RE: [bn-study] Re: Does Brahman or Atman have any karma?
Feb 26, 2004 05:25 PM
by Dallas TenBroeck
Dear Gopi:
KARMA = WORK = action = eternal motion ... etc...
But what is the purpose?
What is the cause ?
Why do we inquire into this?
If we can secure a reasonable answer then does that imply the mind is
our highest and best faculty for the contact of the SPIRIT on one side
and the PHYSICAL MATTER on the other?
If so then ity is the MIND consciousness that animates all things.
The various degrees of intelligence and consciousness-- do they have to
do with the advance of the integrated, impartial, moral and harmless
Best wishes,
HINTS HIDDEN IN S D Vol. 2 -- p. 1 to 136
1. Simultaneous appearance of 7 human groups on 7 different
portions of the Earth SD II 168 110 212
2. Birth Of The Astral Before The Physical Body,
the astral is the model for the physical
SD II 660 & fn 265\
3. In the 4th round Man preceded every mammalian
(and anthropoids) in the animal kingdom.
SD II 289-90 683-5
WQJ Art I 130 (N. Pole) Glos 213
SD II 400 201 291 326 785
6 will never sink as destined to last till end of
the Manvantara throughout each ROUND
6 DIVINE MEN Their eternal inviolate dwelling place
6 Sishta or "seeds" for future of humanity
Glos 20 SD I 248 II 164 408 416fn
6 Pole Star HAS ITS EYE ON IT -- from dawn to twilight of
"a day" of the GREAT BREATH.
[ "Day" is 4,320,000,000 years - SD II 69 ]
SD II 401fn 432 489fn 612fn 785 768 785
6 2. HYPERBOREAN 2nd Continent
SD II 11-2 274 326 401 769fn 771-775
6 North Asia as a whole. Knew no winter originally
6 Apollo - Sun Apollo -- the Sun visited it every year
Glos 26 SD II 11 44 106 211 379-83 769-74
6 3. LEMURIA 3rd Continent
Five Yrs of T. 338-40 Thy Mag 53-p. 52
SD II 788-9 323-333
6 Area: SD II 221 263 314 323-4 326-8 333-4 368
SD II 403-5 431-3 SD II 679-80 782fn 779 788-9
6 Lemuria Included Australia, New Zealand, Madagascar,
Easter Island, part of Atlantic and Indian
Southern Hyperborean continent (SD II 770fn)
Sweden and Norway, California (SD II 328)
Easter Island SD II 326-8
6 Submersion and Combustion SD I 439fn II 266 316 331 762
(in Pre-Tertiary SD II 8fn 313 433fn 779
8 4. ATLANTIS 4th Continent
SD I 369 II 35fn 67 220-4 265 322-3
SD II 333-4 350 606fn 740
SD II 780-2 790-3
8 Religion of the Atlanto-Lemurians SD I 10 210 II 272
Vedas Vedas given to SD II 483
8 Eocene was the height of its power SD II 710 773
8 Area: Africa SD II 263-4 314, 740 761 763 768
Ceylon SD II 314
Cyclopean relics SD I 208-9fn II 335-47 429 742-60
Dwipas --it broke into SD II 322 358 405-9
Mayas SD II 34-5fn ISIS I 290fn
Northern Hyperborean and SD II 770fn
Ruta, Daitya SD I 650-1 II 314fn 433 740
8 Submergence SD II 309 316 406fn 762
Remnants sank SD II 124 141 250 313-4 395 433fn
Survivors in the Gobi SD II 371-2
(moral depravity caused) SD II 371-2 786
took mindless wives SD II 283
8 Myocene end of Myocene SD II 8fn 10 156 314fn 395fn
SD II 433 693 740 778
Vaivaswata and SD II 265 310
Wars SD I 419
Hindu-Aryans lived in it SD II 433fn 406-8
10 850,000 BC began submersion of Atlantis SD II 694
Lemuria & A. SD 221fn 266 333
8 5. AMERICA 5th Continent
SD II 444-6 35fn 327 405
8 Europe and Asia Minor
8 Location Antipodes of India ( Patala )
Visited by Arjuna -- married Ulupi
9 Physical Man 18 million years old a
"colossal pre-tertiary giant" SD I 150fn 159 609
SD II 69 254 713-9
10 4th Root Race (Aryan Race) about 1 million years old
Hindu Aryans first sub-race SD II 470-1
Is I 557 585-6 591 xxxii xxxvii 18 271 620-1
Is II 50 620-1 Glos 42
15 1 4th Round, Globe "A" Mankind --Sons of the
SOLAR Fathers are "immortal"
15 2 Material Evolution failed and was destroyed
16 3 AdiBuddha directed Lunar monads to provide molds for
mankind -- 7 zones on Earth
]7 4 Formation of the Manushya - Mind-men Combining the
Lunar and Solar "Fires" Source of the Forms
17 5 1st and 2nd Races -- change in generation
18 6 3rd Race -- androgyne to sexual difference. Self-born
18 7 Manasa and Returning Nirvanees chose or refused to
give Intelligence to man-form 3rd Race used
19 8 Astral phase -- animals then mindless men produced
sexual division -- "Mindless" interbred and
hybrids produced Ape tribes
20 9 More Manasa incarnations - Mind enlightened
4th Race - Speech developed - bi-sexuality
20 10 3rd to 4th Race on each of the 7 zones.
- Gods became no-gods
- Pride of 4th Race -- renewed "sin" of "Mindless"
with Ape tribes
- Human Body deified - 3rd Eye ceased working
20 11 4th Race built Cities metallurgy developed
- 7 islands submerged - vast cataclysms
- All-Holy saved - Unholy destroyed
21 12 5th Race arose from a few progenitors of the Holy
stock that remained -
- Ruled by Divine Kings ( Raja-Rishees )
- Who "descended and instructed it ?"
22fn Keys to use in interpreting the Stanzas psychological,
astronomical, physical, metaphysical
SD I xix xxxviii 169 II 640 335 Trans 117
SD I 310 318 320 363 374
29 Astronomy Wisdom imparted by Divine King to 4th Race
SD I 203 320 322 645-7 650 658-68
SD II 49 73-4 77 317 366 426 431 534-5 765-6
30 Astrology (soul of astronomy) SD I 105 532 645-7 II 41 179
SD II 631fn [ & personality SD I 572-3
22 Spirit-Guardian of our Globe - 4th in the chain -- is sub-
ordinate to the 7 Planetary Genii - exoterically
the "visible Sun" - Esoterically the 2nd Logos the
Demiurge, SD I 573-4
23 Logos is invisible but has 7 hierarchies -- each represented
or personified by its Chief Angel or Rector
Records tested and verified SD I 272-3
23 Links Visible and invisible links of the same chain.
SD I 571-3 609
23 Forms Sun and Planets in our visible objective system
lowest grades
24 Logos Pythagorean Triangle in a Square - Tetraktis
SD I 14 455 II 29 42 413
basis of the subjective side of manifestation
source of all manifestation of individual con-
sciousness SD I 38 49
24 Mulaprakriti = Primordial Cosmic Substance
= foundation of object-side - [NATURE ]
= basis of all objective evolution and
24-5 Force does not emerge with Primordial Substance.
it is not synchronous with the first objectivi-
sation of Mulaprakriti. Force succeeds
Mulaprakriti, but without Force, Mulaprakriti
is for practical purposes non-existent.
SD I 13-15 II 589
24-5 Energy It is the transformation into energy of the
supra-conscious thought of the Logos.
into the objectivization of the latter
out of the potential latency in the one
Reality Trans 21-2
25 "Heavenly Man" Tetragrammaton - Protogonous -
first born from the passive deity -- fist
manifestation of shadow the universal form
Adam Kadmon and idea -- engenders Adam Kadmon of Kabala
TM 18 p. 149 SD I 90 130
25 3RD LOGOS Man considered to be the 3rd Logos ==
SD II 358
25 DIVINE MIND Man a Mirror reflecting the DIVINE MIND
25 Universe is the Mirror of the Logos and the Logos
is the esse of it.
25 "Every Universe, World, Planet has its own Logos."
(only to be contacted through the 7th
Ray of this Light -- as "creator"
neither "good" nor "bad"
27 Mercury Lord of WISDOM Budha SD I xix II 15
SD I 163-5 388 396fn 575 662 II 44-5
7 times more light from Sun SD I 575 II 24 83 540 707
28 -Astrologically more occult than Venus
SD II 45 462 542
28 Mercury- Mithra, genius/god between Sun and Moon
SD I 473 II 455
28 -Altar in common with Jupiter SD II 23
MERCURY - Was WINGED so as to closely attend the Sun
28 -Muntis the Sun-wolf [ Nebo: SD II 455 ]
28 - Hierophant - Magician - evocator of Souls
28 Mercury - golden-colored (could not be named)
28 Merc.- Symbolized as a "dog watching over occult wisdom
[ Hermes SD I 207 II 45 210 234 267fn 364
SD II 455 499 540
28 Mercyry. [ Anubis - Horus - Dragon slayer SD II 385-6
[ Agathodaemon Logos (good Serpent SD I 410
SD II 366)
28 Merc. [ Chnouphis SD I 472-3 II 210 377 518
[ Satan - "Adversary" - Seth
[ Seraph - fiery serpent SD I 442
28 Mercury.- Argus watching over Earth --Earth mistakes for SUN
SD I 163-4 575 II 29
28 Merc. - Emperor Julian used Mercury as intercessor in his
prayers to Occult Sun (nightly)
26 Mercury "Sun & Mercury are ONE."
(Star penetrates/emanates from Crescent)
28 Mercyry. - Wisest of Gods as closest to WISDOM OF Sun.
RACES born under the Influence of .....
29 Race 1 Born under the SUN and
29 Race 2 Born under Jupiter Brihaspati
29 Race 3 Lemurian Lohitanga "fiery-bodied" Venus/Sukra
29 Race 4 Atlantean Soma the Moon - our Globe is 4th also
under that influence) and Sani/Saturn.
the Kara-lochana (evil-eyed) and the
Asita (dark)
29 Race 5 Aryan under protection of Mercury/Bodha
29fn Venus receives 2 times as much light as Earth from Sun
Most radiant of planets to us -- gives to Earth
1/3rd of her supply SD I 586fn II 24
29 Venus shares the light she receives with the Earth and is
therefore called Earth's Twin Sister." SD II 87 707
SD I xxxv
30 VENUS Its symbolism explained and Tau
TAU SD I 4-5 364fn II 36-7 541-2 600fn
31 Venus and its symbolism continued
Glos 31 36 94 131 192 151 157-8 233 241 312
Glos 356 Lucifer I 192 SD I 305 SD II 460-2
SD II 501 65 512 Isis I 579 593 II 45 258-9
Theosophy Vol. 6, p. 326 WQJ Art. I 276
30-1 Hermaphrodite - Ankh -Anubis - Anouki (a form of Isis)
"all animal life had stepped out of the divine
spiritual circle and fallen into physical
male and female generation."
SD I 364fn II 546
30 Sukra a (Male deity in India)
Chariot drawn by 6 horses (SD II 592)
([ Interlaced triangles ]
31 Sukra-Venus Sol alter "the other Sun" Pythagoras
SD II 24, 65
31-2 Occultly VENUS is our Earth's primary, and its spiritual
SIN prototype. Every sin committed on Earth is
felt by Usanas-Sukra The Guru of the Daityas
is the Guardian Spirit of the Earth and Men.
Every change on Sukra is felt on, and
reflected by Earth. Glos 94 SD II 45 82
31 Daityas Giants of the 4th Race -- Sukra was their Guru
SD I 92 419 422-3 II 31 183 227fn 273-4 288
SD II 408 369fn 319 405-6 752
31 Titans closely connected with Venus-Lucifer--later Satan
SD I 416-8 II 45 70 141-2 154 183 236 265 288
SD II 273-4 390-1 416 422 501 525 755 775
31 ISIS with Cow-Horns Mystic Nature SD II 398 418fn
31-2 Sukra Venus --responds to Earth's changes (Noted)
SD I 411 458 II 82fn 351-5 368 380
Glos 296 346
32 VENUS No satellites - "Asphujit" adopted the Earth
SD I 155fn
32 Usanas Regent of Sukra incarnated as Usanas and gave it
perfect laws SD I 164-5 II 273 501
Axis inclined 50 degrees
33 Venus Light bearer to Earth physically and mystically
SD II 45fn
31-2 Sukra Venus --responds to Earth's changes (Noted)
SD I 411 458 II 82fn 351-5 368 380
Glos 296 346
32 VENUS No satellites - "Asphujit" adopted the Earth
SD I 155fn
32 Usanas Regent of Sukra incarnated as Usanas and gave it
perfect laws SD I 164-5 II 273 501
Axis inclined 50 degrees
33 Venus Light bearer to Earth physically and mystically
SD II 45fn
SPIRIT / MATTER [ Nucleoles and Nuclei ]
33 All Worlds have a Parent Star and Sister Planet
33 Men sentient septenary furnished with forms in full
harmony with nature and state of that sphere
33 Spheres of being or Centers of Life numberless -- no exact
resemblance to sister planet or to progeny
(a gloss for present day understanding) SD II 87
33 Double physical and spiritual nature for ALL. SD II 45
33 Nucleoles are eternal and everlasting - Part of the ABSOLUTE
FOREVER CONCEALED Nuclei are the light of
eternity escaping therefrom.
33 Nuclei are periodical and finite - Light of divinity escap-
ing from the Nucleoles SD II 41
33 That Light condenses into the Lords of Being SD I 292
JIVATMA collectively - Pratyagatma or Logos which
appears at every new Manvantara. SD I 292 24
Glos 261
33 Matter From those downward is formed the ever-
consolidating waves of that light, which
becomes on the objective plane gross matter
33 Creative Forces as Hierarchies proceed from them
33-4 some are formless, other with their own distinctive
Elementals forms and also the Elementals which assume
forms according to the surrounding conditions.
34 One Absolute UPADHI in the SPIRITUAL SENSE from which
proceed the countless basic centers on which pro-
ceeds the Universe, cyclic and individual Evolu-
tions during the active period.
34 Informing intelligences -- as Manus, Rishis, Pitris, Praja-
pati, and as Dhyani Buddhas, Chohans, Melhas
(fire-gods), Bodhisattvas
SD I 224 II 81 Trans 23-4
34 Absolute not to be defined by any manifested being. The
mutable cannot know the Immutable, nor can mani-
fested Life perceive LIFE ABSOLUTE. SD I 289
37 DARKNESS 1. Darkness -- absolute and Abstract Light
that is LIGHT clear and penetrating
SD I 56 70 201 II 95
37 L of LOGOS 2. Manifested/Unmanifested Universe
light of some call it the Logos -- reflected light
37 L of Dhyan 3. light of the Logos reflected on the Dhyan
Chohans chohans (minor logoi - Elohim collectively
-- light in the abstract SD I 230 II 41
38 Daiviprakriti Light of the Logos or Christos Glos 94
direct reflection of the ever Unknowable on
38 the plane of Universal manifestation
(Kabalisitic interpretation given to p. 39
from the Zohar attempts to equate
38 Jehovah Jehovah is "trinity" is Elohim SD I 349
38 Vishnu Vishnu as the Sun (3 strides) SD I 349 II 31
Glos 305
41 Ain-soph The UNKNOWABLE and UNNAMEABLE cannot
manifest, hence IT emanated manifesting
[creative] Powers Glos 12
41 AIN-SOPH Humans can only deal with ITS emanations
41 Extra-Cosmic GOD An extra-cosmic god is fatal to philos-
ophy, an intra-cosmic Deity--i.e., Spirit and mat-
ter inseparable from each other--is a philosophi-
cal necessity. SD I 4 14
42 Monad has to pass through its mineral, vegetable and
animal forms, before the Light of the Logos is
awakened in the animal man. SD I 174-5fn II 186
42 Till then the MONAD can only be regarded as a
Monad imprisoned in ever changing forms.
42 MAN-MONAD Once that Manas -- the LIGHT OF THE LOGOS
has been evoked it (the MONAD) can be
referred to as MAN
55 Monads of previous Rounds needed something higher
than purely physical materials to build their
"Personalities" SD II 109-110
55fn Mankind a distinct Kingdom unaltered physically structur-
ally since "post-tertiary" age. SD II 681 684
55fn Man as a form has existed unaltered since before the pres-
ent forms of animals Ocean 130 SD II 180
55fn All races of Mankind are of ONE SPECIES SD II 155 667
55 Monads of previous Rounds needed something higher
than purely physical materials to build their
"Personalities" SD II 109-110
57 Inferior Lha (possessed of an astral body within an
ethereal form) -- from a Material world they
57 ASTRAL DESCENDED. They fashion our body of illusions...
SD I 174-5 180-4 II 86 121 241 653 720
57 Monad (Double Dragon) descended to use this form
[Hold on personality -- SD I 174-5fn]
57 MAN needs 4 Flames and 3 FIRES to become One on Earth.
SD I 320-1 291 521 II 58 Glos 120
57 MONAD is Triple See fn II 57, SD I 570
57fn The flames are evanescent and periodical.
The Fires are eternal in their triple unity ...
SD I 421
57fn ATMA-BUDDHI-MANAS In Devachan the
HIGHER MANAS is needed to
make it a state of perception and consciousness
for the disembodied Monad. SD I 571 Key 96
58 Brahma Collectively the creative Force of the Universe is
said to be "at the beginning of the Yugas (cycles
58 Desire "Possessed of the desire and of the power to
create, and, impelled by the potencies of what is
to be created, again and again does he, at the
outset of a Kalpa, put forth a similar creation."
SD II 60 176 I 44 110 210
58-9 MIND MAHAT Intellect - Universal Mind,
Manifested Omniscience
First product of Pradhana
First cosmic aspect of Parabrahm
SD I 16 50-1 62 110 200 255-6 329-30 370fn
SD I 428 450-4 545 II 74 163 487
59 & fn Brahma thought of himself as father of the world
Kriya- Kriya-sakti (SD I 293)
sakti "Thinking of ones-self as...." is the chief factor
in all kinds of psychic and physical
"Phenom." Phenomena
59 Will has to be used.
81 Animals separated from Men (Monads are identical) by the
abyss of Mentality and Self-consciousness
Key 104 SD I 234 II 103 120 455 636 702fn
81 MAN IS A GOD IN AN ANIMAL FORM - Higher aspect of
Mind is the very essence of a Higher Being.
SD II 95 102-3 746
110 Monad its identity with the all-self makes it
all-potent on the Arupa (formless) plane
110 Monad - ON OUR PRESENT PLANE: its essence being too
pure it remains all potential, but individu-
ally it becomes inactive (like Sun's rays)
which are non-selective in action
110 ATMAN unless the higher Self gravitates towards its
vs. Sun--the MONAD--the lower Ego or personal
Personal Self will always have the upper hand.
Self Fierce selfishness and animal desire to live
a senseless life (Tanha) which is the
"maker of the tabernacle" Glos 351 Dham 35
SD I 174-5fn II 113 161-3 241 419
109-110 (Monad) when present in vegetable or animal bodies
where it is that force
Key 96 123 Glos 84 GN 227-8 Gita 123
SD I 42 75 103 174-5fn 184 247 268 326 639
SD II 42 79 88 94 138 149-50 167 241
318fn 492 660
SD I 86 282 630 670
110 Spirits of the Earth temporarily rule the building of the
human form so that the MONAD and its
Manas conscious principle MANAS dwell there
110 Solar Lhas (spirits) warm them -- on the psychic and
spiritual planes
GEOLOGICAL AGES (Confused as to dating)
10 Secondary age human footprints found SD II 713
10fn Geological Ages and confusion about dating
11 SD II 9 72 695 710-19
Myocene Age saw Greenland and Spitzbergen - remnants
of the Hyperborean cont. had a tropical climate
SD II 7 769 313-5 393 767
47 NARADA son of Brahma, Vedic Rishi,
a Manasaputra (born of Mahat, or Brahma)
SD I 413 II 167 Glos 40 224
SD II 67 82-3 140fn 275fn 323 436 508 584-5
47-8 also - son of Kasyapa and daughter of Daksha
a Deva-Rishi
48 Narada Pesh Hun Messenger -- or Angelos
"sole copnfidant and the executor of the
universal decrees of Karma and Adi-Budh: a
kind of active and ever incarnating logos who
leads and guides human affairs."
48 Narada Karmic prophet -- "executor of the universal de-
crees of Karma and Adi-Budh" - omnipresent
SD II 82 281 I 207-8 527
48 Mysterious intelligent guiding power that impels and regu-
lates the cycles on a UNIVERSAL SCALE
Inspirer and leader of Heroes of this Manvantara
48 Narada Visible adjuster of KARMA Deva-Brahma
Exoterically: "Strife-maker" - "Monkey-faced"
compared with Hermes, Mercury, wandering the earth
and giving good counsel -- a "messiah"
warns evil doers of their doom (Kansa and Krishna)
48 "Bad Karma" [ Tempter ? Karma of evil in action ? ]
Real NARADA cannot be explained in print
SD I 413 II 43fn 70 82 275fn 502 652
49 Patala visited by Narada and Sesha interviewed
1000 heads and bearer of the 7 Patalas
Sesha [ our Earth is a Patala - antipodes of
the Spiritual Earth ]
SD II 99-100 214 Glos 251 296
49 Astronomical CYCLES all verified and recorded by Narada
SD I 653 ML 5
49 Future - like an opened book Mirror of the Future
SD II 68-70 51 499fn I 647-60
Let from t. Masters of Wisdom 1st Ser. 47
ML 5 29 193-4 224
49 Zodiacal records of Atlanteans cannot err. SD I 648-9
SD II 66 431-6 503 343-4 648-9 332 750-4
Zodiacal origins and details from history SD I 648-9
SD II 66 431-6 503 343-4 648-9 332 750-4
50-1 Atlantean ancient books still in So. India
67 Tamil calendar Tirukanda Panchanga is in accord with
the records left of Asuramaya SD II 50-1
SD II 68-70 551 Glos 40 247
68fn Refers only to our SOLAR SYSTEM
[ See also SD II 710-11 I 454-5 ]
Ocean 134 Glos 359
70 311,040,000 000 000 years = Maha Kalpa, or Life of Brahma
(100 of Brahma's years)
[311 trillion, 40 billion] SD II 70
SD I 63 336fn 370 13 Glos 170 Is II 273
SD I 91 134fn 144fn 371 II 499fn
70 3,110,400,000,000 years = 1 Year of Brahma SD II 70
[ 3 trillion, 110 billion ]
8,640,000,000 years = 1 Day + 1 Night of Brahma
4,320,000,000 years = 1 Kalpa = l Day of Brahma or
1,000 Maha-Yugas SD II 69
or 14 Manus SD II 59-60
[ see The Theosophist, Nov., 1885, p. 115-6;
article by P. Sreenivas Row ]
69 1 Day of Brahma = 4,294,080,000 years = 994 Maha-Yugas
or 14 Manus
add 25,920,000 years = 1 Sandhi (twilight)
_____________________ SD II 308fn
4,320,000,000 years = 1 Kalpa or
1 Day of Brahma
(4 billion, 320 million)
SD II 69-70
69 1 Manvantara = 306,720,000 years = 71 Maha Yugas of
add 1,728,000 years = 1 Sandhi
308, 448,000 years = Manvantara
so far
4 Yugas [ The 4 "Ages" ] . . . SD II 69
ML p. 121, IS I 32
1,728,000 years = Krita (or Satya, or Golden Age--Yuga )
1,296,000 years = Treta (or Silver Age--Yuga )
864,000 years = Dwapara ( or Bronze Age--Yuga )
432,000 years - Kali ( or Black, Iron Age--Yuga )
4,320,000 years = 1 Maha Yuga - or [Begins: SD I 434-5
1/1000th of A Day of Brahma
69 Yugas SD II 69 HPB III 422; Lucif XIII, 183-4
Isis I 32 293 II 434 WQJ I 179
68 HUMANITY - First appearance of 1,664,500,987 years
Tamil to which 300,000,000 are to be added
1,655,884,687 years
SD I 407 656
SD I 170 368 II 785 149 710 712
69 Vaivaswata Manvantara to 1887 18,618,728 years
[ Note: Varaha Kalpa marked 1/2 of Brahma's
Life SD II 179
70 EXOTERIC FIGURES only are given here
Agree fairly closely with the Esoteric which
show a greater number of esoteric cycles
SD II 49 253 330fn 396 432-3
70 Cycles within Cycles SD I 40fn 221 637-8 641-2
SD II 189 301 330 620-1
[ Overlap SD II 433fn 444
[ Initiation gives SD I 314 642 II 566
[ Racial cycles SD II 330-1 396 443-6
This our Present Cycle is a Transitory State
74 BOTTOM OF A CYCLE at present for all of us -- a
TRANSITORY STATE. Is I 247, Letters 71 FP 305
74 BARREN PERIOD is our present
SKEPTICISM is its disease
[ Skepticism SD I 479-80 676 II 443
74 Commingling of all the aspects of nature at present
4 Deluge based on universal Atlantean Deluge & final
submersion SD I 67-8 370 II 69 141-6
SD II 222 270-1 313-15 715 784-5 Glos 373
Mod Panarion 61
5 Gobi became a desert then a sea and lastly a desert
( 9,000 BC) 10-12,000 years ago [Coincides with the date
of the Submersion of Poseidonis - last
remnant of Atlantis 9,566 BC--- DTB ]
SD II 138 327-331 372 406 444fn 484fn 502-3
ML 155 Five Yrs of T. p. 99fn
52 Axis of Earth changed - several SD I 207 369
SD II 145 274 292 314 324-5 360
S D II 369 356 431 533-4 726 771
Lemuria destroyed SD I 369
Atlantis Floods SD II 4 147fn 424-9 533-4
52 Deluges and chaos on Earth SD I 649 II 352 274 410 776
Cosmic Deluge SD I 444 II 69fn 530
Atlantean SD II 772 69 141-6 313-4 533-4 350
Biblical SD I 415 444-5 II 4 270 335
5th Race SD II 353 774 751fn
52 Lemurian SD II 139-40 313 351 41
52 Monsters Pre-human SD II 115 634-5
Co-human SD II 55-6 192-7 206 316 692 713
Lemuro-Atl.SD II 285 679 689 692
2nd Race SD II 138
2 7 PRIMEVAL MEN Pymander
- universally recognized to be
original creators Glos 266 SD I 571
SD I 21 64 73 217 417 445-60
SD II 53 267fn 612 624
2 -- Chaldean Tablets mention SD I 575fn II 35
2 -- 7 Kings of Edom SD I 55 375 II 704-5
TM Vol. 57-425
3 SEVENS -- 7 Manus SD I 14 21 235fn 248 442 433 II 307-8
-- 7 Adams
3 -- 7 Kabiri ("Holy Fires") SD I 435fn 641 II 365
2-3 Androgyne -- developed from asexual (balanced) and thence
to sexuals SD 1 354-6 II 37 124-30 269fn
divisions of mankind
34 SEVEN Fundamental figure everywhere -- all cosmogonies
SD I 36 112 392 II 563 590 582-3 600-3 747
SD II 91-2 Isis I 266
35 7 Examples taken from antiquity
Mysteries SD I 572
Egypt Book of the Dead SD I 226-8
Assyrian tiles
34fn-35 Central America (Mayas) Le Plongeon
Seven Rishis saved from the Deluge
35 1 - 3 - 5 - 7 are "perfect" China (sacred Numbers)
36 Symbolism of 7 See SD I pp 4-5 II 30
36 Tau Cross universally used. Is II 256
29fn 7 - 7 principles corrsp. to distinct states of Pragna
29fn Pragna consciousness and are allied to 7 states of matter
and 7 forces -- a common division that affect all
things on Earth SD I 157 655fn Voice 53
36 Atma Atma at Center - between the 2 "birds"
Personality and Individuality
S. Tree Sephirothal Tree SD II 4 215 293 I 352
36 Circle & Diameter SD II 553 Is I 342
36 Triangle with central Dot, Pentagram, Hexagram
SD I 5 II 24 595-6 Glos 338
36 SQUARE Man is the epitome of all these
Tetraktys He is the mystic square -- THE TETRAKTYS
Glos 316 Key 186 SD I 321 460 II 542 600
36 CUBE unfolded (Cross 3 + 4)
3 (female) horizontally
4 (male) vertically
36 Higher Self Cross of flesh in which HIGHER SELF is daily
crucified SD II 272 Trans 52 58
36 Two Ones from which the Logos (Word) body is fleshly
SD I 130
36 Spirit AND Nature [MONAD] forever conjoined in our illusory
universe -- in the Universe of Ideas
Spirit as essence is eternal, one and "self-
existent" SD I 13fn 15 II 41
Emanates a pure ethereal LIGHT SD II 41
37 ONE Vertical line is the Logos SD I 94
37 TEN 1ST Divine Manifestation Is II 300
37 PI Various expressions of the ratios that produce
its approximations
SD I 90-1 114, 131 230 313 434fn II 239 465
SD II 38-40 465-6 544 560
69fn Sequence of 4 - 3 - 2 a sacred series SD II 73 307fn
67 Theosophy considers the Pre-historic ages.
SD I 207 II 275fn 281-2
68fn Fossils will include materialized remains from earlier
Rounds hundreds of millions of years old
SD II 684 736 679
68fn Ethereal then, physical now SD I 190 II 72 713 688fn
69fn Pralayas their importance and the saving of humanity from
cataclysms SD I 4-5 368 371 II 310fn 329-30
69fn Cosmic Pralaya after 100 years of Brahma's Life
Krishna/Vishnu as Rudra enters into the 7 Rays of
the SUN and dries up all the waters of the
Universe. The Solar Rays dilate into 7 SUNS and
set fire to the whole cosmos. SD I 458-8 370-1
SD II 548 611
73 Nature's Intelligence and vast Plans are evident -- Nature's
secrets when studied reveal an intelligent Plan in
Cosmogony that results in natural cosmic divisions
in time and action/reaction for everything and
show that everything in inter-related
74 Causes and effects are esoteric, exoteric, and endexoteric
Eternity and Immortality in Endless CYCLES
- beginningless and endless series of COSMIC REBIRTHS
- immutable Law of ETERNAL MOTION cyclic & spiral
- always progressive - NEVER "AT REST"
- One divine Principle THAT
80 - 'First Born' sets Manvantara into motion and falls
into the lower spheres of materiality
"Thrones & Seats of God" -- First MEN who
incarnate on Earth
80 - Endless series of prior manifestations
80-1 "Angels" -- MEN had countless aeons before broken through
the "SEVEN CIRCLES" and thus robbed them of
the "sacred Fire"
81 WISDOM - They had acquired all the WISDOM -- the reflec-
tion of MAHAT in its various degrees of
81 Wisdom can only be acquired by aeons of suffering and the
knowledge of EVIL as well as GOOD
SD I 17 103 II 96
84 Allegories as to formation and destruction of Men and worlds
under the law of evolution and from pre-existing mate-
rials [ Karmic balances to be worked on and
settled from past Manvantaras -- carried over by
the MONADS -- like "skandhas" ]
84 Karmic Balance - SPIRIT/MATTER opposite forces to be
equilibrised SD I 632-4 175
84 Astral form -- to be arranged first on astral plane
incoming monads, atoms to be placed by
[ the Barhishad Pitris - Elohim ]
77 12 classes of Creators (OCCULTISM TEACHES)
SD I 213 450 570 649 II 93 576
4 have "reached liberation"
5th is ready to reach it -- still active on
intellectual planes
7 are under direct Karmic law. And act on our
man-bearing globes
SD II 161 91 I 213 Trans 51
77 Pitris are of 7 classes ( EXOTERICALLY )
2 distinct kinds Glos 10 51 SD II 79 88 94
95 Creators 2 classes give :
1. essence which later on becomes through
personal exertion of the individual
SD I 17 127-8 276 II 81 87-8 109
Trans 32 67-9 77 126 108-9 KEY 121 181 241
Ocean 57 TM 14, p. 25 WQJ Art I 528-9
HPB Art. I 89 45-6 268 II 105 III 265
Letters 15 28 31 56 85 97 112 116 129 174-5
Letters 178 122 115 70 78 174
95 Sinless - because only the first pale outline of future
attributes SD II 97
95 Struggle - Where there is no struggle, there is no merit.
SD II 78-9 93
95 REFUSAL - Humanity of the EARTH-earthy not to be "created
to CREATE by "Angels of the first divine Breath."
so "they are said to have refused."
They could not.
95 Shadows - could only project shadowy men less divine and
perfect than themselves SD I 256 539fn
SD II 93 86 483-4
96 Lower order (2) of Creators required to create inhabited
Globes (like ours) to deal with matter on
this earthly plane SD I 128
102 Creators 1. 4 classes of Dhyan Chohans -- produced the
MANAS inner subtle, concealed Man Manu
SD II 126
102fn 2. Lunar Pitris (Lha) produced the Form - Bhuta
or phantom SD I 180-1 II 88 92
102 Physical nature cannot produce a Thinking Man - failure, nor
even a perfect animal SD II 56 269
- Nature Spirits and Higher elementals cannot do
102 Living Fire - needed to construct a thinking man
Manas - a Fire that gives man the human mind its self-
102 perception and self-consciousness or MANAS
SD I 68fn 265 181 521 II 45 57fn 105 275
102-3 Gap - between the Human Monad HIGHER SELF
endowed with divine intelligence
and the Animal Monad
103 Instinct endowed with instinctive faculty alone
to be filled
103 Monad - yet the MONAD is one and the same (SD II 167)
SD I 265 182 329fn II 79-80 109-10 167 272
SD II 175 555fn 632fn
103 2nd Race - Some - only breathed their essence into
(men); and some took in men their abode.
SD II 281 318fn 275 Q & a 180
78 Barhishad (possessed of "creative fire" -- being of
the lunar spirits more closely connected with
Earth, became the creative Elohim of form, or
the Adam of dust.) SD II 89 (1st race 94-5)
Astral SD II 79 89 94-5
79 Astral - could only give birth to the astral man -
Being Q & A 239 FP 99
84 Karmic Balance - SPIRIT/MATTER opposite forces to be
equilibrised [Monad ?] SD I 632-4 175
84 Astral form -- to be arranged first on astral plane
incoming monads, atoms to be placed by
[ the Barhishad Pitris - Elohim ]
79 Barhishads - not possessed on the higher MAHAT-mic
element SD I 248 256 373 II 39 58 283-4 584
94 Barhishad Pitris (pitar-devatas) were possessed of the
physical creative fire -- They obeyed the
Law -- clothed the human Monads with their
First Race astral Selves. Become the FIRST RACE.
95 Promethians Gave the Sacred Spark that burns and expands
into the flower of human SELF-CONSCIOUSNESS
SD II 161
95 Sptl. Man - had everything to do with the purely SPIRITUAL
MAN SD II 88 411-12
95 Creators 2 classes give :
1. essence which later on becomes through
personal exertion of the individual
SD I 17 127-8 276 II 81 87-8 109
Trans 32 67-9 77 126 108-9 KEY 121 181 241
Ocean 57 TM 14, p. 25 WQJ Art I 528-9
HPB Art. I 89 45-6 268 II 105 III 265
Letters 15 28 31 56 85 97 112 116 129 174-5
Letters 178 122 115 70 78 174
95 Sinless - because only the first pale outline of future
attributes SD II 97
95 Struggle - Where there is no struggle, there is no merit.
SD II 78-9 93
95 REFUSAL - Humanity of the EARTH-earthy not to be "created
to CREATE by "Angels of the first divine Breath."
so "they are said to have refused."
They could not.
95 Shadows - could only project shadowy men less divine and
perfect than themselves SD I 256 539fn
SD II 93 86 483-4
96 Lower order of Creators required to create inhabited
Globes (like ours) to deal with matter on
this earthly plane SD I 128
79 ESOTERICALLY they were destined to incarnate as the Egos
Mankind of the forthcoming crop of Mankind
79 HUMAN EGO - is neither Atman nor Buddhi, but the HIGHER
MANAS -- the intellectual fruition and the
efflorescence of the intellectual self-
conscious Egoism SD I 38 334 II 90-1
SD II 88 98 150 161-2 233fn Key 116 120
79 Karana Sarira on the plane of the Sutratma -- the golden
thread on which like beads are strung the
sive Personalities used by this Ego.
SD I 41 46 91fn 93 157 232-3 280 456fn II
[ Sutratma SD I 16-7 222 236 610
SD II 80 513
78-9 Self-Consciousness A gift from the Agnishwattas "complete
the human being making him almost a divine being
a "god" on Earth
DIVINE REBELS --Endow man with their FREEDOM
79 SPIRITUAL IMMORTAL MEN -- it was those which could not
79 7-FOLD MAN To complete 7-fold man, to add to his
3 lower principles and cement them to the
spiritual MONAD 2 connecting principles are needed
MANAS & KAMA (5th and 4th Human Principles are
conjoined and essential)
79 MANAS & KAMA Manas & KAMA.
This required the living SPIRITUAL FIRE from the
5th and 3rd states of Pleroma -- in the possession
of the Triangles--not of the (perfect) Cubes
(Angelic beings) (SD I 62-134)
SD I 86 167 260 288fn 334 527fn
SD II 59 75 80 109-10 167 171 241-3 254fn-5
SD II 275 HPB II 135
[Manasic beings who have perfected themseves and
had elected the sefish bliss of retirement into
Nirvana. They determined not to share their
wisdom with the rest of mankind. They secluded
themselves for long ages and when the rest of the
human wave reached their level Karma required that
emerge from their Nirvana and rejoin the stream of
progress. Nirvana is NOT eternal.]
79-80 Nirvanees returning from preceding Maha-Manvantaras
SD I 86 132-3 86 II 90 94 232-3fn 303 242
SD II 248 254-5fn 273 ML 87 Glos 232 WQJ
Letters 111 Voice 74 Trans. 139-148
Caves & Jungles 295-6 HPB Art II 20
HPB Art III 182 189 192fn 195 265
Theos't 5 - 246 (BCW 6 - 248-9)
SD I 240 266 371 416-7
80 Ego Re-emerges from Nirvana in its integrity
SD III 265 SD I 265 GN 149-50 Trans 148
79 FREE - because "active" these Beings are considered to
no longer be "pure," in "Heaven"
SD II 483-4 SD I 266 274-5 II 95 370
79 INDEPENDENT & FREE INTELLIGENCES they become -- and in
every Theogony they are shown - fighting for
Freedom their independence and freedom
[ Free Will SD I 413 639 II 304fn 412 484
[ Independence SD II 143-4 420-1 484
79 Divine PASSIVE Law they become rebellious to SD I 8 193-4
SD II 59 62 103 246 489-90 513
79 ESOTERICALLY they were destined to incarnate as the Egos
Mankind of the forthcoming crop of Mankind
83 Narada - Deva-Rishi Glos 99 224
[ our own HIGHER SELF acting as our individual
Soul/Ego is a "deva Rishi" to the personality. D ]
- has to be studied by occultist as his doings give
clues to anthropological, chronological and
82 Cosmic Mysteries. a FIRE - a "first-born"
"rebel" refusing to create except as a MAN
SD I 631-4 on the Monads
80 Primeval man as a form emerged from the bodies of his
spiritually fireless progenitors SD II 77 89
[ lacked Manas ] SD I 78-9 96 II
80 Mindless - form was Mindless -- needed middle principle
Link to link spiritual man and physical brain.
MANAS MANAS needed SD I 79 158 281
SD II 495-6 79 636fn 513
80 Lower line of the TRIANGLE that emanates from the Universal
MONAD can furnish Self-consciousness
SD I 240 II 79
EVOLUTION (Spiritual and Material)
88 Evolution shows in this Manvantara so far increasing
material and decreasing spiritual evolutions
88 Spiritual is to return and be redeemed through the
fleshly evolution.
88 MINDS (Manus) as Karma allows are used for this purpose
also other and higher planes to be achieved
62 FALL Caused by Karmic effects of the Law of Evolution
1. intellectual and spiritual
2. physical and psychic
SD I 202 418 II 167-8 96 565 59 513-5 141
62 Matter opposed to Spirit - Theological confusions caused
the problems for the last 1800 years.
SD II 268 269fn 318fn Glos 142
63 "War in Heaven"
Astronomical SD I 201-4
Adepts (Right & Left) SD II 501-2 390 498
SD I 419fn 495 500
90 Neglect lost in Smadhi neglected to create were
"cursed" to be reborn in each manvantara
till the 7th SD II 79-80 94 Glos 163
90 Jayas named Ajitas, Tushitas, Satyas, Haris, Vaikunthas,
Sadhyas, Adityas. ( see GLOS.)
90 MANASAS identical with the Manasas or Rajasas and these
D. Chohans with our incarnating DHYAN CHOHANS
SD I 221 188 493 II 79 92 275 232-3 393 Glos
Tushitas in 2nd kalpa
Adityas in this the Vaivaswata period
Trans 23-4 SD I 188
All are Gnana-devas
90 Spiritual and intellectual Self-consciousness to be
developed "cursed to be reborn as mortals" for
neglect of duty SD II 94
90 Neglect lost in Smadhi neglected to create were
"cursed" to be reborn in each manvantara
till the 7th SD II 79-80 94 Glos 163
91 Manu root: man thinker - to think
SD I 220 238 329fn II 169
Menes, Master-mind, Monas mind 5th principle
91 Manushya Pitris Sacred First men on Earth -- Brahmins
consider them more important than the "gods"
91 Pitris in 7 classes 3 formless intellectual and
4 corporeal - devoid of
intellect SD II 89
SD I 122 573 II 60 77 89 92-3
91 7 Zones have men simultaneously created on them by the
4 material groups of Pitris.
SD I 573 II 403 612
91 Pitris each class is divided into 7 sub-classes
SD I 122 II 97
91 Heart of the Dhyanchohanic Body -- Fire Dhyanis -- are
Agnishwattas SD I 86 II 88
91 3rd Race received then as incarnations to make them
92 Physical organs are copies of their ethereal prototypes
[ Chakras ?]
Physical - psychic - spiritual function is a
reflection on the terrestrial plane of
the model, prototype, above.
SD I 181 200 639 II 35
[ Law of correspondences: SD I 542 585-6fn
SD II 197 301
92 Heart 3 higher divisions and 4 lower cavities.
ULT Pamph 16, p. 14 SD II 282 538 541-2 588
92 7 7 classes of Pitris, 7 "Rays" 7 "nervous plexus"
7 layers of skin
93 1/3RD of the Arupa Pitris endowed with intelligence
were simply doomed by the law of karma to be
reborn (reincarnated) on Earth SD I 86 81 122
SD I 132fn 233 II 79 107-8 255fn 246 311
and some were
94 Nirmanakayas (some) from other Manvantaras -- reappear in
the 3rd Manvantara [ 3rd Root Race of this Globe ]
as Kings, Rishis, heroes (disfigured by priest-
hood) --holding them through superstition SD II 93
[ Nirmanakayas : SD I 132 188 233 II 79-80 90
SD II 233fn 255fn 275 248 273 615 652
94 REBELS Those compelled by Karmic Law to incarnate
again SD II 78 255FN 309 246 109-10
94 Responsible. To make responsible thinking entities of the
astral statues projected by their inferior brothers.
94 REFUSED BECAUSE HAD NO ASTRAL (some) - they were arupa
94 REFUSED by other who were Adepts and Yogis of long past
Manvantaras - (mystery) But, later on as
Nirmanakayas Nirmanakayas they sacrificed themselves
sacrifice for the good and the salvation of the Monads
for MONADS SD I 132fn 639 II 79 396 410-1 615
95 PERFECTION must be born out of imperfection.
The incorruptible must grow out of the corruptible
having the latter as basis and contrast
SD I 43 201 II 86 246 269fn 272
96 Good & Evil twins & progeny of Space and Time under Maya
each is created and generated out of the other
SD I 73 307 II 214 412 328-9 103 253fn 100 81
96 Good/Evil - both to be known and appreciated before becoming
objects of perception -- hence they are
divided in the "mortal mind" (Kama-manas)
SD I 405 II 517
influence of its lower personal Selves
109 Rebirth - changing with every rebirth, full of Tanha
or desire to live. [in bondage to the
Lower Self ] Key 131-2 179 SD I 371
SD II 231 & fn 233fn 241 253fn 274 163
109 Atman "Unless the Ego takes refuge in the Atman, the
ALL-SPIRIT, and merges entirely into the essence
thereof, the personal Ego may goad it to the bit-
ter end. Only understood by the mystery of the 3
lines of evolution SD I 181 Thy 20, p. 391
Spiritual GN 227-8
Evolution propelled and forced by
110 Monad its identity with the all-self makes it
all-potent on the Arupa (formless) plane
110 Monad - ON OUR PRESENT PLANE: its essence being too
pure it remains all potential, but individu-
ally it becomes inactive (like Sun's rays)
which are non-selective in action
110 ATMAN unless the higher Self gravitates towards its
vs. Sun--the MONAD--the lower Ego or personal
Personal Self will always have the upper hand.
Self Fierce selfishness and animal desire to live
a senseless life (Tanha) which is the
"maker of the tabernacle" Glos 351 Dham 35
SD I 174-5fn II 113 161-3 241 419
109-110 (Monad) when present in vegetable or animal bodies
where it is that force
Key 96 123 Glos 84 GN 227-8 Gita 123
SD I 42 75 103 174-5fn 184 247 268 326 639
SD II 42 79 88 94 138 149-50 167 241 318fn 492 660
SD I 86 282 630 670
110 Spirits of the Earth temporarily rule the building of the
human form so that the MONAD and its
Manas conscious principle MANAS dwell there
110 Solar Lhas (spirits) warm them -- on the psychic and
spiritual planes
110 Atman alone warms the Inner Man
Atma "Atman alone warms the inner man - it enlightens
it with a ray of divine life and alone is able to
impart to the inner man or the reincarnating EGO
its immortality. SD II 167 230-1 424 Is I 315
110 3 1/2 Race is the "turning point" From there on it is
the Higher Ego or incarnating principle nous, or
Mind which reigns over the animal Ego and gradual-
Perfection ly force the physical form towards perfection
SD I 275 638-9 II 683
110 Spirituality is on the ascending arc now
110 Selfishness of the Personality has infected the inner Man
so as to reduce the upward attraction on the
SD I 528 II 48 104 163 237 274 422
are abnormal, unnatural at this time
- an exceptional phenomenon
gives Man the Wisdom of Self-
Self-Consciousness Consciousness (which he does not
possess in the beginning GN 98-100
SD II 79-80 95 105 109-10 167 LETTERS 115 164
HPB Art I 105 113 290-4 WQJ I 601 II 506
113 - Occult Universal Solvent at one end and the
Cosmic Soul or the Astral Light at the other
(Hydrogen represents this on material plane) S D II 593
113 Perfect MAN - culmination of the Secret Work is SPIRITUAL
PERFECT MAN Glos 253 Is I 309
113 Manas - MANAS to receive enlightenment from the "divine
instructor" -- Guru ATMA-BUDDHI
Glos 335 SD II 105
114 SPIRIT beyond manifested Nature is the fiery BREATH in its
absolute Unity. SD I 14
114 CENTRAL SPIRITUAL SUN In the manifested Universe it is
the Central Spiritual SUN -
- the electric Fire of all Life SD II 23 568-9
114 Visible SUN - IN OUR SYSTEM -- the "spirit of Nature,"
the terrestrial God. SD I 656
114 Sun and Fire - explanations and tracing in Theogonies of
myths and legends given -- SUN as our GOD
SD II 568-9 105-6 108 550 318
114 All is FIRE in its ultimate constitution, Or "1" the root
of which is "0" (nought) in our conceptions
114 Mind & Fire - the ALL in Nature and its Mind.
DHYANI BUDDHAS and Bodhisattvas
116 Yoga is same as Dhyana ( Sons of Dhyana) or of the abstract
Dhyani Buddhas meditation though which the Dhyani-
Buddhas create their celestial sons the
Bodhisattvas Dhyani-Bodhisattvas. SD I 42 109 115 572
116 Dhyani Buddha
116 Awareness of This "superior" cannot emanate into them or
PRESENCE impart his efflux until they have adored."
120 Dhyan Chohanic essence -- the dynamic causality of the
primal cause -- which creates physical man
-- which is the living, active and potential
matter SD I 265
120 Animal Consc. pregnant with superior animal consciousness
superior such as seen in the ant or the beaver
SD I 234 455 II 81 103 636 702fn
120 "Shadows Chhayas Sons of the "Self-born" by WILL of Adepts
SD II 349 275fn 281-2
123fn MONAD - is impersonal and a God per se -- but
unconscious on this plane SD I 174-5fn
123fn MANAS - is the horizontal line of the FIRST MANIFESTED
TRIANGLE SD I 174-5fn 247 II 225 Glos 216
123fn - highest sees through the eyes of the lowest in
manifested world.
123fn ATMA-BUDDHI needs MANAS to perceive on this
plane of manifestation SD I 242fn
125 DIVINE ANDROGYNE - separates into man & woman Jah-Heva
in one form or Race and
Cain & Abel - Cain and Abel male & female or Race
Jah-Hevah the double-sexed Jehovah (like
Brahma-Vach) SD I 444
SD II 127 147 Isis II 398
[Universe born from SD I 398
126 DIVINE HERMAPHRODITE - is Brahma-Vach-Viraj
SD II 125 128 130 143 Glos 63
125 Brahma-Viraj-Vach -- or Adam-Jehovan-Eve and
SD II 127 134 390-1 44fn
TREE OF WISDOM (Manas to become Buddhi-Manas)
97-8 TREE - is Man himself
- "Serpents dwelling in it" - MANAS - the connect-
ing link between Spirit and Matter.
SD I 65 88 II 79-81 215 520
97 Trees of Life in all cosmogonies described and named with
similar attributes and functions
(Third Root Race associated with the
97 WISDOM TREE TREE OF WISDOM one with the Sephirothal
Tree SD I 405-6 II 98 104 107 215
Mundane Tree Glos 337
98 Wisdom - 1.Macrocosmic - SERPENT OF ETERNITY - ABSOLUTE
2. Microcosmic - Serpents of the manifested
Wisdom SD II 215
98 MANAS - MIND alone in it is reflected the conscious
immortal spirit
- creating Powers cannot do this - "punished"
98 Punishment -- imprisonment in Lower Matter of our Earth
Animal Man lowest in its chain - within animal Man
SD I 407 II 104 110 237fn 274 Voice 79
Glos 138
98 Divine Consciousness (from Manas -- the incarnated Deva)
98 Serpent of Wisdom - Voice of reason and consciousness
(from Manas) inverted by church fathers
into Satan and the "Fallen Angel"
SD I 276 134-5 II 525fn 88 95fn 267 272
103 Divine Rebels did not incarnate in all men but only in a
103 Spark - REMAINDER only had their 5th PRINCIPLE
Manas simply quickened by the Spark thrown
into it which accounts for the difference
between the intellectual capacities of men
and races. SD II 167 81 318fn
103 Animal man was afforded the link TO FREEDOM so that
through self-exertion he could reach his
Intellectual ultimate GOAL -- INTELLECTUAL FREEDOM
Freedom SD II 79 162 484 I 17 275
103 INTELLECTUAL LIFE rebels against the morbid inactivity
of pure spirit -- makes us SELF-CONSCIOUS
Morbidity of SD II 8 162 193-4 II 59 62 79 81 115
PURE SPIRIT SD II 123 162 171-2 241-3 246 421 513
and SUFFERING alone
(Spirit-Matter 2 opposites attracted, are
Monad wedded in eternity [ MONAD ] )
SD I 17 110 163 635-6 II 95-6 167
105 Father of physical body is the vital electric principle
residing in the Sun [ JIVA /Prana ]
SD I 521 II 57fn 102
105 Mother is the Moon and that mysterious power regulates
gestation and birth SD I 180 388-90 583 595
105 Spiritual Fire Hydrogen in Alchemy makes man a divine and
perfect entity SD I 521 II 60
105 - Ray from noumenon of the "Dhyan of the First
Element" SD I 215 II 109 592-3
Elements Senses Cosmic terrestrial man
---------------- ----------- ---------------------------------
1. Ether Hearing Sound SD I 352-3 534-5 HPB II 11
SD I 148 PATH I 294 Pat 54
SD II 638 HPB/APS p 254
2. Air Touch Sound & Touch (Sparsa SD I 151 255
3. Fire, or Light Sight - do - & Color
4. Water Taste - do - & Taste
5. Earth Smell - do - & Smell SD II 114
107 Each element adds its own characteristic to that of its
predecessor and to the senses of the preceding
Race [ HPB Art I 428 432-2 II 231-2 SD I 251
on Permeability ]
107fn Ancients demonstrate a profound knowledge of natu-
ral Sciences and Physics as well as Metaphysics
and Psychology. SD I 100 460 II 592
108 Dhyan Chohans (devas) and Gods proceed from the
First Cause and not from Parabrahm, for the latter
is the ALL-CAUSE. SD ii233fn Glos 248
108 Mankind proceeds from those active agents in Kosmos
109 NEUTER he (the cause) becomes merged in
his own effects: is called
by names indicating the changes
- Esoteric order
1. Mahapurusha or Paramatman Supreme spirit
2. Atman or Purvaja (Protologos) Living spirit of Nature
3. Indiyatman or Hrishikesha Spiritual or
Intellectual Soul - one with the senses
4. [ Kamadeva ? ] Glos 170-1, SD I 218 570-3 ?
5. Bhutatman Living or Life soul
6. Kshetrajna Embodied soul, or the UNIVERSE of
spirit and Matter
7. Bhrantidarshinath False perception -- (Maya )
Material Universe SD I 19
Trans 23-4 TM 36, p. 226fn
-----Original Message-----
From: Gopi Chari [mailto:ekcvv@j...]
Sent: Thursday, February 26, 2004 12:52 PM
To: study@b...
Subject: [bn-study] Re: Does Brahman or Atman have any karma?
Even Pralaya has Karma!
What is beyond or above Karma?
Strangely, Karma also means work. So, is any work related being within
Karmic cycle however different the being is? It surely seems so.
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