Re: Mahatmas and Kings...and glamour...
Jun 30, 2002 05:42 AM
by Morten Sufilight
Hi Bart and all of you,
What can I say Bart.
To be or not to be.
It must then be difficult to help you and maybe even others to understand, that Coca Cola and the like is unhealthy.
God/ParaBrahman must be against, what is unhealthy. That is logically true.
I DIDN'T say, that I knew what God/ParaBrahman wants.
Bart I didn't write - that - and it is quite unfair to interpret this sentence from my writing:
"I know what
> God wants, and God agrees with me."
You are accusing me for something, I didn't write in my emails. Such an attitude of yours Bart is NOT healthy. So let us all try to read the texts without prejudice.
Are most of you happy with the following situation ?:
That most of the american and western lifestyles of today are no good, and that corrupt politicians (also those in New York) are - supporting - cultural (i.e. lifestyle) and social-religious imperialistic terrorism-like trade-actions and different advancements (including military ones) on other countries to their choosing.
I am not.
Well all in all it is just my views.
The following link could be of interest to some -- Isa, crisis at Kashmir and the sufis at play:
M. Sufilight
----- Original Message -----
From: "Bart Lidofsky" <>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, June 30, 2002 5:11 AM
Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: Mahatmas and Kings...and glamour...
> I am limiting my answers based on the following statement.
> Morten Sufilight wrote:
> > > Why should it be thrown out of production? Under what authority should
> > > it be thrown out of production? Who, other than the makers, has the
> > > ability to throw it out of production? From where does this privilegeor
> > > right come?
> >
> > ****My answer to Bart: A lot of questions. 1. It is NOT healthy, and itis
> > even coming from USA - a political leading country on this Planet. 2. The
> > Authorithy of ParaBrahman. 3. ParaBrahman or the law of Karma. 4. From
> > "within life" or another 'place' ! (And "within life" is not a village in
> > USA!)****
> At this point, I am not even going to TRY to discuss any of this with
> you. It is useless to argue with someone whose answer is, "I know what
> God wants, and God agrees with me."
> Bart Lidofsky
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