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Re: Theos-World RE:: Physical Phenomena at a Seance (3 of 3)

Dec 07, 2003 03:22 AM
by leonmaurer

Hi Sufi,

Well, I have to agree that almost everything you say makes some sort of 
sense. But maybe you have some of the facts wrong, and still haven't gotten what I 
was talking about. 

So, to set the record straight, why not tell us exactly where HPB said, in so 
many words, that a "new teaching or new teacher would come around 1975"? I 
had the impression that she was talking about a new "message" of further action 
with respect to the Theosophical Movement, rather than a new teaching of 

>From my recollection, she taught that the Founding Fathers of America, back 
in the previous cycle of the Theosophical Movement, were "agents of the adepts" 
(as she and WQJ also were). Could you tell us who, at that time, was their 
"messenger" and what was their "new teaching"? If you can do that, I would 
also like to know what that phase of the Movement had to do with the ancient 
mystery teachings themselves -- other than its being based on them (as still 
"secrets" of only the Founders and their Masters, all of whom were Masons)? 

In HPB's time those "Secrets" (but not all of them) were exposed to the world 
at large... So that, according to the plan, everyone who had "a need to know" 
(and many who shouldn't have:-) could easily find out about what was formerly 
only available to a select few. But, that exposure or change of direction of 
the Movement could only take place if the previous cycle was successfully 

Therefore, wasn't this "exposure" done solely for the purpose of empowering 
the coming "action phase" of the Theosophical Movement -- rather than for the 
enlightenment of individual theosophists? ... Although, that could be 
considered as a compassionate side effect for those who might be useless to the 
Movement -- which was, actually, the primary motivation for the release of the Secret 
Doctrine... That, incidentally (as another side effect) led to the A-bomb as 
well as to A. Hitler and his followers, along with A Bailey and hers -- all of 
whom have taken advantage of HPB's teachings as well as her prophesy of a new 
message and "messenger" to promote their New World Order, anti-theosophical, 
racial and religious prejudicial, political, governmental and mystical 
messianic baloney. But then, even the Masters have to take the bad with the good. 
And, as Shakespeare might say, "To do or not to do? That (was) the question." 
So, they, like all of us other makers and receivers of karma and its effects, 
had to choose between the "lesser of two evils," so to speak. 

So, you are right... There is a necessity to give up the ways of the last 
cycle that HPB completed, and start this new cycle on a new footing. Now, the 
Secret Doctrine must become what it was originally designed to be... Not a 
"bible" of theosophy as a religion, but as a "textbook" and "handbook" of how to 
practically merge science, religion and philosophy -- in order to create a 
properly working, benificently self governed, and harmoniously progressing world -- 
that would speed up and facilitate the continuing evolution of all humanity 
in perfect balance with all the other "lives" on Earth. That, to me, is the 
only theosophical goal worth thinking about and working toward. And, of course, 
has nothing to do with the ancient and fundamental wisdom teachings 
themselves -- which can never be changed or added to -- but simply studied and used as 
a basis for such action. 

The Masters, through HPB, gave out all that was necessary to carry out this 
new phase of the movement -- that had to come after their initial "Teaching" 
phase -- as the action (or perhaps we should say, "practical") phase, that began 
in 1775, had to come before that. So, there are no further new or "higher 
teachings" to come with respect to esoteric theosophy -- except, perhaps, some 
new "instructions" about how to carry out the action phase of this third and 
final cycle of the Movement. All the rest of those so called "higher teachings" 
that lead to the final 3 initiations, have to come to us directly through our 
inner teacher -- since they can only be taken, not given.

In my view, however, those action instructions will not be given out openly 
-- since the Masters are still occultists, and know the necessity of not 
telling your left hand what your right hand is doing. (But, if anyone wants to know 
what they are -- show us sufficient outward and inward proof that you are a 
true theosophist and have achieved self realization, along with a burning 
desire to help and teach others, and I'm certain the Master will get in touch with 
you one way or another.) 

Unfortunately, some, like the Bailey, Prophet and Creme groups think they 
already have the message and are busy a beavers trying to see who will be the 
first ones to take control of the world through their particular Messiah. 

If we examines the history of the Theosophical Movement since it first began 
about 600 years ago, it's quite obvious that each of its 200 year full cycles 
alternated between an initial (half cycle) 100 year teaching/absorbtion phase, 
followed by a 100 year practical action/establishment phase... With each such 
overall cycle initiating a virtual or actual "New Order of the Ages." It's 
obvious that the sole purpose of publicly giving out these teachings around 
1875 was to fulfill the aims, goals and purposes of the Theosophical Movement by 
its third full cycle (or after six 100 year half cycles) ending about 2075. 
That means we haven't very long before such new action must surface and become 
visible to all -- or become drowned in the backwash of material karmic effects 
that we were not sufficiently awakened and mentally focussed enough, as a 
commonly motivated group, to overcome. 

So, it seems that we have been talking at cross purposes... You are still 
focussing on the spiritual teachings for the attainment of individual knowledge, 
compassion, and self realization. While, I am assuming (as I'm sure HPB hoped) 
that all those necessities leading to the "formation" of each true 
theosophist into a "nucleus of Universal Brotherhood" should have already been 
accomplished by 1975... And, that the next stage was to be the practical application of 
theosophy by them, as "leaders" and "companions" who would inspire and 
empower the ordinary people, to become, in fact, a "Universal Brotherhood." This 
group, acting in concert with a common end and purpose in view, would then begin 
restoring the world, that their previous ignorance and acquiescence had led 
to the brink of catastrophic self destruction. For, as HPB pointed out, if we 
don't accomplish that change of mind of the common people and begin working on 
our mutually dependent biospheric restoration before the door finally closes 
at the end of the third cycle of the Movement -- our human evolution might 
very well be set back another million years or more. 

So, it's the problems of the planet and the whole human race that we now have 
to solve, not those of individual students searching for their own salvation 
-- which doesn't need any "new teachings" to accomplish. 

So, what does any "new teaching of theosophy" have to do with those big 
problems, or the actions needed to solve them? Individually, we either have gotten 
the 5th, 6th and 7th initiation teachings through out own inner Master, or we 
haven't. And, no matter whether we have or not attained them, we can, with 
what we already know, either help fulfill the purposes of the Theosophical 
Movement (which shouldn't be confused with the theosophical teachings) or we 

However, I'm sure there are many "theosophists" (most, with little time to 
spend in these forums) who have taken up this challenge and are working in those 
directions, regardless of their level of theosophical initiation. All such 
efforts need is willing workers who have the same ends and purposes in view. 
Therefore, it might behoove some of us who wish to join in this action, to seek 
them out and offer whatever help they can. 

Unfortunately, some of the larger groups of pseudo theosophists, who have 
also taken up this challenge, think they have to use mystical brainwashing 
techniques and possibly even force, to control or remove those who might not conform 
to their ideas of the New World Order. 

So, judging by all the nonsense I hear about the coming of a literal 
messenger with a new interpretation or application of the theosophical teachings, I 
can say that some of you still haven't gotten it yet. 

Incidentally, I didn't say that anyone personally (or you, particularly) were 
"pseudo theosophists" or are doing the same things as them -- when I included 
you together with those politicalizing and/or religionizing interpreters of 
theosophy -- who also haven't gotten it. But, all I can say is, if the shoe 
fits, wear it. :-) If not, show us that you understand the difference between 
the "theosophical teachings" and the "Theosophical Movement," and tell us why, 
with respect to the higher teachings, what's good for one may not be very good 
for another? It also might be useful if we all can understand the serious 
harm the pseudo theosophists, and other New Age channelers are doing to 
misdirect the Movement by playing into the hands of the present white Christian 
minority of wealthy industrialists now taking control of the world's "globalization" 
through the UN. 

>From this point of view (looking at theosophy as simply a tool to fulfill the 
objects of the Theosophical Movement) -- what might be called for today to 
fulfill its aims and purposes is a literal "Revolution" (non violent, of course) 
that might have to overthrow or reform this entire "New Order of the Ages," 
and turn it back toward its original purpose of creating a balanced system 
where each individual could have complete liberty or self rule, a true diversity 
within a unity -- while living under a theosophically minded government "of the 
people, by the people, and for the people" (as A. Lincoln framed it). But, 
this time around, it's not one country alone that needs this change, but the 
entire world. 

We might see, then, that any new leader(s) who can impersonally bring all the 
diverse efforts toward world salvation together, will have to be of the same 
nature as the Buddha, and appear as nothing in the eyes of men... But also, 
with a full knowledge of the mass media (both scientifically and technically) as 
well as full access through it directly to the eyes, ears and hearts of the 
entire world's population. In addition, he/she/they should be entirely 
independent, and not in any way the stooges of the economic power structure that is 
now trying to rule the world. That's the kind of active and rallying new 
"messenger(s)" we should be looking for (or cultivating in theosophy). He/She/They 
could certainly use any help they can get. But, I doubt if there ever will 
be any such singular, non political "leader" -- unless one comes along who is 
not only a wise theosophist, but also, perhaps, makes (or can take credit for) 
a final new breakthrough in science leading to a repeatable experiment that 
proves beyond a shadow of a doubt the validity of the theosophical metaphysics 
and its fundamental laws of karma and reincarnation ... Thereby, giving such 
ideas, along with the fundamental principles they are based on, a clear reason 
for worldwide acceptance. 

Of course, if we can't be graced by such an accomplished teacher, and pull 
off such a "reformation" before the globe becomes so populous and so self 
destructive that the Earth will begin to wobble on it axis -- maybe the next 
messenger we see will be the Maha Chohan himself with his giant scythe that will cut 
us all down to a few jungle dwellers -- having to start from the beginning all 
over again.

So, do we agree that it is important for us to understand this modern age 
with its mass media and high technology -- that could enable the entire world, at 
its grass roots, to be brought together with a common theosophical purpose by 
such a leader or group of leaders? And, do we also agree that it's important 
for true theosophists to become involved in such action so as to prevent it 
turning into just another "New World Order" global dictatorship -- that might 
allow the world to be destroyed, or would sacrifice the lives and individual 
freedoms of all dissenters, before giving up their powers and greeds? 

But, we must still remember that there cannot be any "new theosophical 
teaching" -- since its metaphysics (and at least its synthesis with science and 
philosophy) is already being gradually cut in stone by the leading edges of modern 
Superstring/M-brane physics, coupled with holographic and other advanced 
coenergetic field theories... And everything else, necessary for any of us to 
achieve individual salvation, has already been given out and correlated for us by 
the Masters. All the rest of the so called "higher teachings" can only come 
through our own Master within -- based on our "individual, self devised and 
self determined efforts" of study and practice -- even if we can't find a live 
teacher who can guide us along the way. Fortunately, there are many of us who 
have been enlightened in a previous lifetime, or in this one, that can help 
those others who are still struggling on the path. It's still a fact that, If 
you don't ask, you can't receive. (So, maybe all this gratuitous wisdom given 
out in these forums is just a lot of whistling in the wind. :-) 

So, don't you agree that the above description of the differences and 
separation between the "study of theosophy" and the "Theosophical Movement" -- while 
considering their essential unity and interdependence -- is "presenting the 
teaching in a new light" that satisfies the needs of our time? 

It seems that if all students of theosophy would understand that -- then 
"compassion," as you speak of it, would automatically become the ruling aspect of 
their lives as a matter of principle. And, they would know how to apply it 
without having it turn it into vapid or vacuous sentimentality, or give them a 
rationale, depending on their preconceptions of their own self worth, to 
arbitrarily sacrifice the few for the sake of the many, or the many for the sake of 
the few... (That seems to be the case among some today following the "New 
World Order" ideas of the New Age Gurus.)

I hope you've finally gotten it. If so, we welcome all your comments and 
further teachings that can help fulfill the true purpose of theosophy -- by 
becoming the motivational force behind the successful conclusion of the 
Theosophical Movement in accord with its original (yet still open and loose to account 
for unforeseen contingencies) Master plan.

Incidentally, one of those contingencies was the premature exposure of the 
Bailey/DK teachings, possibly based on the Bailey's hunger for power and 
recognition, or their misdirected eagerness to overshadow HPB -- which, 
unfortunately, has generated an exceedingly powerful backlash against all the fundamental 
theosophical teachings in general... Making the TM's "leaders" and "companions" 
jobs all the more difficult. :(

Best wishes,


In a message dated 12/05/03 8:01:56 AM, writes:

Hallo Leon and all of you,

My views are just views:

It is a bit long this time.

But because some of the readers do not understand the subject.

I decided to expand a bit on the issue.


a) If we have to find all out for ourselves, Blavatsky would NOT have had

any reason to say that there would be forwarded new techings around 1975,

agreed ?

b) Compassion do help when needed. And agreed compassion also do require

that the students learn how to think and act wisely themselves when needed.

c) Try this one.

Then you might understand why, there is a need to present the teaching in a

new light from time to time. --- But selfesteem and getting to attached to


own writings has of course never been high on the agenda among ANY

theosophical writers, - agreed ?

d) If for instance all of us should learn - all what theosophy has learnt

us - by the help of the Heremes Fragments and Tablets - where will we all

have been today ?

The teachigns has to be adapted to time place and people.

The Teacher is a pupil and the pupil is a Teacher.

If the pupil don't want a Teacher - the pupil is free to do so.

But how much will the pupil then learn ?

Try "A curriculum of a School"

The teaching has to be adapted to the students and their level of

consciousness and

their individual background and character. Those on your level learns more

easy by

other kinds of communication. --- Sometimes patience is important.

Did this help Leon ?

2. Theosophical Organisations and their mode of operating:

The Masters taught you to use the 7 keys and avoid the dead-letter


There will come a new teaching for sure. And there already has arrived

new teachings. Neither Blavatsky was agaisnt such a view quite on the

contrary ! (Try this on

unexplored teachings !!!)

The need for --- renewal or reformulations of theosophy --- araises when you

understand the below remarks on what happened when

Blavatsky "died" and perhaps also a few other theosophists - i.e. the


The below is an excerpt from a longer article and are related to

Theosophical Organisations and their mode of operating.

I included it so that you and others might learn and understand:

"After the disappearance from the field of a teacher of Wisdom, the

followers will divide themselves into groups, in accordance with their

strength and weaknesses. Some will assume control of others. They may be

good or bad, and this will be shown by their reaction to - the second

teacher - when he/she arrives.

If they realise he/she is their teacher, then they have merely been

developing themselves and can mature. But if they have become atrophied,

they will be too blind to recognize the Spirituality of the very teacher,

for which appearance they have been prepared. They may attach themselves, in

default, to a different group. (And this groups existence is maybe no

coincidence.) Again well and good : providing they return to the mainstream

of teaching when it is offered to them again. This is the test of whether

they have overcome the lower self. They will realise, if they are

sufficiently developed, that the person who appears to be 'second' teacher

is in reality - the first in importance.

Life is reversed for the undeveloped man (the newcomer), and he/she will

behave in accordance with this. The first teacher does not make life easier,

in most cases, for the generality of disciples. He/She will teach them

things, which are only of use when the second teacher arrives and reality

falls into place. The object of this is twofold. In the first place, certain

valuable thoughts have been given to the disciples. In the second, they are

tested by the means of these ideas. Just as our western psychologists give

odd-shaped pieces of wood to people, to see how they put them together,

teachers of Wisdom will give odd-pieces of material of - mental kind - to

his/her followers. - If they try to fit these together however, and to make

a pattern in his/hers - absences, - they are becoming 'fossilised'. Because,

the Wisdom tradition has to show that the object of mankind is not to

construct idols, but to follow a supreme pattern, which is learnt piece by


Quite obviously the semi-blind among the people, during their

'waiting-period', will try to work out their own interpretation. They may,

as have been done in the past, write books to explain what they have

learned. This is the danger-point, because when a man/woman is accepted as,

say, a philosopher (of wisdom) because she/he has written a book explaining

a philosophy, he/she will not readily accept, that she/he only have been

'fumbling'. He/She has quite possibly become a prisoner of his/hers lower

self. The self-conceit of the man/woman is now bound up with his/hers

'creation', the book or the method, which he/she has used to organise the

fragments, which he/she has. He/she is probably or possibly lost - for the


In order to break through this shell of accretions and fossilisations,

the - second teacher - will tend to act in a different, perhaps in a certain

dramatically different manner, from the original one. This could happen, to

break the 'idols', which have been formed out of the thoughts, which were

originally given.

So very important: The use of ideas is to shape a man or woman, not to

support a system - which is viewed in a limited manner. This is one way in

which the Wisdom Tradition is 'living', and not just the perpetuations of

ideas and movements. This seems important to understand and know about.

When a system of teaching of wisdom is in a period of fallowness, because

the one who propagated it is dead, then there comes a period of stagnation.

This period can last between 10 years, 15 years or more. In the time, which

passes, the group of people who is affected by the system are sieved by

natural means. Some wander away. Others carry on automatically not really

knowing, what they are doing. They are now 'frozen', though they do not know

they are.

The blind may try to lead the blinder. This takes the form of assumption of

authority by those who were given some sort of authority in the original

mandate. These are the people in the most dangerous position, because the

longer they remain 'orphaned' the more strongly their lower self (or the

three lower bodies) asserts it self.

Others may modify the teachings in a learned and personal way. Some

certainly fall a prey to cults, which have come into being in order to serve

them. The people who joins these are at great pains to explain why they

consider, that they represent the same kind of teaching - and this is

important. It is important, because it shows the Theosophist or the real

spiritually minded, very clearly, that the people who try to explain - are

in fact troubled by conscience. Somewhere inside them, they know, that they

are identifying themselves with an imitation, or a second-best. But they are

supported by their lower bodies or lower personality, - and this is too

strong for them.

Those can be helped by being lead to think in new thinking-patterns and

systems. It is via the conscience, that one finds the path forward, -

thereby will be able to remove the limitations of the lower personality.

Imagine a group of people shipwrecked. They think there is no hope of

rescue. They find a raft, and are glad. After a time more people come along

in a big boat. But the first people will not leave the raft, because they

have become used to it. They may have convinced themselves, that it is

actually a boat. (So it is to some philosophical or religious people today.)

The points at which the mystical traditions, which are still alive, are in

contact with each other cannot really be explained by the means of books.

And yet people continue to write books showing how they have found this and

that point of resemblance.

The truth can only be found by actual experience, - and easier by awareness

on such aspect as I have touch upon.

To sink ecstasy in Wisdom is better than to sink Wisdom in ecstasy. The

Wisdom Tradition teaches by several different systems, and not only by

one, - one book or teen books, BUT also by thousands and thousands of

books - and the dogmatic ones doesn't want to listen."

--- Do you disagree on this view Leon ?

3. What is it that makes you call me and Dennis "pseudo theosophists" ?

Please explain !

I have never tried to turn theosophy in to an organized religion or a

political party. What makes you think so ?

The above view on Theosophical Organisations and their mode of Operating

should at least have made that clear to you.

4. There we have it again. Your remark in the below: "Dallas knows."

So HE is the - new - Messenger ?

Please - get real Leon.

5. I am not up to massaging my ego. I am not engaged in any negative

protest and in any negative arguments with anybody. I am saying that I am

determined to help us to be men and women, - and not animals.

I am determined to help all the others - so we are allowed to be people.

Because some of us are saying that we are God's children.

And that we don't have to live like we are forced to live.

We don't have to live in the past !

6. In a recent email of mine where I mentioned some teachers of different

kinds - I did this

so that we may understand that - NEW - teacher do araise. Some are good,

some are bad

and some are not the known by others. But the fact is, that new teacher

araise -

and some of them are doing a better spiritual job than any - "emailing

Theosophists" are doing

including Dallas and Leon etc...

7. Let me try again to explain this issue using some other words.

Wisdom is timeless. Agreed ?

Wisdom teachings are not. Agreed ?

Then I ask: When is it necessary to change and renew the teachings ?

Was it important already in 1975 ?

Is it important now ?

If not why not ?

Are you contradicting yourselves - saying that we should listen to


but NOT listen to her when she talks about the year 1975 ?

Please...I do care...

I have done my best, and that is all we can do.


M. Sufilight with peace and love...

----- Original Message ----- 

From: <>

To: <>

Sent: Friday, December 05, 2003 2:52 AM

Subject: Re: Theos-World RE:: Physical Phenomena at a Seance (3 of 3)


> In a message dated 12/02/03 10:38:48 PM,



> >Hallo all of you,

> >

> >My views are:

> >

> >A very good picture Dennis.

> >

> >I agree with you on that.

> >

> >Does any theosophical (- speaking in broad terms -) Master or book

> >tells us - by expanding upon it - anything about New Age organisations

> >and cults, brainwashing and what role the massmedias has today ?


> Why would they have to? Can't you find all that out for yourself? Didn't

> theosophy teach you anything about self reliance, discrimination, and wise

> judgement?


> The old "Masters" taught us pure and unadulterated theosophy. Their job


> done. The rest is up to us. The new teachings have already come through


> own "Master within" (to those have ears to hear and eyes to see). There

are no

> "new theosophical messengers" to come, other than that.


> The fact is; The "Theosophical Movement" is in its last sub cycle.


> has either taught us to take it on from here or it hasn't. Judging from

> these last correspondences, neither you nor Dennis (along with all the


> followers of "pseudo theosophists" who have tried to turn theosophy into


> organized religion or political moment) have gotten it yet.


> But Dallas knows. Why don't we listen to him (and through him, HPB and


> -- the last "living" and reliable messengers of the Masters) -- instead of

> wallowiing in our own ignorance and relying on spurious contemporary

"gurus" -- 

> who have nothing new to say (other than massaging their own egos and those


> their blind and gullible followers who are hungry for new "psychic powers"


> who need charismatic "leaders" to hold them by the hand and show them the




> As HPB said, what goes on in the surrounding world of religion, politics


> science is of no import... Since, none of it is based on fundamental

> theosophical principles -- that haven't changed since the ancient Masters

revealed them

> to us. So, why talk about such temporary activities of ignorant people


> waste our time? ... That could be much better spent on studying pure


> -- while looking within and finding out how we can apply those fundamental

> metaphysical truths and their "scientific," "philosophical" and


> correlation's, for ourselves -- "So as to be better able to help and teach

> others."


> Isn't it a fact that "Theosophy is as theosophy does"?

> See:


> What more is there to say?


> Best wishes,


> Leonardo


> ^

> / O \

> /_ _\

> ||| U ||| (Omni knows... Do you?)


> ----- Original Message ----- 


> From: "Dennis Kier" <>


> To: <>


> Sent: Tuesday, December 02, 2003 2:51 AM


> Subject: Re: Theos-World RE:: Physical Phenomena at a Seance (3 of 3)




> > Yes, Theosophy of 100 years ago is a good base. However, we are making


> > many discoveries in science, and psychology, and other fields that HPB


> > wasn't aware of, and expanding our knowledge of how things work.


> >


> > We have tools now to investigate that were not around even 20 years


> > ago. We should use them. Science and the world didn't stop the moment


> > HPB stopped writing.


> >


> > And, evidently, the Masters have not been communicating the secrets of


> > the Universe since she died, or even in your case, when Mr. Judge


> > died.


> >


> > There is room in the world for new knowledge and more detailed


> > knowledge.


> >


> > Since the Masters are not there to spoon feed us the knowledge of the


> > Universe, we should use our tools, and our minds to try to evolve


> > further, just as evidently they did.


> >


> > The world didn't end in 1891.


> >


> > Dennis


> >


> > ----- Original Message ----- 


> > From: "Dallas TenBroeck" <>


> > To: "AA-BN--Study" <>


> > Sent: Monday, December 01, 2003 4:08 AM


> > Subject: Theos-World RE:: Physical Phenomena at a Seance (3 of 3)


> >


> >


> > > Monday, December 01, 2003


> > >


> > >


> > > Dear Denis:


> > >


> > > Consider what THEOSOPHY has to offer on this subject. Is has a wide


> > and


> > > deep coverage.


> > >


> > > Best washes,


> > >


> > > Dallas


> > >


> > > ================================


> > >


> > >


> > >




> > >


> > >




> > >


> > > The field of psychic forces, phenomena, and dynamics is a vast one.


> > Such


> > > phenomena are seen and the forces exhibited every day in all lands,


> > but


> > > until a few years ago very little attention was given to them by


> > > scientific persons, while a great deal of ridicule was heaped upon


> > those


> > > who related the occurrences or averred belief in the psychic nature.


> > A


> > > cult sprang up in the United States some years ago calling itself


> > quite


> > > wrongly "spiritualism," but having a great opportunity it neglected


> > it


> > > and fell into mere wonder-seeking without the slightest shadow of a


> > > philosophy. It has accomplished but little in the way of progress


> > except


> > > a record of many undigested. But other Western investigators of the


> > > accepted schools have not done much better, and the result is that


> > there


> > > is no Western Psychology worthy of the name.

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