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Part 2 --- "Well, hell most Jews are now atheists and homosexuals. ....

Mar 17, 2004 06:32 AM
by Morten Nymann Olesen

Hallo Leon and all,

My views are:

Part 2

6. --- The Kabalistic flaw ---
--- (Secret Doctrine vol. 1, p. 230) ---
" Therefore, when it is proved to us that the Kabalistic identification of Jehovah with Binah, a female Sephiroth, has still another, a sub-occult meaning in it, then and then only the Occultist will be ready to pass the palmof perfection to the Kabalist. Until then, it is asserted that, as Jehovahis in the abstract sense of a "one living God," a single number, a metaphysical figment, and a reality only when put in his proper place as an emanation and a Sephiroth -- we have a right to maintain that the Zohar (as witnessed by the BOOK OF NUMBERS, at any rate), gave out originally, before the Christian Kabalists had disfigured it, and still gives out the same doctrine that we do; i.e., it makes Man emanate, not from one Celestial MAN, but from a Septenary group of Celestial men or Angels, just as in "Pymander, theThought Divine." "




7. --- The profane Jews view ---

* Creation is an incorrect word to use, as no religion, not even the sect of the Visishta Adwaitees in India -- one which anthropomorphises even Parabrahmam -- believes in creation out of nihil as Christians and Jews do, but in evolution out of preexisting materials.

Secret Doctrine vol. 1, p. 233
8. --- The Long Shortcut --- 
--- (Secret Doctrine vol. 1, p. 317) ---
Whether the Archaic esoteric system originated the British inch or not, is of little consequence, however, to the strict and true metaphysician. Nor does Mr. Ralston Skinner's esoteric reading of the Bible become incorrect, merely because the measurements of the Pyramid will not be found to agree with those of Solomon's temple, the ark of Noah, etc.; or because Mr. Parker's Quadrature of the Circle is rejected by mathematicians. For Mr. Skinner'sreading depends first of all on the Kabalistic methods and the Rabbinical value of the Hebrew letters. But it is extremely important to ascertain whether the measures used in the evolution and building of the Aryan symbolic religion, in the construction of their temples, the figures given in the Puranas, and especially in their chronology, their astronomical symbols, the duration of the cycles, and other computations, were, or were not, the sameas those used in the Biblical measurements and glyphs. For this will provethat the Jews, unless they took their sacred cubit and measurements from the Egyptians (Moses being an initiate of the Priests) must have got those notions from India. At any rate they passed them to the early Christians. Hence, it is the Occultists and Kabalists who are the "true" heirs to the KNOWLEDGE, or the secret wisdom which is still found in the Bible; for they alone now understand its real meaning, whereas profane Jews and Christians cling to the husks and dead letter thereof. That it is the system of measureswhich led to the invention of the God-names Elohim and Jehovah, and their adaptation to phallicism, and that Jehovah is a not very flattered copy of Osiris, is now demonstrated by the author of the "Source of Measures." But the latter and Mr. Piazzi Smyth both seem to labour under the impression that (a) the priority of the system belongs to the Israelites,



[[Vol. 1, Page]] 317 TRUTH MUST PREVAIL AT LAST.


the Hebrew language being the divine language, and that (b) this universal language belongs to direct revelation!


The latter hypothesis is correct only in the sense shown in the last paragraph of the preceding §; but we have yet to agree as to the nature and character of the divine "Revealer." With regard to priority, this, to the profane, will of course depend on (a) the internal and external evidence of therevelation, and (b) on each scholar's individual preconception. This, however, cannot prevent either the theistic Kabalist, or the Pantheistic Occultist, from believing each in his way; neither of the two convincing the other. The data furnished by history are too meagre and unsatisfactory for either of them to prove to the sceptic which of them is right.


On the other hand, the proofs afforded by tradition are too constantly rejected for us to hope to settle the question in our present age. Meanwhile, materialistic science will be laughing impartially at both Kabalists and Occultists. But the said vexed question of priority once laid aside, Science, in its departments of philology and comparative religion, will find itself finally taken to task, and be compelled to admit the common claim.* Its greatest scholars, instead of pooh-poohing that supposed


[[Footnote(s)]] -------------------------------------------------


* One by one the claims become admitted, as one Scientist after another is compelled to recognize the facts given out from the Secret Doctrine -- though he rarely, if ever, recognizes that he has been anticipated in his statements. Thus, in the palmy days of Mr. Piazzi Smyth's authority on the Pyramid of Gizeh, his theory was, that the porphyry sarcophagus of the King's Chamber "is the unit of measure for the two most enlightened nations of the earth, England and America," and was no better than a "corn bin." This was vehemently denied by us in Isis Unveiled just published at that time. Then the New York press arose in arms (the "Sun" and the "World" chiefly) againstour presuming to correct or find fault with such a star of learning. On p.519, vol. I., we had said, that Herodotus when treating of that Pyramid "might have added that, externally it symbolized the creative principle of Nature, and illustrated also the principles of geometry, mathematics, astrology, and astronomy. Internally, it was a majestic fane, in whose sombre recesses were performed the mysteries, and whose walls had often witnessed the initiation-scenes of members of the royal family. The porphyry sarcophagus,which Professor Piazzi Smyth, Astronomer Royal of Scotland, degrades into a corn-bin, was the baptismal font, upon emerging from which the neophyte was "born again" and became an adept."


Our statement was laughed at in those days. We were accused of having got our ideas from the "craze" of Shaw, an English writer who had maintained that the Sarcophagus had been used for the celebration of the Mysteries of Osiris; (we had never heard of that writer!). And now, six or seven years later, this is what Mr. Staniland Wake writes on p. 93 of his paper, on "The Origin and Significance of the Great Pyramid."


"The so-called King's Chamber, of which an enthusiastic pyramidist says, 'The polished walls, fine materials, grand proportions, and exalted place, eloquently tell of glories yet to come -- if not, the chamber of perfections of Cheops' tomb, was probably the place to which the initiant was admitted after he had passed through the narrow upward passage and the grand gallery, with its lowly termination, which gradually prepared him for the [[Footnote continued on next page]]



[[Vol. 1, Page]] 318 THE SECRET DOCTRINE.


"farrago of absurd fiction and superstitions," as the Brahminical literature is generally termed, will endeavour to learn the symbolical universal language with its numerical and geometrical keys. But here again they will hardly be successful if they share the belief that the Jewish Kabalistic system contains the key to the whole mystery: for, it does not. Nor does any other Scripture at present possess it in its entirety, for even the Vedas are not complete. Every old religion is but a chapter or two of the entire volume of archaic primeval mysteries -- Eastern Occultism alone being able to boast that it is in possession of the full secret, with its seven keys. Comparisons will be instituted, and as much as possible will be explained in this work -- the rest is left to the student's personal intuition. For in saying that Eastern Occultism has the secret, it is not as if a "complete" or even an approximate knowledge was claimed by the writer, which would be absurd. What I know, I give out; that which I cannot explain, the student mustfind out for himself.


But while supposing that the whole cycle of the universal mystery language will not be mastered for whole centuries to come, even that which has been hitherto discovered in the Bible by some scholars is quite sufficient to demonstrate the claim -- mathematically. Judaism having availed itself of twokeys out of the seven, and these two keys having been now rediscovered, itbecomes no longer a matter of individual speculation and hypothesis, leastof all of "coincidence," but one of a correct reading of the Bible texts, as anyone acquainted with arithmetic reads and verifies an addition or total.* A few years longer and this system will kill the dead letter of the Bible, as it will that of all the other exoteric faiths, by showing the dogmasin their real, naked meaning.


And then this undeniable meaning, however incomplete, will unveil the mystery of Being, besides changing entirely the modern scientific systems of Anthropology, Ethnology and especially that of Chronology. The element of Phallicism, found in every God-name and narrative in the Old (and to some degree in the New) Testament, may also in time considerably change modern materialistic views in Biology and Physiology."


8. --- The Jews was (and is) a tribe ! ---

And we read further from the above, that the Jews was a minor race...

..." [[Vol. 1, Page]] 319 MOSES COPIED FROM SARGON.


will unveil the evolutions of the human mind and show how natural was such a course of thought. The so-called phallic symbols have become offensive only because of the element of materiality and animality in them. As they originated with the archaic races, which, issuing to their personal knowledge from an androgyne ancestry, were the first phenomenal manifestations in their own sight of the separation of sexes and the ensuing mystery of creatingin their turn -- such symbols were but natural. If later races have degraded them, especially the "chosen people," this does not affect the origin ofthose symbols. The little Semitic tribe -- one of the smallest branchlets from the commingling of the 4th and 5th sub-races (the Mongolo-Turanian andthe Indo-European, so-called, after the sinking of the great Continent) --could only accept its symbology in the spirit which was given to it by thenations from which it was derived. Perchance, in the Mosaic beginnings, that symbology was not as crude as it became later under the handling of Ezra, who remodelled the whole Pentateuch. For the glyph of Pharaoh's daughter (the woman), the Nile (the Great Deep and Water), and the baby-boy found floating therein in the ark of rushes, has not been primarily composed for, or by, Moses. It has been found anticipated in the Babylonian fragments on the tiles, in the story of King Sargon,* who lived far earlier than Moses. Now, what is the logical inference? Most assuredly that which gives us the right to say that the story told of Moses by Ezra had been learned by him while at Babylon," ...



9. --- The Jews only knew four keys ---

--- (Secret Doctrine vol. 1, p. 374) ---

" While the Eastern Occultists have seven modes of interpretation, the Jewshave only four -- namely, the real-mystical; the allegorical; the moral; and the literal or Pashut. The latter is the key of the exoteric Churches and not worth discussion. Read in the first, or mystical key, here are several sentences which show the identity of the foundations of construction in every Scripture. It is given in Mr. T. Myer's excellent book on the Kabalistic works he seems to have well studied. I quote verbatim. "B'raisheeth barah elohim ath hash ama yem v'ath haa'retz -- i.e., 'In the beginning the God(s) created the heavens and the earth;" (the meaning of which is:) the six Sephiroth of Construction,* over which B'raisheeth stands, all belong Below. It created six (and) on these stand all Things. And those depend upon theseven forms of the Cranium up to the Dignity of all Dignities. And the second 'Earth' does not come into calculation, therefore it has been said: 'And from it (that Earth) which underwent the curse, came it forth.' . . . . 'It (the Earth) was without form and void; and darkness was over the face ofthe Abyss, and the Spirit of elohim . . . . was breathing (me' racha 'phath) -- i.e., hovering, brooding over, moving. . . . . "





M. Sufilight with peace and love...

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