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Re: Master KH on "God": Mahatma Letter No. 10

Nov 10, 2002 08:19 PM
by Steve Stubbs

--- In theos-talk@y..., "netemara888" <netemara888@y...> wrote:
> Again you misunderstand my essay.

Obviously that is the reason I said I was not sure I understood. If 
you re-read your e-mail you will see why some of found it puzzling.

Since you consider yourself to be so advanced, you might leave off 
the quotation marks when you are not asking a question. A quotatuon 
mark at the end of a statement which is phrased to resemble a 
question tends to confuse us lesser mortals.

I am talking about Humanity and 
> their lack of understanding. I am not talking about myself here. 

Re-read my e-mail and you will see I said I lacked understanfing of 
your question and was trying to politely address it, not that I 
disputed your claims of superior knowledge.

> physical or hatha yoga is not 
> recommended at this time for enlightenment purposes--c'est tout.

I do not do hatha yoga, preferring movement to static positions when 
exercising (and I HATE stretching), but there is no reason why others 
should not practice it if they wish. One must of coure use common 
sense with hatha yoga, as many in India have not. Nut one can damage 
oneself much more seriously with purely mental methods.

> Enjoyed the story about Mahareshi. In the years I spent meditating 
> went to bed early and never saw a darn thing on late night TV.

The commercial was shown during the day in the mid seventies, when 
MMY was at his peak. I wish I had taped it. It was quite funny.

I have 
> been meditating for over 30 years.

Well good for you. I started in the mid sixties about seven years 
before you. Long enough to know that some things are more easily 
done by the young than the more mature. Some of my teachers used to 
say that thirty years merely marked the beginning of serious study, 
so I consider ,y starting date to be irrelevant and never bring it up 
or even think about it. We will all always be students, forever. 
Even the Buddhas are still doing zazen.

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