Re: Theos-World re scientizing, Leon, speculation, and ...
Mar 15, 2003 11:46 PM
by leonmaurer
In a message dated 03/15/03 11:08:09 AM, writes:
>Leon wrote: <<... a total awareness of fundamental,
>unconditioned reality and its scientific and
>metaphysical relationship to conditioned reality.>>
>Leon, I don't really know what you mean by
>"unconditioned reality," but seems to me that it's NOT
>particularly logical to suggest that "unconditioned
>reality" in the sense of noumenality or "higher reality"
>(that's substantially "LESS conditioned," to say the
>least, then what we typically have on this plane?)
>might have a "scientific and metaphysical relationship
>to conditioned reality"? Is it that you're trying to
>scientize unconditioned reality (whatever you might
>mean by those terms)?
No. Unconditioned reality is the noumenal state of the Cosmos while it
is resting in Paranishpanna, or asleep in Pralaya. That noumenal state
cannot be "scientized" -- since, in itself, it is unexpressed. Yet,
paradoxically, it is not the "Absolute," since it is a force in itself that
is in eternal motion ("spinergy"). Empty of form, but not empty of
potentiality of form. Thus, unconditioned, but not non-existent.
Chew on that. :-)
Therefore, scientific deductions can only begin when the Cosmos awakens and
sends out the first twin rays of its LIFE (light-dark) FORCE from its
zero-point of origin (thus, forming the horizontal line in the symbol of the
mundane circle). That "ultimate moment in time" is the beginning of
scientific metaphysics... And to "realize" that, intuitively in one's higher
mind, is the goal of enlightenment. But, first, one must climb the entire
ladder of one's individual conditioned existence, and "experience"
consciously, every circumstance of one's "being" along the way -- both good
and evil -- until one can forgive, and conquers oneself. ("The self is the
enemy of the Self" - HPB)
>Seems to me that "unconditioned reality" is beyond
>the Abyss that separates conditioned and
>unconditioned, exoteric and esoteric, dependent
>arisings and experiential/noumenal, and so, as I tend
>to see it, that kind of "unconditioned reality" (at least)
>seems to me to be essentially beyond all of our
>manasic attempts to scientize about it. Not that some
>models about ... whatever, aren't useful and helpful,
>(obviously enough?), but/"but" ... I thought some
>Theosophists had some thoughts about transcending
>karma, so ... ^:-) ...
Yes, unconditioned reality is "beyond (at least in thought) conditioned
reality" -- since, "conditioned reality" is the state of the Cosmos after
awakening out of Paranishpanna. Yet, there cannot be a conditioned reality
or "dependent arising" without an "unconditioned reality" that supports and
"empowers" it. The "abyss" that separates the two states of reality is the
mental condition that thinks that they are separate -- and not linked
together by a fundamental force that can be conceptualized (once it has
temporal existence).
Therefor, the state of universal conditioned existence can be considered as
the result of immutable scientific laws and logical processes that are
inherent in the unconditioned reality. The entire Book of Dzyan is a
scientific treatise that speaks of such laws and processes from both the
spiritual (consciousness) and the material viewpoints. The scientific
equations therein are of the nature of logical mathematical progressions
("The three, the one, the four, the one, the five, the twice seven, the sum
total," "OEAOHOO is one," etc.). All the rest of the Cosmos' scientific
involution's and evolutions stem from that beginning, governed by the
fundamental laws of Nature -- tempered by karma -- which is dependent on free
(conscious) will that awakens with the first differentiation.
Thus, everything that conditionally exists in the Cosmos, (in the
fundamental, triune monadic forms of "coadunate but not consubstantial"
coenergetic fields, within fields, within fields . . . of consciousness) are
subject to the "scientific" analysis of their genesis -- covering every step
of the way from their zero-point origin to their ultimate macrocosmic,
multidimensional hyperspace differentiation's (that each of us, in our
entirely and in all our inner "lives," are microcosmic reflections of).
Therefore, "as above, so below" -- each human monad and its seven fold nature
is in exact correspondence with the Cosmic monad and its nature. Those are
the "scientific" facts of life.
Please understand that the field "models" used to picture such progressions
are NOT that ultimate reality... But are, simply, symbolic tools for their
visualization and their eventual intuitive comprehension -- which each
individual must find and "realize" for themselves. We might say, then, that
"scientizing" and realizing are interrelated.
Therefore, the roots of karma are in the cyclic laws of periodicity that
govern such genesis. And, "transcending karma" is a problem of the self
development of one's own inner nature, based on one's own actions and self
devised and self determined efforts. Thus, it is entirely another order of
business than considering the scientific basis of the laws that govern karma.
Although, the knowledge and understanding of such laws is essential. How
else can we fully understand ourselves in its entirety with relation to the
entirety of the unconditioned reality out of (or from) which we individually
involve and evolve?
Thus, the "heart doctrine" and the "head doctrine" go hand in hand as the
means to transcend karma -- through proper visualizations, meditations,
intuitions, and practices of correct action -- in order to attain
"enlightenment." If not so, then the entire exposure of the "Secret
Doctrine" would have been a waste of effort on the part of the Masters and
The sole purpose of scientific understanding of genesis, then, as taught
thoroughly in the Secret Doctrine, and subsequently correlated with the
latest findings of modern science, is to give one an absolute conviction of
the reality of the theosophical truths of karma and reincarnation that are
derived from and consistent with such scientific understandings. That is the
only substitute for "faith" or "blind belief" -- which can never lead to
enlightenment or to a profound understanding of universal brotherhood as a
"law of nature" that cannot be broken without resultant negative karma and
ultimate suffering.
Hope this clarifies things a bit.
Absolutely, and positively (for those who can see it),
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