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Re: Theos-World The movie COMA becomes reality

Dec 11, 2002 05:02 PM
by leonmaurer

Nice to know, Steve, that you really can see it as it is. HPB would pat you 
on the back. :-)

With equal non cynicism -- in my view, this greedy, business oriented society 
is rapidly going to hell in a hand basket. Also, my advice to everyone who 
might be subject to surgery is -- just in case -- make sure you have it 
specifically stated in your "living will" (which they'll give you to sign 
before you go under the knife, if you don't have one already) that you will 
NOT donate any of your organs, and that they have to be buried or burned with 
the rest of your remains. I know this is in violation of theosophical 
principles -- that "inaction in a deed of mercy is action in a deadly sin" -- 
but, staying alive might make you more useful to the Theosophical movement. 
Also, by donating an organ, you might be perpetuating the life of a Dugpa, or 
another greedy doctor or "compassionately conservative" businessman, heh, heh.

In a message dated 12/11/02 10:19:03 AM, writes:

>Did anyone ever see the movie COMA? The premise is that the medical 
>profession keeps people on ice and anesthetized so they can remove 
>organs and sell them at a profit. Well, don't take this the wrong 
>way. People who see through stuff are considered "cynical" in our 
>society, whereas people who perpetrate frauds are considered highly 
>idealistic and high minded. So I'm not being cynical, but it appears 
>the movie has become fact.
>This is not cynical, so don't get me wrong, but if you go into a 
>surgery and you have a healthy heart and the right blood type, there 
>is a substantial financial incentive to make a "mistake" and take 
>your heart out and sell it to somebody else. Let's face it, this is 
>the age of "compassionate conservatism," in which we invade oil 
>producing countries to seize the oil wells for private enrichment and 
>in which the Supreme Court elects presidents. "Harvesting" your body 
>parts before you are ready to leave the planet is just a pro business 
>stance. "You can't be pro jobs and anti business" is the new slogan 
>of the age of "compassionate conservatism." So the next time you go 
>to the doctor, be sure you have your will made out. Those organs of 
>yours may be worth money. A lot of money.
>Look for the FDA to outlaw anti business alternative health care, 
>heh, heh.

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