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Part 1 --- "Well, hell most Jews are now atheists and homosexuals. ....

Mar 17, 2004 06:23 AM
by Morten Nymann Olesen

Hallo Leon and all,

My views are:

That was what I meant about the artificial part:
"that the Jews are a race".
Sometimes I think that my english is no good.

Leon wrote:
..."since she recognized the true Hebrew Kabbala as being equivalent with
> the Gupta Vidya or Secret Doctrine, and I'm sure there are myriad's of
> and non Jews today who understand and follow those teachings. It's only
> Jesuits of the Catholic Church who promoted that racial oriented hatred of
> in the first place -- after they couldn't exterminate them all during the
> Inquisition. "

My answer:
But Leon, that is not quite true is it ?
Try to read the following from Blavatsky:
------------Secret Doctrine vol. 1, p. 347, 352
(And let us remember that the Kabbalah version by Macgregor Mathers was an
incorrect one, even though HPB referred to it in the Secret Doctrine. I bet
she knew that. And This and the below quotes shows, I think at least in
part, how difficult the job undertaken by HPB was.)
------------Secret Doctrine vol. 2, p. 39,

As HPB says in her book: "PRAYER IS OFTEN SORCERY."
Vol. 1, p. 469

Let me take some of the important quotes from The secret Doctrine on the
matter talked about.
Let us read - again --- to see if it might help.

1. --- The Jewish origins - the hybrid ofshoot (!??) ---

--- (Secret Doctrine vol. 1, p. xxxi) ---
"For "that first supply on the Brahmanical market," made for Colonel
Wilford, has now created an evident necessity and desire in the Orientalists
to declare nearly every archaic Sanskrit manuscript so modern as to give to
the missionaries full justification for availing themselves of the
opportunity. That they do so and to the full extent of their mental powers,
is shown by the absurd attempts of late to prove that the whole Puranic
story about Chrishna was plagiarized by the Brahmins from the Bible! But the
facts cited by the Oxford Professor in his Lectures on the "Science of
Religion," concerning the now famous interpolations, for the benefit, and
later on to the sorrow, of Col. Wilford, do not at all interfere with the
conclusions to which one who studies the Secret Doctrine must unavoidably
come. For, if the results show that neither the New nor even the Old
Testament borrowed anything from the more ancient religion of the Brahmans
and Buddhists, it does not follow that the Jews have not borrowed all they
knew from the Chaldean records, the latter being mutilated later on by
Eusebius. As to the Chaldeans, they assuredly got their primitive learning
from the Brahmans, for Rawlinson shows an undeniably Vedic influence in the
early mythology of Babylon; and Col. Vans Kennedy has long since justly
declared that Babylonia was, from her origin, the seat of Sanskrit and
Brahman learning."
Secret Doctrine vol. 1, p. xxxi

--- (Secret Doctrine vol. 1, p. 313) ---
As we said in Isis (Vol. II. p. 438-9), "To the present moment, in spite of
all controversies and researches, History and Science remain as much as ever
in the dark as to the origin of the Jews. They may be as well the exiled
Tchandalas of old India, the 'bricklayers' mentioned by Vina-Svata,
Veda-Vyasa and Manu, as the Phoenicians of Herodotus, or the Hyk-Sos of
Josephus, or descendants of Pali shepherds, or a mixture of all these. The
Bible names the Tyrians as a kindred people, and claims dominion over them.
. . . Yet whatever they may have been, they became a hybrid people, not long
after Moses, as the Bible shows them freely intermarrying not alone with the
Canaanites, but with every other nation or race they came in contact with."

2. --- The Jews and the phallic problem ---
--- (Secret Doctrine vol. 1, p. 6, footnote) ---
"We are told by the Western mathematicians and some American Kabalists, that
in the Kabala also "the value of the Jehovah name is that of the diameter of
a circle." Add to this the fact that Jehovah is the third Sephiroth, Binah,
a feminine word, and you have the key to the mystery. By certain Kabalistic
transformations this name, androgynous in the first chapters of Genesis,
becomes in its transformations entirely masculine, Cainite and phallic. The
fact of choosing a deity among the pagan gods and making of it a special
national God, to call upon it as the "One living God," the "God of Gods,"
and then proclaim this worship Monotheistic, does not change it into the ONE
Principle whose "Unity admits not of multiplication, change, or form,"
especially in the case of a priapic deity, as Jehovah now demonstrated to

3. --- Some esoterical values of the Jewish texts ---

--- (Secret Doctrine vol. 1, p. 11) ---

"The oldest religions of the world -- exoterically, for the esoteric root or
foundation is one -- are the Indian, the Mazdean, and the Egyptian. Then
comes the Chaldean, the outcome of these -- entirely lost to the world now,
except in its disfigured Sabeanism as at present rendered by the
archaeologists; then, passing over a number of religions that will be
mentioned later, comes the Jewish, esoterically, as in the Kabala, following
in the line of Babylonian Magism; exoterically, as in Genesis and the
Pentateuch, a collection of allegorical legends. Read by the light of the
Zohar, the initial four chapters of Genesis are the fragment" page.......

"of a highly philosophical page in the World's Cosmogony. (See Book III.,
Gupta Vidya and the Zohar.) Left in their symbolical disguise, they are a
nursery tale, an ugly thorn in the side of science and logic, an evident
effect of Karma. To have let them serve as a prologue to Christianity was a
cruel revenge on the part of the Rabbis, who knew better what their
Pentateuch meant. It was a silent protest against their spoliation, and the
Jews have certainly now the better of their traditional persecutors. The
above-named exoteric creeds will be explained in the light of the Universal
doctrine as we proceed with it."

4. --- Who are the Dhyan Chohans ? ---

--- (Secret Doctrine vol. 1, p. 38) ---

"The AH-HI (Dhyan-Chohans) are the collective hosts of spiritual beings -- 
the Angelic Hosts of Christianity, the Elohim and "Messengers" of the
Jews -- who are the vehicle for the manifestation of the divine or universal
thought and will. They are the Intelligent Forces that give to and enact in
Nature her "laws," while themselves acting according to laws imposed upon
them in a similar manner by still higher Powers; but they are not "the
personifications" of the powers of Nature, as erroneously thought."

5. --- Curtains and the materialistic Jews ---
--- (Secret Doctrine vol. 1, p. 126) ---
" In the Egyptian temples, according to Clemens Alexandrinus, an immense
curtain separated the tabernacle from the place for the congregation. The
Jews had the same. In both, the curtain was drawn over five pillars (the
Pentacle) symbolising our five senses and five Root-races esoterically,
while the four colours of the curtain represented the four cardinal points
and the four terrestrial elements. The whole was an allegorical symbol. It
is through the four high Rulers over the four points and Elements that our
five senses may become cognisant of the hidden truths of Nature; and not at
all, as Clemens would have it, that it is the elements per se that furnished
the Pagans with divine Knowledge or the knowledge of God.* While the
Egyptian emblem was spiritual, that of the Jews was purely materialistic,
and, indeed, honoured only the blind Elements and the imaginary "Points."
For what was the meaning of the square tabernacle raised by Moses in the
wilderness, if it had not the same cosmical significance? "Thou shalt make
an hanging . . . of blue, purple, and scarlet" and "five pillars of shittim
wood for the hanging . . . four brazen rings in the four corners thereof . .
. boards of fine wood for the four sides, North, South, West, and East . . .
of the Tabernacle . . . with Cherubims of cunning work." (Exodus, ch. xxvi.,
xxvii.) "

...End of part 1...

M. Sufilight with peace and love...

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <>
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, March 17, 2004 7:53 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World RE: Re: "Well, hell most Jews are now atheists and
homosexuals. ....

> In a message dated 03/15/04 10:41:20 AM,
> >Hallo Bart and all,
> >
> >My views are:
> >Allright.
> >
> >I think HPB was talking about what we today could call the Zionist Jews,
> >when she called the Jews an Artifical race (Secret Doctrine vol2. p.
> >Did that help ?
> No much. Since HPB was probably referring to the mistaken concept that
> anti Semites have (of which there must have been many around her at that
> -- that the Jews are a race.
> It leads me to believe that she was more equal minded about the Jews than
> most of the theosophical and pseudo theosophical leaders and bigots that
> after her -- since her only beef was how they may have mistakenly (or
through the
> machinations of some of the crafty priests like Ezra) mistook or distorted
> the true mystery teachings. Accordingly, I don't think there is any bases
> blanket Anti Semitism in HPB's writings -- like the racist policies of
> Germany -- since she recognized the true Hebrew Kabbala as being
equivalent with
> the Gupta Vidya or Secret Doctrine, and I'm sure there are myriad's of
> and non Jews today who understand and follow those teachings. It's only
> Jesuits of the Catholic Church who promoted that racial oriented hatred of
> in the first place -- after they couldn't exterminate them all during the
> Inquisition.
> >
> >from
> >M. Sufilight with peace and love...
> Yahoo! Groups Links

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