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Re: figures in history compared

Mar 06, 2003 04:45 AM
by Steve Stubbs

--- In, "netemara888" <netemara888@y...> 
> I am not, nor was not Hitler.

I believe you may be wrong. You simply don't have my "state of 
consciousness." You never will have. Look into your crystal ball. 
I think you may be mistaken about your relationship with Hitler.

We have crossed paths. I think he 
> learned politics from the ancient Romans in some lives there. I was 
> there too but not a Roman dictator.

No need to apologize. It was better to be a slave then than a free 
man. You came out on the better end of it. I know because I used to 
own you 2000 years ago. Claudius and I used to nake fun of you.

> I don't listen to Bush's speechs, don't have to.

Then why pontificate from on high about the contents? Are you just 
eager to show off your ignorance?

> The Zodiac killer was a Jew, or did you not know that? Hitler did 
> return a Jew.

You are just jealous. When you arrive at half my state of 
consciousness some of that will melt away. But you have a long, long 
way to go. To get that far will take you and Hiler millions of years.

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