Re: Theos-World Who dictated Alice Bailey's books?
Mar 18, 2004 06:14 AM
by Morten Nymann Olesen
Hallo Oliveira and all,
My views are:
A few comments to your below views on Bailey could be of importance...
The following are just my views on the matter.
1. I do not think, that this sentence you quote, --- "Initiation, Human and
Solar was intended to bring the
fact of the Hierarchy to public attention." , ---
contradicts the views presented by Annie Besant.
The reason is, that the Bailey presentation - in reality attracts the
western emotional aspirant,
much more than a - "not a word about the Masters" - policy.
So what the possible Master KH might have meant when talking to Besant,
could have been something else - namely the tendencies to
over-emphasise the Masters importance as being almost Gods.
That tendency certainly had a peek at that time- year 1900 - (and maybe
also even today in Adyar).
2. The following was taken from the Bailey Autobiography :
"Then followed A Treatise on White Magic. This was
> written years ago and as it was written it went out,
> chapter by chapter, to the senior students of the
> Arcane School as reading matter only. It is the first
> book ever given out upon the training and control of
> the astral or emotional body."
- is clearly not true.
Annie Besant made some books sort of covering the subject before Bailey (+
D.K.) did.
So I do not know, what Bailey (or D.K.) talks about here.
I was also baffled the first time I read those sentences.
Some of Annie Besants books are: Anicent Wisdom 1911, The Seven Principles
in Man 1909
Arthur E. Powell got his third book on the subject "The Mental Body"
published as early as 1927 !
But maybe D.K.'s book was earlier than A. E. Powell's or even Besants ?
At least A. E. Powell's books was published before Bailey's.
"A Treatise on White Magic" officially was. This book was later in the
Bailey book "Esoteric Healing"
(to some readers surprisingly) given some remarks about that it contains
some faults on the use of magic !
Look at the quote here from the book Esoteric Healing:
"I may surprise you here if I tell you that A Treatise on White Magic is
also true as far as it goes, but it is necessarily limited, and because of
these limitations it is also partially incorrect. Does the above statement
astonish you? Remember, how can it be entirely true when we consider the
limitations of your power to comprehend? It is impossible for me to convey
to you the truth, because there exist neither the terminology nor an
adequate groundwork of knowledge on your part. This makes my task
So using the Arab numbers 2+2 is not always 4 within the wisdom tradition.
Maybe it is "four" which is the answer.
I will not call the books Bhagavad Gita, the Dhammapada, the Lamrin Chenmo,
Tao-te-ching, the Cloud of Unknowing --- treatises --- on the emotional and
mental body in
a (ordinary) theosophical sense.
But Bhagavad Gita are really about the issue - as it is the essens of the
Upanishads !
Then again - you of course will have to read beyond the dead-letter.
3. Oliviera wrote:
"(Is it not surprising that a "Master of Wisdom" would
> submit himself to conditions determined by a disciple?"
Perhaps not, if the disciple has taken the 4th initiation OR is
working under another Master - not named in the presentation of the issue.
The ray or typ of Path the individual disciple follows could have something
to do with that.
HPB was (or is) on a different Path than Bailey no doubt.
The sentences do not say, that Bailey would run the School on her own !
The idea was perhaps to create flexibility in the views and a more down to
earth approach
around the Arcane School - so to avoid the Krishnamurti atmosphere,
which was so prevalent in theosophical circles at the time !
And let us remember that HPB had the high Master Morya as her teacher !
4. HPB on the comming book with the "Psychological Key" and the Bailey claim
Oliveira asked where the HPB quote were...Here it is and with the Bailey
views added...
--- The Secret Doctrine - vol 1., page xxxviii ---
"About 1820, Prof. Max Muller tells us, the sacred books of the Brahmans, of
the Magians, and of the Buddhists, "were all but unknown, their very
existence was doubted, and there was not a single scholar who could have
translated a line of the Veda . . . of the Zend Avesta, or . . . of the
Buddhist Tripitaka, and now the Vedas are proved to be the work of the
highest antiquity whose 'preservation amounts almost to a marvel' (Lecture
on the Vedas).
The same will be said of the Secret Archaic Doctrine, when proofs are given
of its undeniable existence and records. But it will take centuries before
much more is given from it. Speaking of the keys to the Zodiacal mysteries
as being almost lost to the world, it was remarked by the writer in "Isis
Unveiled" some ten years ago that: "The said key must be turned seven times
before the whole system is divulged. We will give it but one turn, and
thereby allow the profane one glimpse into the mystery. Happy he, who
understands the whole!"
The same may be said of the whole Esoteric system. One turn of the key, and
no more, was given in "Isis." Much more is explained in these volumes. In
those days the writer hardly knew the language in which the work was
written, and the disclosure of many things, freely spoken about now, was
forbidden. In Century the Twentieth some disciple more informed, and far
better fitted, may be sent by the Masters of Wisdom to give final and
irrefutable proofs that there exists a Science called Gupta-Vidya; and that,
like the once-mysterious sources of the Nile, the source of all religions
and philosophies now known to the world has been for many ages forgotten and
lost to men, but is at last found.
Such a work as this has to be introduced with no simple Preface, but with a
volume rather; one that would give facts, not mere disquisitions, since the
SECRET DOCTRINE is not a treatise, or a series of vague theories, but
contains all that can be given out to the world in this century. "
Foster Bailey writes about it in 1950 in an added foreword to the book A
Treatise on Cosmic Fire:
"In A Treatise on Cosmic Fire the Tibetan has given us what H. P. Blavatsky
prophesied he would give, namely, the psychological key to the Cosmic
Creation. H.P.B. stated that in the 20th century a disciple would come who
would give the psychological key to her own monumental work The Secret
Doctrine on which treatise the Tibetan worked with her; and Alice A. Bailey
worked in complete recognition of her own task in this sequence.
Tunbridge Wells, December 1950
Foster Bailey"
Also in Bailey's "Unifinished Autobiography" she writes herself:
"This was succeeded by A Treatise on Cosmic Fire. This book was an expansion
of the teaching given in The Secret Doctrine on the three fires - electric
fire, solar fire and Are by friction - and it was an awaited sequence. It
also presented the psychological key to The Secret Doctrine and is intended
to offer study to disciples and initiates at the close of this century and
the beginning of the next century, up until 2025 A.D."
And Caldwell's webpage offers among other things the following quote from
"H.P.B. wrote to members of her Esoteric School:
"Let every member know . . . that the time for such priceless acquisition
is limited. The writer of the present is old; her life is well-nigh worn
out, and she may be summoned 'home' any day and almost any hour. And if her
place is even filled up, perchance by another worthier and more learned than
herself, still there remain but twelve years to the last hour of the term -
namely, till December the 31st, 1899. Those who will not have profited by
the opportunity (given to the world in every last quarter of a century),
those who will not have reached a certain point of psychic and spiritual
development, or that point from which begins the cycle of adeptship, by that
day - those will advance no further than the knowledge already acquired. No
Master of Wisdom from the East will appear or send any one to Europe or
America after that period, and the sluggards will have to renounce every
chance of advancement in their present incarnation - until the year 1975.
Such is the LAW, for we are in Kali Yuga - the Black Age - and the
restrictions in this cycle, the first 5,000 years of which will expire in
1897, are great and almost insuperable." HPB's Collected Writings, Vol XII,
pp. 491-492. Italics added.
So I would say that --- Bailey (or was it D.K.) --- didn't quite teach the
Gupta Vidya.
Oliviera, you presented a view on who are being accepted or not at the
Bailey Arcane School or a Wisdom School in general.
Please understand, that this view could be false. (And let me add, that the
romour among AS insiders goes, that the present leaders at the Arcane School
are not supporting B. Creme and his pseudo-Meitreya/Baba version.)
The Arcane School if it was (and is) a real School of Wisdom will because of
the laws of Karma have to
drop certain (and not "all" - Bailey didn't say "all") emotional aspirants
and other persons, who wouldn't or
will not fit the pattern.
A Sufi once said something like this:
It is just like if you were buying horses or camels. Then you would know if
the horse or camel was a good one.
You would look at its teeth, its hoofs, its dung, and its skin and so on.
If one of them was sick you would'nt buy it for horse or camel race would
you ?
The same thing the Teacher at a Wisdom School are doing.
The Teacher looks at the aspirant - and if the astral and mental and other
bodies are looking allright, the Teacher
permits access to the School.
But quite often we as students on various levels will have to understand,
that it is not us who finds the School of Wisdom.
It is the Teacher which finds us - and makes us being attracted towards the
particular School !
And this is important.
Sometimes it is the Egoistic mind which lets if self get attracted to a
School, which is thought of as being a School of Wisdom.
But this often just happens because the Ego feels comfortable at such a
place, and not always because it is the spiritual duty of the Seeker after
At other times it is the spiritual Heart, which rules and then everything is
It all depends on who the Seeker after Wisdom is - the time, place and
circumstances...and so on.
So even if Bailey (+ D.K.) did make some faults, she (+ D.K.) also did an
And I quote "The Arcane School, founded in 1922, boasted 20,000 graduates
by 1954."
I is also said on the internet, that more than 200 different organisations
are connected with Lucis Trust and the Bailey teachings.
Among them The Findhorn Foundation.
The School of Ageless Wisdom (Robert Muller) follows according to one of its
leaders Gloria Crook not only reading of the Alice A. Bailey books,
but many others as well. Just like for instance Boston Theosophists does.
There will always be an opposition to any physical presentation of a Wisdom
Lucis Trust at the United Nations --- Robert Muller and Maurice Strong and
Did this help the readers ?
M. Sufilight with peace and love...
----- Original Message -----
From: "Pedro Oliveira" <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 1:20 PM
Subject: Theos-World Who dictated Alice Bailey's books?
> It is a fact that Alice Bailey's books have inspired
> many people in the world. A reading of her "Unfinished
> Autobiography" shows that she was well read and
> eclectic in her approach to spirituality. But many of
> her claims contradict important principles of
> Theosophy as presented by HPB and her Teachers. What
> follows is a bird's eye view on the question: was the
> source of her teaching the one known in early
> theosophical literature as Djual Khool?
> In a paper dated August, 1943, entitled "My Work" by
> The Tibetan, the following statements, among many, are
> made. Comments and relevant quotations are in
> brackets.
> "Initiation, Human and Solar was intended to bring the
> fact of the Hierarchy to public attention."
> (KH in his letter to Annie Besant (1900), wrote: "How
> few are they who can know anything about us. ...The
> cant about 'Masters' must be silently but firmly put
> down. Let the devotion and service be to that Supreme
> Spirit alone of which each one is a part. Namelessly
> and silently we work and the continual references to
> ourselves and the repetition of our names raises up a
> confused aura that hinders our work." Why on earth
> would the Brotherhood of Adepts need to attract
> attention? If Bailey's "Tibetan" was indeed a disciple
> of KH, wouldn't he know this?)
> "The average psychic and medium is not usually of a
> high grade intelligence, and A.A.B. desired to prove
> (for the aiding of the work of the future) that one
> could do definitely psychic work and be of a real
> intelligence."
> (This seems to indicate that hers was indeed a psychic
> work, and with all the risks that such a work entails,
> including unconscious projections of both mental and
> emotional contents.)
> "Then followed A Treatise on White Magic. This was
> written years ago and as it was written it went out,
> chapter by chapter, to the senior students of the
> Arcane School as reading matter only. It is the first
> book ever given out upon the training and control of
> the astral or emotional body."
> (The preposterous nature and tone of the above
> statement speak for themselves. What about the
> Bhagavad Gita, the Dhammapada, the Lamrin Chenmo, the
> Tao-te-ching, the Cloud of Unknowing, etc, etc? Every
> great classic of world spirituality has addressed the
> very core of emotional self-culture. Would a Tibetan
> blatantly ignore his own cultural and religious
> heritage?!?)
> "A.A.B. started such a school in 1923 with the aid of
> F.B. and certain students of vision and spiritual
> understanding. She made it a condition that I should
> have nothing to do with the Arcane School and that I
> should have no control over its policies and
> curriculum. In this she was wise and right and I fully
> endorse her position."
> (Is it not surprising that a "Master of Wisdom" would
> submit himself to conditions determined by a disciple?
> Compare the above statement with the one by HPB when
> she launched the Esoteric Section (1888):
> "The real Head of the Esoteric Section is a Master, of
> whom H. P. Blavatsky is the mouthpiece for this
> Section. He is one of those Adepts referred to in
> theosophical literature, and concerned in the
> formation of the Theosophical Society. It is through
> H. P. Blavatsky that each member of this Section will
> be brought more closely than hitherto under His
> influence and care if found worthy of it. No student,
> however, need inquire which of the Masters it is. For
> it does not matter in reality; nor is there any
> necessity for creating one more chance for
> indiscretion. Suffice to say, such is the law in the
> East."
> In her "Unfinished Autobiography", AAB makes not a few
> startling claims:
> "Another revolutionary thing that the Tibetan did was
> when He dictated the contents of A Treatise on Cosmic
> Fire. In this book He gave what H.P.B. prophesied He
> would give, the psychological key to cosmic creation.
> H.P.B. stated that in the 20th century a disciple
> would come who would give information concerning the
> three fires with which The Secret Doctrine deals:
> electric fire, solar fire and fire by friction. This
> prophecy was fulfiled when A Treatise on Cosmic Fire
> was given out to the public." (chapter 6)
> (Where in HPB's writings is the "prophecy" by HPB that
> "the Tibetan" would give the psychological key to "The
> Secret Doctrine" and/or info on the "three fires"? Has
> anyone found it?)
> "...we were a school for training people to be
> "accepted disciples" - that is, those on the last
> stages of the probationary path and that our emphasis
> was impersonality and mental development. I added that
> we made our work deliberately eliminative, only
> keeping those who would really work hard and who
> showed signs of true mental culture. I told him that
> we dropped hundreds of the emotional, devotional
> type..." (chapter 5)
> (If "esoteric" means that which concerns the inner
> realities of life and the human being, it is curious
> to find out by its founder herself, that the Arcane
> School (AS) focuses on mental development, inspite of
> its claim to be a initiatory school. But it is
> disturbing to know from AAB's own pen that the AS was
> in the business of "dropping" people off because they
> were "emotional, devotional" types! The Raja Yoga
> method applied by HPB to her esoteric students seems
> much more balanced, safe and effective. And unlike
> AAB, HPB didn't drop her students. On the contrary,
> some of her students dropped her! This last statement
> by Bailey is evidence enough for me that no real
> Master of the Wisdom and Compassion was associated
> with her writings.)
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