 
-- I'm open to any entrepreneurial scientists and technologists who are also 
theosophists and wish to do pioneer work on these type of free power systems. 
With the proper team, private sector funding would be no problem. So, if any 
of you think that offering the world localized sources of free energy that ends 
its dependency on fossil fuels is a worthwhile theosophical goal, wish to 
participate, or have some useful connections -- please pass the word around. :-)

Since the technology for that is still some decades off, however, I supposes 
my theory and its technological spinoffs will for quite some time, be in the 
same category as Fleischman and Pons' (Cold Fusion) and Tesla's ("Solar 
Electricity") -- although, some of the top secret "particle ray" weapons supposedly 
being researched as part of the "Star Wars" missile defense system may soon 
prove all of Tesla's "cockamamie theories" of electricity that -- if we can read 
"in and around the words and between the lines" of the SD -- were also 
presaged and hinted at by HPB. 

Anyway, when talking about science and its relationship to the metaphysical 
teachings in the SD -- it pays to obey one of the first rules of occultism, 
i.e., (paraphrased) "Don't believe anything you read in the popular press, or 
take literally, or on faith, anything written in occult literature or scripture 
-- without proving it for yourself." (And, especially, don't believe anything 
said about any of it by the government, or their scientific lackeys.:-) (This is a 
retraction of the first negative reports on Cold Fusion by MIT.)

Best wishes,


In a message dated 08/26/04 10:09:54 PM, writes:

>Has anyone ever seen a retraction or revision of HPB's "Keely Motor" 
>section in the "Secret Doctrine"? I believe that Mr. Keely's "motor" 
>was proven long ago to have been a fake, but it was never edited out 
>of the SD. Am I wrong in this? What must we think of it now, 
>Dallas? Certainly "laya centres" exist in modern physics, but Mr. 
>Keely did not tap into one of those as far as I know. His "motor" 
>was a concoction of threads and such according to the ones who 
>checked it out in his day. Is this a case of "cold fusion" in the 
>sacrosanct (even to me) "Secret Doctrine" of HPB?

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