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Re: Theos-World Re: Mahatmas, Evolution and Emptiness

Jul 18, 2004 01:45 AM
by leonmaurer

In a message dated 07/17/04 8:26:50 AM, prmoliveira@y... writes:

>2) Did they avoid the radical teaching of Sunyata in order to better 
>relate to the western mind at that time which, as we know, seeks to 
>understand reality through the use of categories?

Possibly. But, from the standpoint of the occultist; The probable reason why 
HPB and the Masters ignored the concept of Sunyata, or the consideration of 
the true nature of the "void" underlying all manifestation, is that not only 
does such consideration partake of a nihilism that assumes there is no primal 
cause behind the illusory world of the senses, and thereby, negates the need for 
any study of the metaphysics of reality -- but also, that when one ultimately 
arrives at "enlightenment" and attains a true understanding of fundamental 
reality, one realizes that it is not the "empty" space that is spinning (eternal 
abstract motion) around us, but it is the "I" (center of universal awareness 
-- of which we are individual reflected rays) that is spinning inside that 
primal space. 

Therefore, it is that impersonal "I" that is the ineffable root of all 
existence's that emanate from it. The surrounding space then -- being "empty" of 
all form until such "awareness" of self existence "informs" it -- still, 
however, retains the inertial quality of potential substantiality until it is 
impressed into linear motion, and through permutations of vibratory interference 
patterns by the willful intent of the "I"magination (the ideation behind the 
"opened eye of the Dagma") -- which "light," modulated by the self reflected 
visualized images projected outward into the emptiness, so to speak, holographically 
informs it. 

This, of course, implies that the fundamental causeless cause of all 
manifestation is the ultimate zero-point root of consciousness (awareness) that is 
empty of all form, but full of the force of abstract motion. It is this motion 
that, upon manifestation, emanates spirally and vortically from nonlinear 
circular spin ("spinergy" or angular momenta on infinite axes at infinite 
velocities) into linear vibratory fields of consciousness ("coadunate but not 
consubstantial" bubbles within bubbles. . . (i.e., "globes" of energy) that descend 
fractally from near infinite frequency phase orders on the triune spiritual 
planes, to the near zero finite frequency phase orders (EM spectrums) of the 
quaternary physical planes that are accessible to our sense mechanisms and feelings. 

Since, all these fields are coenergetically linked holographically through 
their non local zero-points of awareness -- this is why the Russian scientists 
(see: DNA-wave biocomputer at: -- or can say that the DNA amino acid code (as the root of 
biocommunication between these fields of consciousness) is an analog 
biocomputational system, based on "entangled" wave forms, that retains the memory of every 
possible biological form within the immediate "spinergy" (which we might also 
call "Akasha") of the first differentiation of the primal undifferentiated 
space surrounding every zero-(laya) point center of both awareness and will -- 
which are spread throughout the entire universe, and focused within each cell of 
every living organism.

Thus, a true realization of the nature of that initial "emptiness" that 
enables it to be informed by the conscious will in conjunction with the imagination 
-- gives one the power to manipulate its "forms" at will... Something that 
was forbidden for both the Buddha or HPB to reveal directly. Therefore, they 
both were obliged to either ignore, or obfuscate the true nature of Sunyata... 
Leaving it for the initiated or avowed intuitive student to figure out for 
themselves. Note, that HPB's answer to Nagarjuna's question, "is it one or many" 
-- was; "It is neither, for it is both." Thus, setting up a paradox which 
further obfuscates the true nature of Sunyata to the uninitiated -- but acts as 
an intriguing signpost for the intuitive student. :-)

Best wishes,


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