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RE: Theos-World RE: ULT and other Societies that study Theoosphy.

Dec 08, 2002 01:01 PM
by dalval14

Dec. 8th, 2002

Re the current role of various Theosophical groups, bodies and

Thank you Bart

As Walt Whitman put it:

That we all labor together transmitting the same charge and
We few equals indifferent of lands, indifferent of times,
We, enclosers of all continents, all castes, allowers of all
Compassionaters, perceivers, rapport of men,
We walk silent among disputes and assertions, but reject not the
disputers: nor anything that is asserted,
We hear the bawling and din, we are reach'd at by divisions,
jealousies, recriminations on every side,
They close peremptorily upon us to surround us, my comrade,
Yet we walk unpheld, free, the whole earth over, journeying up
and down till we make our
ineffaceable mark upon time and the diverse eras,
Till we saturate time and eras, that the men and women of races,
ages to come, may prove brethren and lovers as we are.

- Walt Whitman, Leaves of Grass ( The World's Work)

[Quoted by Judge in NOTES ON THE BHAGAVAD GITA, p. 51]

and, for myself, I reciprocate in full -- as I survey our
"theosophical field."

Surface appearances go for nothing, it's the Heart that counts.

That's why I'd rather be unaffiliated and free to study or express an
opinion, and be only personally responsible for that. I also think
that is the special advantage of being an "associate." One has only
to account to one's HIGHER SELF.

I think Frank mistakes -- as the UNITED LODGE OF THEOSOPHISTS is not
an "entity" or a "society," it is a group of independent students
(wherever located) interested only in studying Theosophy, and
exchanging their findings and views. No one speaks for it. It does
has a "Declaration" which serves as the sole document that binds such
research and activity together. (see below)

Its on that basis that I write, question, and comment. I think the
philosophy of Theosophy, when thoroughly grasped, has a lot to offer
to all of us, whether in or out of the "Movement."

If it (THEOSOPHY) is as "old as thinking man," ( S D I 272-3) then
it has a very great length of time in which to develop and check and
re-check its findings and views. It claims to be at the formative
basis and foundation of all ancient religions as those are founded on
the work, words and example of MEMBERS OF ITS ANCIENT LODGE, who,
from time to time, when Karma permits, come to help and teach some
section, or all of humanity.

It seems to me that THEOSOPHY is designed to appeal to the free-mind
of any one interested in a reasonable, consecutive and verifiable view
of the origin of truths concerning the nature of matter and all its
many components; their interactions, as laws of mathematics,
chemistry, physics, biology, etc...; and the history of human
development -- extending way back beyond the speculations of
anthropologists who have only a few relicts and artifacts to depend

It also shows in an epitomic view the renascence of the Universe, and
our would and humanity in particular, after Pralaya.

H P B writes at the beginning of The SECRET DOCTRINE ( I, p. 267,
top) "as The SECRET DOCTRINE teaches history--which, for being
esoteric and traditional, is none the less more reliable than profane
history--we are as entitled to our beliefs as any one else, whether
religionist or sceptic."

I find she returns to this theme again and again throughout this book
and in her other writings. It is as if through her, when needed, an
accurate survey of the history of any kind of event, or philosophy, or
sect, or religion was being made available. Then in addition the way
to study, to investigate, and to prove for ourselves was also offered.
The philosophy is self-proving, and discourages "authority" or any
kind of "priesthood."

If we look at the vast volume of material she wrote for us to consider
we realize eventually that she is telling us in part, what are the
general contents of the secret libraries of the ancient Lodge. She is
calling on the written records there and on the specialists who
compiled them from direct personal observation and participation in
those ancient events. In a way it is one of the proofs of the
immortality and the perfectionability of the human SPIRIT-MIND.

But of course there are those who are self-limited by academic views
and are either unable, or fearful, of investigating freely other bases
for consideration.

Might we consider H P B's presentation somewhat in the nature of Jules
Verne's presentation of potential advances in science -- which have
been realized years after his books were published?

In the past 125 years there have been a number of significant
"discoveries" by Science which tend to "prove" that theosophical
statements concerning nature and matter are not exaggerated.

One could make a very interesting book concerning those. [ Bring :
the writings and facts offered by Charles Fort, Velikovsky, Von
Danegan, John Anthony West, Cremo, Margulies, Hawking, Heisenberg,
Bohm, Niels Bohr, Lorenz, Einstein, Max Plank, Von Neumann, Wigner,
Mann, Hartle, Feynman, etc...and others together.

The, let us ask that the interested individual consider the advances
made in discovery and in scientific thought in Nature since 1890 --
112 years ago.

After all Nature (the Universe) has been here long before all of us.
in this incarnation. Everything is well established. Our science is
only uncovering that which has always been there and which supports us
all. We ought to be very humble.

Best wishes,


PS I thought I would add the United Lodge Of Theosophists DECLARATION
here for some to consider:



The policy of this Lodge is independent devotion to the cause of
Theosophy, without professing attachment to any Theosophical
organization. It is loyal to the great Founders of the Theosophical
Movement, but does not concern itself with dissensions or differences
of individual opinion.
The work it has on hand and the end it keeps in view are too absorbing
and too lofty to leave it the time or inclination to take part in side
issues. That work and that end is the dissemination of the
Fundamental Principles of the Philosophy of Theosophy, and the
exemplification in practice of those principles, through a truer
realization of the SELF; a profounder conviction of Universal
It holds that the unassailable basis for union among Theosophists,
wherever and however situated, is "similarity of aim, purpose and
teaching," and therefore has neither Constitution, By-Laws nor
Officers, the sole bond between its Associates being that basis. And
it aims to disseminate this idea among Theosophists in the furtherance
of Unity.

It regards as Theosophists all who are engaged in the true service of
Humanity, without distinction of race, creed, sex, condition or
organization, and

It welcomes to its Association all those who are in accord with its
declared purposes and who desire to fit themselves, by study and
otherwise, to be the better able to help and teach others.

"The true Theosophist belongs to no cult or sect, yet belongs to each
and all."


The following is the form signed by Associates of the United Lodge of

Being in sympathy with the purposes of this Lodge, as set forth in its
"Declaration," I hereby record my desire to be enrolled as an
Associate, it being understood that such association calls for no
obligation on my part, other than that which 1, myself, determine.




-----Original Message-----
From: Bart Lidofsky [
Sent: Sunday, December 08, 2002 7:58 AM

Subject: Re: : your mail

Frank Reitemeyer wrote:

> In other words: The ULT'ers or unbrotherly, because they don't want
> have to do anything with the trained chelas of the Masters of
> Compassion, at least in their role as occult successors of the O.H.
> from 1875-91. This ULT behavior seems to be unjust, unfair and
> unbrotherly against HPB, too. :-)

Well, at the New York TS (Adyar) Lodge, we often recommend
that members
who want to learn Blavatsky's works in more depth pay a visit to the
local ULT, as well...

Bart Lidofsky

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