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Re: figures in history compared

Mar 06, 2003 03:31 AM
by netemara888

--- In, "Steve Stubbs <stevestubbs@y...>" 
<stevestubbs@y...> wrote:
> --- In, "netemara888 <netemara888@y...>" 
> <netemara888@y...> wrote:
> > Steven all the books in the world won't bring one to the inner 
> plane 
> > where these things are first conceived and occur.
> Nor will all the emails in the world.
> > what I meant by choice. I don't mean a physical conscious choice. 
> No, 
> > it is too late for that, the die is already cast.
> That may be true for the climacterics you are destined to 
> However, a climacteric is not an automatic death sentence. Whether 
> you survive it or not is not preordained.
> This is why some 
> > are in the physical locale where they are caught up in something 
> such 
> > as a war or holocaust. They had to have already chosen to be 
> > BEFORE they got there. This decision is not a physical thing, but 
> it 
> > can be under the control of those with this type of consciousness.
> So are you saying Hitler is as great as you are, or are you saying 
> you're Hitler, or what are you saying? I an confused,

I am talking about all souls here, not one or two persons. This is 
part of what people are taught during life, after life, in between 
lives. They are shown their destiny at some point and then it is 
erased and only small parts of it break through. Then people say oh 
so and so predicted they would die in this way. Yes, they might have 
had a breakthrough in consciousness that allowed them to see exactly 
what was going to happen to them. This happens to regular and evolved 

No, I am not, nor was not Hitler. We have crossed paths. I think he 
learned politics from the ancient Romans in some lives there. I was 
there too but not a Roman dictator. He was also involved with people 
I knew well in medieval France, but our lives usually did not cross 
directly, but indirectly.

> > They are threatening to do 
> > something nuclear and we have not even said a word to them.
> You must have missed Dubya's "You're next" speech. He twirls those 
> six shooters better than Wild Bill Hickcock.

I don't listen to Bush's speechs, don't have to.

> > Then will Bush get all the blame if 
> > billions of people are gone?
> I hope so.
> Can he be the blame for something like 
> > this?
> Yes, he can. Most definiteky,
> And why are you not living in Korea where you or anyone might 
> > get annihilated?
> Can't speak the language.
> The same thing happened in Germany. I was not 
> > there, were you?
> France.
> > I have read. I read history to 
> > confirm some things, but not to change or clarify what I have 
> > experienced.
> Quite a lot of people look for confirmation of their pre-existing 
> belief system but have no interest in learning anything.
> > I do not want to discuss what Hitler, reborn, is now doing 
> he 
> > is still alive.
> So how do you know?

That's for me to know and for you to find out.
> > I'll tell you this though he is into astrology
> I know who he is, then. Astrologer + serial killer = the Zodiac 
> killer, eh? He used ti kive somewhere near San Francisco, right?

The Zodiac killer was a Jew, or did you not know that? Hitler did not 
return a Jew.


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