Re: imposition of laws or free choice?
Feb 28, 2003 09:26 AM
by Katinka Hesselink " <>
Hi Steve,
As you perhaps know, the below argument is precisely why the Dutch
condone soft-drug use, and have a legalized abortion-practice.
> Most people would agree that human sacrifice should be interdicted
> a form of religious worship, especially if the person being
> happens to be the human some devotee wants to sacrifice. That is
> basis for interdicting what some see as terrorism and others see as
> their path to paradise. The question is at what point should one
> merely persuade by reasoned argument and at what point should
> reasoned arfument lead to legal action. The standard, I would
> is a Utilitarian one, i.e., the greatest good for the greatest
> uumber. Paradoxically, using that argument one would have to argue
> that it is NOT the proper function of the state to criminalize or
> restrict abortions, since it is impossible to prevent abortions and
> criminalizing it results in more evil than legalizing it. In the
> case of animal slaughter an additional question arises, i.e.,
> sentient beings who are not human should be included in "the
> number" or if it is OK to do with them as we wish. The German law
> as I understand it merely tries to eliminate cruelty as a part of
> act of slaughter and not the slaughter itself. A similar issue
> arises with regard t0m animal farming which includes in some cases
> cruel and unnecessary practices.
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