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Impersonality and Anonymity

Sep 07, 2003 09:25 AM
by W. Dallas TenBreock


ULTers are sometimes confronted with the criticism that we work
anonymously. But our motive is to present Theosophy, and not ourselves.
We do not hide, but present the teachings -- asking readers to consider
them on their merits.

A wise one observed: " .if some human beings know the existence of the
most important message to the world in untold centuries, and bring the
fact and the message to their attention, leaving it to be accepted or
rejected without drawing any attention to themselves, [then] an act of
self-effacement has been performed in order that the Message may be
judged on its own merits.the "anonymity" adopted was for the very
benefit of .all who desire to obtain that message at first hand with no
intermediate distractions.we desire most of all to place the Message of
Masters in the hands of those who wish to learn and know, without
attracting attention to ourselves or seeking any distracting notoriety. 

The policy and methods of U. L. T. were instituted to avoid
personalities altogether .Another critic once said that U. L. T. was
"hiding behind Theosophy." The reply was, "That is much better than
standing in front of it and hiding Theosophy." The U. L. T. .is simply.
presenting its principles, [and] defending it against any kind of the best we can with anyone who desires to learn."

For those who expect principles and methods to conform to their personal
prejudices we can do nothing, however much we might desire to. 

Yet there is always hope that a little Theosophy may work as a leaven
which will wear away or displace existing prejudices, and for this, time
must be allowed. Theosophy is for those who want it; it cannot be given
to any others.

The ancient Pledge of Kwan-Yin sums up the attitude of the U L T and its

"Never shall I seek nor receiver private individual salvation. 

Never shall I enter into Peace alone. 

But forever and everywhere shall I live and strive for the redemption of
every creature throughout the world." Kwan Yin [Gita Notes, p. 152]



"Theosophists often speak of "getting rid of the personality" . 

Without personalities, there would be no field, no evolution. It is not
the personality that is in the way, but the personal idea in regard to
it.One of the sentences . applies directly: "Instead of crushing out the
animal nature, we must learn to fully understand the animal, and
subordinate it to the spiritual." So long as you know the wiles and
lures of the elementary nature, you are not in danger of fooling
yourselves . Thy strength is in thy soul and thy soul's strength is in
the calm and not in storm revealed."	FP p. 38

To "forego and forget personalities" means to regard truth, only, by
whomsoever presented. 

So it seems wise that we should not think ill of personalities, and this
includes our own. by doing our duty, which is in our case the
promulgation of truth, pure and undefiled, our weakness will finally
become our strength. 

The Masters do not look at our defects, but at our motives and efforts.

In considering a question bearing on the ethics of any case, we have
first to be sure that we have no prejudices or preconceptions that can
interfere with correct conclusions; in other words, "to be free from
hard and fast conclusions as to men, things and methods." If we are thus
free, we will not be liable to be swayed by the general classifications
of good and evil, so common in the world, and the great error of the
churches. The way is then open.that the only correct sanction, and the
one we should seek, would come from within.

Those who are wise naturally take all possible results into
consideration from their wider point of view, before acting. With them
it is largely a question of duty, unswayed by what the views of others
may be. General principles may be stated, and each individual left to
apply them as he sees fit. 

In no other way can progress be made. We have determine
whether we are swayed by inclination rather than plain duty, in order
that we may not deceive ourselves. Whatever, then, is decided in all
honesty with ourselves, is our duty, and no man is our judge.
[quoted from R C]

Best wishes,


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