RE: [bn-study] RE: Significance of a birthday
Nov 06, 2001 05:16 PM
by dalval14
Tuesday, November 06, 2001
Dear CeeKaye:
I have heard it said that everything is regulated by Karma.
It is universal ever-active and makes no exceptions. It is the
Humanity is composed of pupils who are learning with the minds
the rules facts and regulations of our environment -- NATURE. We
are in a "life-sustained" situation. Many want t know the
details of the "life-sustaining." How is it done? who does it?
How do changes occur? Why are some pleasant and others are
painful etc., etc...
We (as choosers) start the Karmic "ball" rolling for ourselves
and our future, and in doing so we affect others around us.
so our respective Karmas will interlace.
I once read that the "fixed stars" in their configurations, and
especially those that constitute the Zodiacal Belt, mark the
time. They are called by the Seers and Astrologers, the hands of
the Clock of TIME -- it is but natural for those who study
events to realise that cycles of events, physical, astral, of
moods and desires, of thoughts and aspirations, etc... recur.
The recurrence of effects, could be found to be related to
conjunctions, eclipses, and the general movements of the Sun and
Moon in relation to our Earth -- an consequently of ourselves.
But the various systems one can consult these days seem to retain
elements of uncertainty which we can not verify personally.
As such we may rely on the "say-so" of others who claim more or
less competence in these matters.
So, as far as I am able to gather evidence, there are
uncertainties that I know of.
1. It is difficult for me to verify predictions.
2. I have no way of measuring the knowledge, or accuracy of
individuals who may claim to be astrologers. [ Yet I know of
some Seers, who by their own methods are able to review past and
future of many persons with some degree of accuracy. Friends of
mine have be told of their future and in general that came to
pass -- but that gives only a partial base for consideration. ]
3. I recognize that there are coincidences in time and that these
may be marked and related to the stars, the Moon, the sun,
various planets, etc... Further, these "coincidences" may relate
to individuals families, communities, nations and our whole
4. Systems of astrology and astronomy have existed since all
time. But where are those records that any one can use to verify
them ? [ We know that the Hindu and Chinese systems are the
oldest, -- but the full details of those have been kept secret,
obscured, and in parts seem to have vanished or been destroyed.
Then follow the Egyptian and that of ancient Greece. The Mayans,
Aztecs and Incas had theirs, but the key to understanding them
seems to have been destroyed. In any case our archeologists and
paleontologists seem to have a very limited view of the past, and
seek to harness investigation to their parameters -- and the view
of the Theosophists (S D II 68-70) is scorned. ]
5. The Great Sidereal year (marked by the Sun's return to a
certain place in its orbit is said to cover 25,868 years. A 12th
is 2550 years and associated with this cycle are said to be
changes of "influence" relative to the 12 Zodiacal
constellations. There is a method whereby the Solar and the
Lunar calendars can be reconciled.
6. The application of such a change. and the accurate
identification of the nature of the change [ is it mental, moral,
emotional, physical -- or some combination of these ?] is to be
determined accurately so that any claim to knowledge can be
verified by others BEFORE one accepts any kind of prediction.
7. But, are we seeking for some reason to secure a view of the
crucial events we may have to meet in this life? If so, Why?
(Question to be answered each for themselves.)
Supposing that we acquired today information of some future
accident, or a sudden "stroke of good luck," or the date and
nature of the death of our present physical body were given to
us. Are we really prepared for such information?
here are a couple of articles that might help
[PARA]ASTROLOGICAL[PARA]Over the ambitious signature of "Magus" a
correspondent asks in your July issue, "What is planetary
influence and how does it act on man? " "Nemo" in his reply
answers other questions but fails to answer this one.[PARA]Not
being myself a Magus I will not assume to fully describe
planetary influence, since to do so would lead us into realms
quite beyond our comprehension. But we will get a better idea of
the subject by recollecting that the ancients always considered
the "ambient" - or entire heaven - at birth, as being that which
affected man, and that planets were only the pointers or indices
showing when and where the influence of the "ambient" would be
felt. The modern astrologers, following those great leaders, but
unable to grasp the enormous subject, reduced the scheme to the
influences of planets. They have thus come to leave out, to a
great extent, influences cast by powerful stars, which often
produce effects not to be sought for under planets: "When such
stars have rule nor wise nor fool can stay their influence." The
planets were held, rightly as I think, to be only foci for "the
influence of the whole ambient," having however a power of their
own of a secondary nature exercisable when the ambient influence
was weak.[PARA]When London was burnt a mighty star - not a
planet - had rule, and Napoleon was prefigured by a star also,
his fall being due in fact to the aspect of the heavens as a
whole, and not to the ruling of Wellington's significator. A
slight accident might have thrown the power of the latter out of
the horary field. Similarly, the cyclic vicissitudes of this
globe will not be show by any planetary scheme, but by certain
stars that fix the destiny of poor Earth. When they have their
day and term the wise man will be unable to rule his own stars or
any others.[PARA]William Q. Judge[PARA]Lucifer, September,
1888[PARA][PARA]Blavatsky Net home | up | top
subject of Astrology, C. C. Massey says that he thinks at present
we are not fully acquainted with the science, and that, as now
practiced, it is not always reliable.[PARA]His remarks as to its
unreliability are justly applicable to that branch of it which
relates to nativities alone, and so far I agree with him, because
I have encountered numerous cases where judgments upon nativities
have been most erroneous. That department of the science is very
abstruse and beset with difficulties requiring constant years of
study to master. Can we wonder then at the mistakes made by the
professional astrologer? He cannot afford these years of patient
toil, for even with but one foot upon the threshold of the hoary
art he begins to dispense his judgments and
prognostications.[PARA]The three first divisions of the science:
Genethliacal Astrology, or telling what shall be the individual's
fate; Mundane Astrology, or foretelling the circumstances of
nations, the occurrence of wars and pestilence; and Atmospherical
Astrology, or indicating the weather from certain aspects of the
planets, are by no means easy to understand or practice, as they
require not only a close application for several years, but a
good education too. But here is another branch of the subject
called Horary Astrology, or the answering of questions put to the
Astrologer at any time upon any subject whatever about which the
questioner is anxious. This can be soon learned by close
attention, and its practice will be found to reward the student
with answers having in them as much of certainty as we can hope
for in this illusionary world. Nor, need one wait for years
before trusting himself to make replies to questions or to solve
problems, excepting always Elections, or the determining of days
and times for beginning or doing anything.[PARA]Zadkiel, who was
a well-educated man, an ex-officer of the English Navy, in
writing on this subject, says that any one of average
intelligence can soon learn by Horary Astrology, whom to do
business with, what things to avoid, and what will be the result
of any particular business engaged in or proposed. That Zadkiel
was right I have had for some years abundant proof. And we have
Lilly who preceded Zadkiel, saying the same as his follower. In
Lilly's Introduction to Astrology there are given hundreds of
instances where Horary Astrology has furnished correct answers to
questions then put. Lilly was the astrologer who predicted the
great fire which in 1666 burnt down London, and also the plague
that took off a vast number of her inhabitants. No matter how
much the so-called scientific world may sneer at this, it remains
a fact quite susceptible of proof.[PARA]In my experience with
Horary Astrology I have found that some persons have not
naturally the proper cast of mind for giving a correct reply to a
question, which, by another reader of the figure, would be justly
answered, and, again, that one who will always be correct in
Horary questions may be quite unable to do well with a
nativity.[PARA]It is permissible to name those professors who are
dead, because then we cannot be accused of advertising them. In
the city of New York there resided, up to within a short time
ago, one Dr. Charles Winterburn who practiced medicine and
incidentally Horary Astrology. I consulted him may times for
which he would take no pay, and I cannot remember a case in which
he made a wrong answer. His mind was peculiarly fitted to give a
sound reply to any question astrologically put, and it was with a
sincere sorrow that I heard of his death. From among the many
questions answered by him I have taken a few as well as some upon
which judgments were given by other astrologers, by myself and
some other amateurs.[PARA]Two years ago, at exactly 3 p.m., I
signed a contract relating to the use of the electric light. The
conditions were favourable, and every one interested thought much
money would be made. I sent Dr. Winterburn and three other
astrologers - each being unaware that the others had the question
and one living in a distant city - this question: "At 3 p.m.
today I signed a contract; what will come of it?" No other data
were given. With starling unanimity, they all replied that
nothing would come of it, but that it would be abandoned. Dr.
Winterburn said that I might get from it a small sum, but
expenses would eat that up, and one of the others said that the
opposite parties to the contract were disagreeing amongst
themselves and had no funds. This I afterwards found to be true.
Eleven weeks was the length of time given by astrology for it to
last. Within eleven weeks the whole matter was abandoned, and I
made nothing whatever from it.[PARA]Subsequently, I entered into
a matter having some connection with the Government and a certain
manufactured article. For the sake of collecting evidence for, or
against, Astrology, I obtained judgments on the affair laying
them away without paying enough attention to them to even read
them. The business went forward with apparently good prospects,
but at last it began to assume an unfavourable turn, and then I
looked into the replies I had received. With one accord, as
before, they declared I had better not go on; all stating that
there appeared to be evidence of some money, but also of a
greater amount of expense. Dr. Winterburn, in reply to a letter
written on this point, said: "On the 20th of this month you will
get some return from it, but then you should drop it. However, I
see that you will give it up, and it will slip away from your
neighbourhood in toto." On the 20th I received the only money
ever paid in the case, and from that day to this have had no more
to do with it than if I had never heard of it.[PARA]In the year
1879, I contemplated a removal of my offices, and asked Dr.
Winterburn for an astrological judgment. He replied: "Do not move
yet, the place offered is not good, and you will have great
annoyance and loss there; wait." Soon after a room, apparently no
better in another building, was offered. Dr. Winterburn and
others with the same unanimity said; "Move; the new offer is
good, it will be pleasant in ever way." As the new place was good
and cheap I moved, and not because Astrology said so. But,
singular as it may appear, in eight months afterwards the place
against which they advised me - and the location and description
of which they were perfectly unaware of - was invaded by masons
and carpenters, the wall torn down in midwinter by order of the
Municipal Government, and the whole place exposed for half a year
to weather and dirt. Had I been there the expense would have been
great, and the annoyance immeasurable. Let me say further that
when their replies were given, neither the landlord nor the
Government had these alterations in contemplation.[PARA]When
President Garfield was shot, some friends and myself erected
different astrological figures on the event, and construing by
the rules, we all said he would die. I placed his death about a
week off. Our mistakes were of time and were not the mistakes of
the art.[PARA]Previous to my father's death, Dr. Winterburn,
having no acquaintance with him and never having seen him, said:
"All the indications are bad; I think the direction I have named
will be fatal. He will die in a few days, but his death will be
easy and calm." He died in fifteen days as calmly and sweetly as
a child would drop to sleep. The only datum given to the
astrologer was the question: - "My father is sick; what will come
of it?"[PARA]Such are a few of many instances I have had of the
preciseness and truth of this ancient art. I could give
hundreds.[PARA]These experiences lead me to the conclusion that
Horary Astrology is a correct mode of divination. Those ancient
men, who, with minds unfettered by the shackles of bigotry or
theology, but having an overflowing desire to benefit that "great
orphan Humanity," were wont in the part of India and Egypt to
inquire into all of Nature's works, found that Nature is one vast
machine whose wheels work one within the other. Calculate the
motion and know the mode of motion of one, and you have a key for
all. So they took the planets with the heavenly road in which
they travel, and erected a scheme based on experience and the
universal reign of law, which enabled them and will enable us to
guide the faltering steps of man through the dark and rugged
valley of this life. Anxiety is one of man's greatest and most
insidious foes. It fetters his energy and defeats his ends. If
Astrology will relieve one at any crisis from anxiety, is it not
well to foster its pursuit and spread its fame? It has relieved
me often from anxiety which, without it, I would have felt for
months. It will do the same for any one.[PARA]Let the light then
shine from the East where Astrology began: let those whose
forefathers gave to Claudius Ptolemy the materials for his
Tetrabiblos, give to us what aid they can for the great
understanding and development of this most ancient
art.[PARA]William Q. Judge[PARA]Theosophist, April,
1882[PARA][PARA]Blavatsky Net home | up | top
See notes below, please.
-----Original Message-----
From: CeeKaye
Sent: Tuesday, November 06, 2001 3:40 PM
To: Dallas
Subject: RE: Significance of a birthday
Absolutely there is plenty to ask!!
Is it worth one's effort in finding out who exactly they are and
astrological study be an aid in revealing one's mission in this
DTB Recurrence of the date of our physical birth in this
incarnation, ought to inspire some review of our own memories and
development. If we have kept a diary, then we might profit from
such a review.
The purpose with which we do anything carries the power of our
desire and this can be directed for self-benefit or for the
benefit of others. Whatever it may be there will be some
personal Karma attached to it. Nothing is insignificant.
I suggest that our first objective is to do those duties that are
immediately around us. One of the fist is to become wiser in
regards to the actual operations of our Life and its relation to
the earth and others: family, community, nation, etc... If we
desire to help others, is such a desire un-expecting, -- I
mean -- is a reward or recognition expected? Then if so, that is
We alone can determine how useful our reorientation ought to be
and where we ought to find help in considering and adjusting our
objectives. The views of other people, while welcome, might be
also confusing. All final decisions are ours. We as "embodied
SUNS" guide and control the "planets" of our daily duties.
Persistence, devotion, generosity and regularity mark the ability
to make true alterations in our life's chosen Path -- alterations
which will help both our own advance and the conditions of
others. I would say that out present situation marks clearly the
opportunities we have to learn, help and improve.
Best wishes, as always,
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