Re: Theos-World Brian's latest posting
Nov 30, 2002 07:46 PM
by netemara888
--- In theos-talk@y..., leonmaurer@a... wrote:
> In a message dated 11/27/02 8:27:30 AM, dhyana@w... writes:
> >If it is right that Socialism and Communism ("We are all equal")
in its
> >several variations was invented by the background power in the
> >to destroy the Protestant movement in Germany, then it is no
wonder why
> >the ruling red caps and the pupils of the Frankfurt school in
Austria (and
> >also in Germany) are so furious about HPB, as Theosophy was
brought to
> >the West to stop Socialism under all its masks.
> >Frank
> Judging by your speculative (iffy) statement that what you imply
about the
> "invention" of Socialism and Communism, etc., you believe to be
> Doesn't that also imply -- since the US constitution is based on
> Declaration of Independence which says, "...all men are created
equal" --
> that you also believe the US is a 'masked' Socialist country, and
> theosophy was introduced in America by HPB to "stop" or overthrow
it? Could
> we assume, then, by such subtly sly implications -- that you might
be trying
> to propagandize us American theosophists into believing that HPB
wanted us to
> become an anti government political movement? If so, I think she
would come
> flying out of her urn in one of her typical cold rages at
the "dumbheads"
> among us who haven't the faintest idea what "Universal Brotherhood"
> (Not to imply anything personal, of course. ;-)
LHM: I see you finally got something right. No one knows
what "universal brotherhood" means. The closest in theory IMO and
research is the Islamic faith, for all the castigation and malignment
it has taken. Thus while Theosophy may be called Buddhism on the
surface it is Islamic under the skin.
She need not rematerialize from her urn of cold ash. BTW she was more
of a political creature than I think you give her credit. In her
former incarnation as ISIS she wanted to rule the 'known world,'
including all of Palestine and Israel. Her complexity is unsurpassed
by anyone in history. What say you of the "Master of the 7?"
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