Re: Theos-World Chris Richardson on C.W. Leadbeater
Aug 27, 2004 01:52 AM
by leonmaurer
Try these articles:
(see links to James Randi article debunking John Edward.)
Although, I don't know if any of the writers are theosophists -- but they
sure confirm HPB's teachings about the impossibility of actually communicating
with the dead -- the way Edward's does it, at least.:-) Actually, I think most
of these people are skeptics that are also debunkers of most spiritual
teachings as well as phony mediums. But they seem to know all the tricks these
pseudo psychics use, as I'm sure HPB also knew and warned us about.
In a message dated 08/26/04 5:38:26 PM, writes:
> Thanks for your comments. In reading this post about the different
>approaches to grieving and loss I remembered having watched a TV Program
>"Crossing Over" that seems popular today in our contemporary times. The Host
>this show performs "Readings" relative to members in the live audience and
>communicates "Messages" from their dearly departed loved ones often giving
>reassurances that all is well or a message the departed one had not time to
say. I
>wonder if any Theosophical Writer has done an Article on this program from a
>Theosophical view critiquing it and assessing Show, Host, and the
>the Host originated on behalf of those he gave "readings" to.
> It might be interesting to match the perennial to the contemporary,
>I have seen two different Shows like this on TV. Do you know of any Articles?
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