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This Moment: A theosophical dialogue

Oct 08, 2001 11:26 PM
by Pendragon


The one great error of Theosophists------------and all esotericists, for that matter----------is the perniciously obstinate habit of overestimating humanity-------ourselves. We are barely out of the ruins of barbarism that we brought upon ourselves in Atlantis, where we managed to fall under the level of beasts, following the first and greatest fall into generation or cohabitation of the sexes. We must understand that we used to be gods once (with all the "magic powers" you can imagine, and spiritual beings fully bisexual or rather, a-sexual, for sex is in evidence only on the outer planes), but forfeited it all------our status of the Sons of Will and Yoga--------by refusing to incarnate in the bodies prepared, and when we finally said "Amen!" and descended to this plane to enter (or rather, overshadow) these bodies of the mindless, we already were TOO LATE, in the sense that the bodies were already tainted by animal impurity, but, we had no choice (for we were kicked from behind and pushed by the Great Law) other than to enter these tainted bodies, thus incurring great sin. There you go, your "original sin". But then, we increased it all by falling headlong into phallicism, big time, which we still continue, and through the mass distribution of this misuse of a holy natural function in our "modern" times (via televison, sex movies, and worse) which ought to have properly been used for procreation only (always on the basis of monogamy, between couples who truly belong together---I do not mean the pernicious and idiotic lore of "twin-souls" so-called-----and following due introspection and meditation----prayer is another word for it, but, of course, praying only in the occult sense of "Key to Theosophy") we immerse ourselves deeper and ever deeper in the courtyard of Avitchi. But let us not forget the third curse we brought upon ourselves-----the curse of Mammon, the curse we imbued with each particle of matter we ever bought and sold. That spirit-matter is sacred, and one with the Inconceivable-------whether we call it Parabrahman or Great Architect-------and must never be bought or sold------ever------ought to be clear by now. Nirvana---------the oneness with all things, the kingdom of God--------cannot exist simultaneously at the same spot, with the kingdom of Satan (matter; "diabolus est deus inversus"); one or the other has to give way. Even the wild beasts of the forest can read the signs of the times better than we do: this "final" (end of a cycle) TABULA RASA is going on right now, and we----------humanity as a collective---------realize that we either adapt and transmute our lower selves into "gold" (of the alchemists) and get a hold of ourselves and reach---------by the blood and sweat of selfless labor for each other, and by purifying our lower selves----------through this "narrow path" of Antaskarana, back to the "Voice of the Silence"--------the "Father" behind all verbum, or outer manifestation, and see this Great Spirit living not only in each of our fellow human brothers and sisters, but in all of our animal relations, be they but plants and stones and atoms yet, and behave accordingly, WORKING TOGETHER JOINTLY FOR A BROTHERHOOD OF MAN, as HPB beseeched us to do, or, we get simply relegated to the "ash heap of history"------removed from this planet for good, as it happened to the scoffers of Noah who tried to build an arc of safety where we could escape to from the wrath to come....

Everybody is equally guilty. The degree of fanaticism is not everything, although the "enlightened" West is by far not devoid of this insanity. Our black magic in the West may be more unconscios but is very well there. Think of commercialism, of great corporations sacrificing entire nations to business, using them as guinea pig-----genetical manipulation; the ozone hole in the sky; doctors who kill you for money; food industries that make you obese with aspartame and growth hormones; poison gas on strawberry fields; the deadly coercion of legalism and insane prohibition, the opposite of any democracy; the prison industry, 6,5 million Americans in jail or on bail or former felons; murder of humans by the state, capital punishment; oppression of our own people and of other nations----of those who have yellow skin, of Muslims, of the American Indian, of everybody who is non-Anglo-----no health system, no state-guaranteed old-age pensions; no powerful labor unions that would be able to outbalance the predatory force of capitalism; a mere semblance of democracy, and right wing nazi fascism in politics----in organizations, in churches, in the heads and hearts of the people!! All this combined with the most insane arrogance------America, the Great! When we point fingers-------one always points back to ourselves! The crusades replayed? Why surprised? What did we expect? Do we perhaps think the karma of those bloody butchery days to have long been expiated? Have we not tried to outdo each other, back then, with the most barbaric cruelty, in killing each other? Saladin may have been an enlightened one in comparison to us. We ain't seen nothing yet... This is only the beginning. Our mechanical world is going to collapse on us, and bury these black magicians of old that we are----underneath the rubble. The "fanatics" in the East-----representing the rebellion of the have nots and the outcast------may be, perhaps, found much less guilty of a truly spiritual transgression than we ourselves--------by the Lords of Karma, who see it all, and know that motive alone is the decisive factor of any act--------fully aware, also, of the truth HPB tried to make us grasp-----in vain until this very day that is now upon us: "...'Black magic reigns over Europe as an all-powerful, though unrecognized, autocrat,' its chief conscious adherents and practical servants being found in the Roman Church, and its unconscious practitioners in the Protestant. The whole body of the so-called "privileged" classes of society in Europe and America is honeycombed with unconscious black magic, or sorcery of the vilest character." (CW XIII, p. 257.)

We----all of us of the human family-----must hang together, realize what we jointly have done to each other-----both in East and in the West-----, and mend it-----"repent", see that none of us is "holier than thou", that we are one, in truth and deed---------or we assuredly will hang separately.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: My Subconscious Self 
Sent: Monday, October 08, 2001 8:36 AM
Subject: [rosicruciansophia] Re: The Guardian: Air strikes delayed as allies express d...

I want to thank you for the message and web site you just posted. 
Actually, I would like to post both in a spirituaL club I am in that 
has over 1300 members. I agree very much with what you have to say. 
We are at a critical crossroads of human history where we may be 
catapaulted back in time by a thousand years by people who have been 
brainwashed, mind controled, and can't think for themselves, as well 
as they loathe modern "sinful" civilization. I find it incredible 
that once again we may have a "crusade", like a thousand years ago, 
caused by religious ignorance, bigotry, and intollerance. 
Fundamentalism, nearly always based in falsely understood literalist 
interpretations of supposedly "holy" writings and rooted in laziness 
and fear in pursuing serious studies of the true origins of the 
various faiths, is perhaps the most serious danger the world faces 
today. Will we again, in another thousand years, go through all this 
yet again? 


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