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Re: Wry Begins (thanks to Netamara)

Mar 06, 2003 03:24 AM
by netemara888

Wry all I was trying to say is that scholars pour over thousands of 
books and come across millions of lost and spent lives in history. Do 
you think they sit there and cry over each and every thing they read? 
No of course not. Does this make them evil? I don't think so. I am 
reading history as a scholar. That is all I was trying to say. You 
trek wherever your little emotions take you.

People as students are always emoting and evolving when I encounter 
their auras, you are no different. Good luck to you. No hard feelings.


--- In, "wry" <wry1111@e...> wrote:
> Hi Netamara. I am reposting my original message, below, with a 
correction to
> the last line. Please read this whole message again, as it is 
important. My
> message, actually, is not about you or "the Jews." It is about 
adjusting the
> speed or tempo of the human functions, which has been lagged by
> accumulation. Until you and I learn how to balance our functioning 
to the
> nth, we will not have a fully formed or mature soul, whether you 
fantasy you
> do or not. It is very difficult to grasp what it means to be fully 
> in clock time, without "creating" a time of ones own by thought, 
which is
> triggered by emotional reactions and vice-versa. When we think in a 
way that
> is not directly connected to an action, even if that action is just 
a form
> of release or cleansing, material builds up inside of us. Remember, 
> there is a fire, you get water fast. Accumulation can be very 
subtle, but
> it is a form of dirt, as thinking is not an act of being, but only 
the use
> of one function which needs to be CONSCIOUSLY balanced with other
> functions. This dirt of accumulation causes emotional pain, as 
there is not
> room inside you or me for all of this. This is why when you or I 
express a
> certain kind of anger or acting out, we feel better, as it is an 
action, but
> in this case, the acting out only reinforces certain reactive 
patterns. I
> will reply to your message in more detail later
> It is obvious that you are having an emotional reaction about Jews, 
but if
> it were not the Jew it would be someone else. It is to be pitied. 
This is
> not about Jews, but about handling material in broad sets, with a 
> agenda involving reactive feelings and pain, (negative emotions) 
which is
> probably not even known to yourself. You are too busy thinking 
about broad
> groups of people, such as Jews or blacks or whomever. In the 
meantime, the
> camera is not turned on yourself, AS YOU ARE, in present time, and a
> valuable opportunity is lost.
> For anyone who is reading this, it is important to understand that 
all and
> any material is to be used, so please use my own material just as 
I am
> using the material of Netamara, actively, in such a way that 
> intelligent can be born out of this. I personally am not allowed by 
my own
> conscience, as well as by certain vows I have taken, to allow 
material such
> as Netamara's to go by without commenting upon it in such a way 
that it is
> turned into something that is USEFUL(evolutionary). Some people 
become so
> caught up in mechanical kindness that they allow conditions around 
them to
> deteriorate to the extent that a precious opportunity to establish 
> and conditions that can help many people is squandered. Sincerely, 
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: <netemara888@y...>
> To: <>
> Sent: Sunday, March 02, 2003 10:07 AM
> Subject: Theos-World Re: figures in history compared
> Hi. Re your message below, you have said, "We grow through sharing" 
so I
> will share this with you. I have found your recent messages to be
> repulsive, but maybe it is just some kind of a reactive process 
going on
> within me. In this particular message, though, you have somehow 
managed to
> convey your "state." I believe there is something seemingly 
outside which
> is looking at history and calls itself a soul, but what it really 
is a
> configuration of THOUGHT, which is a function, as is FEELING, 
> MOVEMENT etc. of the whole organism. and, because this complex of 
thought is
> so predominant and with so little purpose, these functions are not 
> This makes for disorder, and is not the same as having the little 
SEED grow
> up or be RAISED into a mature soul so that there is no lag in the 
speed of
> the various functioning in relationship to each other and the 
> frequencies or tempos are harmonized in such a way that there is a 
> kind of orientation. The fact that there is a lag is sad. Because 
> (thought) is mechanically going too fast in one place, something 
> (emotion?) is going too slow in another place. You will have to 
find out for
> yourself.
> The Jews you are talking about who marched to their deaths are, at 
> point in time, a picture in your mind. You do not need to think 
about them
> or Hitler any longer, as this will not help you. You might as well 
> reading magazines and picking your toes, in my opinion, and 
actually, due to
> the necrophiliac quality of your musing, which seems to be 
habitual, (you
> like to think about Hitler and the Jews getting murdered, right?), 
it might
> be better and healthier to read magazines and pick your toes.
> I know this probably sounds harsh, but it is not meant to be a 
> attack. I have read all this Hitler crap from you and Frank and 
> conceive of any practical value of focusing in this direction, 
except that
> there is for each of you a necrophiliac kind of satisfaction. 
Hitler was, of
> course, a result of causes and conditions that surrounded him, as 
are you,
> so it is pointless to be angry with you, but because someone who 
has both
> pondered and practiced as well as stood genuine watch (on rare 
occasion) has
> the verbal skill and the guts to point out what should be obvious, 
we can
> pivot right NOW in such a way that very many people might be 
affected. It is
> all a matter of ORIENTATION. Let's turn in the right direction so 
that there
> can be begin to be an active force, right here on the internet 
which can
> affect many.
> As far as being CONSCIOUS, this is different than being in a "state 
> consciousness." It is an extremely important distinction to make. 
You can
> talk about Hitler and the Jews and their karma till hell freezes 
over and
> it will not in any way help you or any human being decrystalize 
> karmic patterns, because such talk is not Work, is it?
> I notice that the number of subscribers to this list is going up 
rapidly and
> also that the volume of messages has been going down. In my 
opinion, this
> is extremely favorable. When there are five messages or so a day, 
give or
> take, participants who occasionally read on the list page or who 
take their
> messages by digests which they barely skim through can now begin to 
> their messages by individual email, and the quality of this group 
> become more personal and less disorderly. In this way a certain 
> can be created that can function as a reserve where people can 
gather a
> little bit of group strength to help them make an individual effort 
that is
> a little difficult in that it takes a certain kind of courage and 
> which we all are probably lacking in to a certain degree. As we 
feedback our
> efforts and come with real inner questions to share, a natural 
ordering will
> emerge that can lead to a renewal and a flowering which will surely 
> your theosophy movement. I will do my best to help this happen, but 
I am
> only one little part. If some people on here do not consider this 
to pertain
> to theosophy, maybe you are wrong. Bring your friends to this list 
now, if
> you know anyone who might benefit, as a major shift, due to the 
efforts of
> many, seems to be happening right now, and such a window is sort of 
> in that it opens us to our own great motherlode of undiscovered 
> with its streaming benefits.
> I have thought about these Hitler messages a lot before responding, 
as I
> want to contribute something that does not lead to further 
disorder. You
> WILL forget that you have lived before, if you even have, as there 
is no
> beauty or purity of "soul" in a thought. Real beauty is outside and 
> thought and memory, and is the not petty thing you try to make of 
it. So,
> also, is sorrow. You trivialize what can only be grieved, and there 
> no way to know for how long. Wry
> I> Thanks for your input Steve. But few people ever agree with me. 
> > Because they simply do not have my state of consciousness. So I do
> > not fault you for not seeing the point. However, I feel that you 
> > my point for me. The soul does CHOOSE to die in whatever way it in
> > fact does die. These things are set up and predestined. That my 
> > is the meaning of destiny. It has been set and seen. So while I 
> > myself not to have been a Spanish persecuted Jew or one who died 
> > the Holocaust and none of my family I do know of my other lives 
> > touched the Jewish people. This was the karma of those who went
> > through it. Part of this type of dreadful karma is that it makes 
> > a DEEP groove in the heart and mind that one will never forget 
> > they have LIVED before. Don't you see the beauty of it 
> >
> > So I must disagree with you. We choose. We have limited free 
> > There is NO other way that 5 million Jews would have marched, some
> > knowingly, to their deaths!!! They went as sheep to slaughter (not
> > all I know). So there is NO doubt in my mind. I do know Hitler's
> > fate, as I have studied his past lives and this puts the 
spotlight on
> > his present and future. It is NOT what it seems.
> >
> > Again thanks for your sharing. We grow through sharing.
> >
> > Netemara
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > Your use of Yahoo! Groups is subject to
> >
> >

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