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Re: Theos-World Emptiness

Jul 16, 2004 03:23 PM
by samblo

Thanks for your comments. Well, I have the Earthstore Bodhisatva Sutra
(Ch'an) and various other books on Sunyat and correlates. But I have come to 
the opinion that the classically understood void, emptiness, Maya are 
regulated and monitored by the limitation that was inherent anciently when the 
doctrine was originated due to the absence of any means to scientifically monitor, 
view, or telemetrize such idea's as which Science is now becoming more able to 
do. It might also be that the doctrine of dependent origination so classic in 
multiple teachings could also come to indicate "Interdependent Origination" 
which is what Gariaev's Research tends to show, viz that there is a continuos 
unbroken sutra of manifestation, communication, and organization from 
Consciousness to the Non-local, non-temporal void (Quantum Matrix) into the most subtle 
energies and thence throughout the ascending hierarchy of organized matter that 
constitutes our human vehicle. That this is in effect a de facto Maya due to 
our organs of perception limitation which does not see the rest of the 
iceberg, and is not aware perceptually of the overall fineness of the entire stream 
of the standing wave organization that constitutes the Quantum Reality. 
Buddhism maintains that there is no "abiding" self moment to moment, I see a strong 
relation when reading Gariaev's papers and the papers of Robert Neil Boyd and 
others. It was for this reason I earlier posted about a "convergence" of 
science, religion, and philosophy.

You mention "This also leads one to the conclusion that it is linked to the 
sense of inner unity of everything." The sense of it is the "germ of the 
Seed" but what is it actually that takes place and in what form(s) and how is it 
manifested? We as Theosophists might consider making the germ into a Seed and 
making the Seed grow into a fuller understanding that can bloom in a more 
complete fullness. Consciousness, Space ( Real, apparent, and indeterminate ), and 
matter-energy are all the perennial set that persist in our mind as Great 
questions from the most antiquitous thoughts we have. To me whether Theosophical, 
Scientific, or other there is, as said the Law of Nature mentioned by H.P.B. 
and the Mahatma's that they say is nonvarible and impersonal so effecting 
karmic interactivity that is applied without exception to all that is in 
manifestation and has habitat within the energetic creation. Is the Sunyat void? I think 
not, the Sunyat is perfectly full and appears as void to lower perception. 
But if Alaya Vijnana Earth Store Consciousness, Fifth Skanda contains the 
actions, thoughts, deeds, ideas, origination's constructs of all the past, present, 
and future of all beings that have come into manifestation, and if it serves 
as the repository of karmic futurity and all possible infinite potentials and 
possibilities which is also the definition of the Non-local Quantum Matrix then 
I see the functional mechanism whereby the natural law is maintained and 
matriculated operatively. Additionally, certain traditions about Prophecy or 
prophetic ability as contained in Buddhism or other resources may be directly 
related to ability to access the Alaya Vijnana by knowledge of specific Potential 
that are viewed in it by those who can use it as a resource due to their 
altitude of attainment. 

I did the link to your reference link and saved it, will read later 


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