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Theos-World Re: The making of the Mahatma letters.

Oct 18, 2001 08:47 PM
by Monica Suzuki

--- In theos-talk@y..., leonmaurer@a... wrote:
> This isn't very useful (and a clutter in our mailboxes, as well). 
> Why don't we quote "thank you" letter threads that are useful -- so
> others who come in late, or search the archives can make use of
> them too?

I apologize for that but I don't read the emails from this forum in 
my personal inbox. Too much information so I go online to read the 
ones that look interesting. It's not like I can go to the members 
directory because that isn't available. Too bad Yahoo doesn't show 
the entire email address or I would have sent a private "thank you."

Also, the To: when you click the Reply button doesn't work.


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