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comment on Dallas- separativeness

Jul 18, 2004 11:58 AM
by krishtar

Let me paraphrase you an Interesting excerpt from your e-mail :

(...) Our sense of "freedom," when exaggerated, makes us try to be different from our fellows to compete instead of cooperate.(...)

So is this the main reason of man�s competition for the highest place everywhere?
Gold medals?
1st prizes?
Winning competitions?
Have the best car?
Take the best grades at school?
Be the richest in the family?
Just a desire of getting differerent?
You also said or quoted:
(...) 1. Selfishness, 2. ignorance and doubt, 3.
blind-faith, 4. passion and anger, 5. hatred, 6. lust,
7. ambition and fame, 8. haughtiness and pride, 9.
self-righteousness, and 10. the fear of being found wrong,
(and being made responsible).(...) ...............................

IMO, that is a crescendo that really can explain the separativeness that comes from the moment man feels like an individual, not a part of the creation.
Very valuable these excerpts.
I would also add another evil force : Modern western religions: They�re an explicit source of separativeness.God up there and we, sinners down here.(lol)


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