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Re: Theos-World

Jan 18, 2003 02:11 AM
by Phillip Lindsay " <>

>But, no one has the right to criticize or determine what we say or 
>do here regarding world problems that are the concern of all true 
>theosophists. To downplay this as "nit picking" is an insult to 
>all such theosophists, and can only come from one who doesn't 
>understand its teachings or objects to their fullest extent.

Oh, so its OK to invite me to make some comments on this forum, and 
be criticised, but no one can has a right to cricise back? That 
sounds fair.

>"New World Order" plan for >global domination -- which is 
>currently being carried out by the >power hungry cabal of wealthy 
>money grubbers who have infiltrated >democratic world governments 
>since 1945. All this, directly paralleling the "Aryan Master Race" 
>plans initiated (and financed by the American industrialists and 
>bankers now permeating this government) 

I dont think AAB disagrees with you:

"First of all, it must be recognized that the cause of all world 
unrest, of the world wars which have wrecked humanity and the 
widespread misery upon our planet can largely be attributed to a 
selfish group with materialistic purposes who have for centuries 
exploited the masses and used the labour of mankind for their 
selfish ends. From the feudal barons of Europe and Great Britain in 
the Middle Ages through the powerful business groups of the 
Victorian era to the handful of capitalists—national and 
international—who today control the world's resources, the 
capitalistic system has emerged and has wrecked the world. This 
group of capitalists has cornered and exploited the world's 
resources and the staples required for civilized living; they have 
been able to do this because they have owned and controlled the 
world's wealth through their interlocking directorates and have 
retained it in their own hands. They have made possible the vast 
differences existing between the very rich and the very poor; they 
love money and the power which money gives; they have stood behind 
governments and politicians; they have controlled the electorate; 
they have made possible the narrow nationalistic aims of selfish 
politics; they have financed the world businesses and controlled 
oil, coal, power, light and transportation; they control publicly or 
sub rosa the world's banking accounts." (Problems of Humanity p.70-1)

>in the thirties and forties by Adolph Hitler and his Nazi 
>cohorts ... Who are still active in secretly infiltrating and 
>influencing our government (and now, overtly) in helping promote 
>this present administration's "New World Order" that (according to 
>the "plan" of New Age pseudo theosophy that they follow, with the 
>help of the UN and a "packed" Supreme Court) requires the 
>elimination of 80% or more of the human race's "undesirable 
>elements" (code word for non Aryans, Jews, genetically deficient, 
>and all other family, sub-racial and religious groups who do not 
>see the world from the same hierarchical, oligarchic, "might [money 
and weapons] makes right" point of view that they do).  

Oh boy, you've tapped into a rich source of conspiracy theory 
delusion there old mate.You're the guy who thinks he's in contact 
with M right? 

> To fall for that sort of pernicious brain washing, without strong 
>protest and counter teachings (that come directly from the 
>true "White Lodge") is a gross failure of our individual 
>responsibilities -- which is to form "the Nucleus of the Universal 
>Brotherhood of Humanity" -- so as to assure the welfare of 
> ALL living beings and the "natural" fulfillment of their, and the 
>human race's individual and group Karma. How can the "lessons be 
>learned" by those living entities that have their karma short 
>circuited by the malicious and mendacious plot (disguised as 
>the "Master's Hierarchy plan") of the "New Age" and "New World 
Order" promoters -- whose major guiding interests (judging 
> from those government and business leaders who support it) are 
money and power? 

So is this a view held by a majority of forum members? If you want 
pernicious and state of the art conspiracy theory, ignorance and 
paranoia, check out Leon's link www.freemasonwatch

> ought to know... And, especially, be wary of those who attempt to 
>divert us 
> from discussing the problems of the world and their cure, 

No one has to help you with any diversions, you are coping perfectly 
adequately with that.

> toward the true "path of compassion" along with a true 
>understanding of 
> "white magic" that might generate a counter-force that could 
>prevent the 
> "Black Magicians" from doing their dirty work (based on what they, 
> their associated secret societies [Templar's, Rosicrucians, 
> Masons, etc.,] already knew of all the ancient occult magical 
arts). The 
> "Wars in Heaven," spoken of by HPB, is still being fought on 
>Earth -- with 
> only the first battle, defeating the dark forces being won with 
the defeat of 
> the dark side Nazi occultists in 1945. 

Whew! Someone hand this man a towel to wipe the foam off his face!

You seem to be linking the Nazis with AAB and her teachings. 
What 'documentation and evidence' do you have for this? Why would DK 
via AAB say the following and dozens of other statements in her 

"It is interesting that, again in their case, there appears 
inevitably an initiatory seven—the base and dark parallel of the 
initiating Seven who lead human beings into light and who are 
symbolised in the seven Masons who constitute a Lodge of Masons.) 
They are the custodians of forces which control them and over which 
they themselves have no slightest control. You ask who these seven 
are: Hitler, von Ribbentrop, Goebbels, Goering, Hess, Himmler and 
Streicher—names well-known to you all. These men embody and 
personify the forces of aggression and rule by fear not only the 
enslaved nations but also their few allies who are not by any means 
in the same category of power—fortunately for them." 

> It's perfectly obvious (to me, at least) that the Lucis Trust and 
>the Arcane Group is the new front for these secret groups. 

This statement would be really funny if it were not so tragic!

> If the AAB and other so called "New Age" philosophies have 
>elements in their 
> teachings that indicate a plot to confuse true theosophists, 
>call "black 
> magic," "white magic," and distort theosophy into a new religion 
>to take over the world by an elitist group of so called "Master 
Race" promoters >who speak 
> with the same forked tongue as previous "Aryanists" 
and "Eugenicists" 

You see Daniel what I mean by opinions that you and others hold, and 
how they encourage others who are out there on the lunatic fringe?

HPB's quaint word 'flapdoodle' comes to mind - with with a dash of 
frothing, filubuster and frippery..

Check under your bed tonight Leon, there may be an AAB boogeyman 
ambush laying in wait...

> In a message dated 01/16/03 5:17:35 PM, wry1111@e... writes:
> >Hi. You are good people, but there is a lot of confusion on here. 
> >honestly, I have never seen anything like this. I have just waded 
> >many messages, but there are not many ideas, just a lot of nit-
> >and futile attempts to analyze a lot of little details from the 
past (though
> >I did enjoy Adelaise's message about astrology). Generally 
speaking, this
> >spot is very saddening. This all has nothing to do with me. You 
would be
> >arguing and nitpicking and analyzing and getting lost in little 
> >whether I am here or not. On other lists devoted to spirituality 
this is
> >not happening to such an extent. 
> >
> >Some people are attracted to Alice Bailey or whomever, and maybe 
it cannot
> >be changed. She and/or Madame Blavatsky or anyone should not be 
> reference
> >point. The physical body and what is going on there should be 
your reference
> >point. It is very simple. You do not need to make it so complex 
and keep
> >yourself and others from developing. If there is a strong 
connection between
> >a pure impartial constating of this body AS IT IS BEING IN 
> >a certain force will be created, out of which the little seed can 
> >into a soul. 
> >
> >If you decide you want to actually develop and not dream about 
it, you
> >do NOT get to choose in what form the opportunity will come to 
you. How
> >to make sense out of nonsense? When the BODY performs its daily 
> >if something that has no opinion, and is not a part of the 
turning of the
> >mechanical cogs of emotions, thoughts and physical tensions 
> >reactions, sees this body as it is, a finer materiality will  
flow between.
> >This is the beginning of the development of higher bodies.The 
> >body is the OBJECT, not the subject to be recorded, and the 
> recording
> >of this object impresses itself upon the subjective and 
receptive firmament
> >of the brain, which is like a sponge. These new impression will 
not be
> >not be recorded into the old conditioned grooves in the brain, 
but it will
> >be like putting new wine in a new bottle.
> >
> >This is Work and hard to do. I cannot worry and wonder about 
Alice Bailey
> >or what the "masters" said to whomever or if there are masters, 
or what
> >root race it is, as this has nothing to do with Work or real 
> >development, but is just one function taking over and spilling 
the seed
> >of any possibility I may have. It is one or the other. 
> >
> >So have a good day. I can call myself a THEOSOPHIST now (thanks 
to a
> >few people such as Katinka and her kind who have inspired me), 
as there
> >is a realization that I AM, which is more then just a thought, 
and I am
> >not going to waste my time on irrelevancies. This is a simple 
message and
> >easy enough for anyone to understand. I will try to come back 
later with
> >a follow-up to this message, in which I will #1. .either 
participate in
> >some kind of question worthy of genuine enquiry that has come up 
on this
> >list (or present such a question of my own), #2.share in my own 
> >a life problem I am having and how I am attempting to use 
spiritual means
> >to solve it, or #3. present to others, in a three-centered 
balance, using
> >a few simple words of my own, certain ideas that are appropriate 
to this
> >list, in such a way that they harmonize the general flow and 
tempo of what
> >is happening on here so that there is real GRIP and material does 
not slip
> >in one ear and out the other (better still bring your salt 
shakers and
> >wear toe pads, just in case). If I do not know how to do this, I 
> >listen and wait until an opportunity presents itself for me to 
> >something essential to this group, and try to Work in a way which 
> >sense and will lead to actual results. Sincerely, Wry 
> >

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