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Re: Theos-World hybrid offshoot/a direct consequence of the bloody riots

Jan 28, 2003 08:57 PM
by Morten Nymann Olesen

HI Jeremy and all of you,

My views are presented. And they are only views:
You still doesn't seem to understand, what is going on at United Nations.
If you please would make some comments on the below quotes, so I and others
have at least a minor possibility to understand, what you think.

One thing is certain. Neither I nor followers of Islam are happy about the
work being done - almost in the name of "Christ" (although it is the Alice
A. Bailey version of it), as long as the words in the below quote is

"Mohammedanism, which numbers so large a following, is also under sixth ray
> influence, but it is not a great root religion, being a hybrid offshoot of
> Christianity with the tinge of Judaism. AAB. DK. EP I. 167."

I can only reject such a view. Christianity is just as much a hybrid
offshoot of Judaism as Mohammedanism is of Christianity.
My view is that support of such statements and PR-lines are only building up
tensions at The United Nations. A United Nations with a Security Counsil,
where most of the permanent members are coming from a Christian country !
And further there is and has - NEVER - been a permanent member of The
Security Counsil of The United Nations - coming from The Middle East. Please
rethink that.
So who is BIASED - Alice A. Bailey or ...what ...?
- And in these days with USA almost running the United Nations themselves -
I wonder where the world wants to go. It is quite extreme, that USA has been
allowed by The United Nations to go this far without any actions being taken
against their - arrogant attitude and deliberate obstructions of the work
being done by The United Nations.
Are all religious, and political leaders just stupid are what ?
The United Nations can't be continuing with "business as usual" and then
expect every country on this Planet to like small pets - follow and obey -
countries with Christian cultural backgrounds ! It just won't wash.

If the pro-Bailey groups at United Nations would be more polite, they would
understand the need for a changed United Nations. A United Nations were
Muslim countries would be respected equally togehter with other countries.

These were my humble views.
Feel free to comment or do your best...

M. Sufilight with peace on earth...and hopefully an improved United

----- Original Message -----
From: "Jeremy Condick" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 28, 2003 11:37 PM
Subject: Theos-World hybrid offshoot/a direct consequence of the bloody

> I hope this material will shed some light on the earlier questioning by a
> theosophical student, as to the origins of Mohammedanism being a hybrid
> offshoot of Christianity .
> Kindest Regards
> Jeremy
> There has never been a religion in the annals of the world with such a
> bloody record as Christianity. All the rest, including the traditional
> fierce fights of the "chosen people" with their next of kin, the
> tribes of Israel, pale before the murderous fanaticism of the alleged
> followers of Christ! Even the rapid spread of Mahometanism before the
> conquering sword of the Islam prophet, is a direct consequence of the
> riots and fights among Christians. It was the intestine war between the
> Nestorians and Cyrilians that engendered Islamism; and it is in the
> of Bozrah that the prolific seed was first sown by Bahira, the Nestorian
> monk. Freely watered by rivers of blood, the tree of Mecca has grown till
> find it in the present century overshadowing nearly two hundred millions
> people. [[Vol. 2, Page]] 54 ISIS UNVEILED. HPB.
> Mohammedanism, which numbers so large a following, is also under sixth ray
> influence, but it is not a great root religion, being a hybrid offshoot of
> Christianity with the tinge of Judaism. AAB. DK. EP I. 167.
> Mahomet appeared nearly six hundred years after the presumed deicide. The
> Graeco-Roman world was still convulsed with religious dissensions,
> withstanding all the past imperial edicts and forcible Christianization.
> While the Council of Trent was disputing about the Vulgate, the unity of
> quietly superseded the trinity, and soon the Mahometans outnumbered the
> Christians. Why? Because their prophet never sought to identify himself
> Allah. Otherwise, it is safe to say, he would not have lived to see his
> religion flourish. Till the present day Mahometanism has made and is now
> making more proselytes than Christianity.Mahomet was born in 571 A. D.
> II. 239. HPB.
> We beg the reader to remember that we do not mean by Christianity the
> teachings of Christ, but those of his alleged servants -- the clergy. HPB.
> ISIS[[Vol. 2, Page]] 374
> For the teachings of Christ were occult teachings, which could only be
> explained at the initiation. They were never intended for the masses, for
> Jesus forbade the twelve to go to the Gentiles and the Samaritans (Matt.
> 8), and repeated to his disciples that the "mysteries of Heaven" were for
> them alone, not for the multitudes (Mark iv. 11). SD II. [[Vol. 2, Page]]
> 231. HPB.
> >>>>>Consciousness is one, yet produces the varied forms of the
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