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RE: theos-l digest: July 16, 2001

Jul 19, 2001 04:33 AM
by dalval14

Dallas offers:

What has the physical age of this present physical body to do
with anything?

Better to ask what is the age of the MONAD - specifically of the
HIGHER SELF -- ATMA and then of the Buddhi-Manas -- these are
said to be ageless and immoral.

But this is not something you put into the laboratory of anything
but one's own mind. Such ideas have to be thought through.

If one desires to d this then starting with the KEY TO THEOSOPHY
(HPB) is a good way., When the basic concepts of man and
nature's constitution are grasped, then The SECRET DOCTRINE
becomes relatively easy to understand. If one desires as a
preview a synopsis of the contents of The SECRET DOCTRINE then
one can read Mr. Judges' The OCEAN OF THEOSOPHY .

All these are ON LINE at BLAVATSKY.NET

Best wishes and happy studying.



-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Kusek []
Sent: Monday, July 16, 2001 9:53 PM
To: Theosophy Study List
Subject: Re: theos-l digest: July 16, 2001

> Examples of younger people? Okay, how about Dallas, Gerald,
> Mark, myself, etc. . . . ? Just because some of us younger
> SEEM a little older, in some ways, surely doesn't necessarily
mean that
> we ARE older? As Theosophists, we should know better, eh?

I just want to say, for the record, that I'm WAY, WAY younger
than Dallas or Gerald!

> When I read "The Elder Brother", the bio of Leadbeater, there
was one piece
> of information which I was totally unaware (even after my being
around TS
> nearly half a century) and is considered extremely sensitive by
those who
> are in the know and as such, no one knowledgeable would talk
about or make
> any response whatsoever.
> When a very rare opportunity arose, I took a photo copy of the
page from
> the book and showed it to a person who I thought was privy to
first hand
> info. Lo and behold, I was taken aside and in hushed voice the
info was
> confirmed to be 100% accurate.

So what was it? The secret teaching on Theosophical masturbation?

> From: "Jerry S" <>

> What promise does Theosophy hold out for people?

For me, Theosophy holds the promise of presenting a viable mental
system in which to ground direct mystical experience. A
vocabulary of sorts.

The pity is that they don't really show you the "how" of it.

Rather, they kind of string you along. They talk a lot about the
"why" of it, to the point where you don't really have to DO
anything, except keep buying and reading the books.

In a sense, they have a vested interest in keeping you away from
the direct experience.

If you got directly in touch with the god within you, then you
wouldn't need them any more.

Think about that.

> 4. Liberation from cyclic existence is possible without going
into a retreat from daily life. Liberation in its truest sense is
from the bonds of personal karma, not from life.

Hotei enters the village with a big bag of toys, smiling.

> 5. Cyclic existence through reincarnation and karma is all a
natural result of grasping onto a belief in a self.

Shhhhhh, you'll give away the game.

> 6. The Cycles of Necessity - the Rounds and Root Races of any
manvantara - as described by Blavatsky in The Secret Doctrine are
based on averages and do not apply to individuals.

We sooooo want to identify with them. It couldn't really be just
about "me", could it?

> 7. The Divine Monad has ultimate reality, is our inner
divinity, our inner spiritual monadic essence, does not
reincarnate, nor participate in manifestation, is and forever
will be perfect and non-dual.

On this all depends.

> 8. The Divine Monad's expression, its monadic ray, has
conventional reality. It enters into manifestation much like
light leaving the sun in all directions transforms into an
individualized sunbeam as it enters the atmosphere of Earth.

And promptly falls asleep. "Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz"

> 9. The Monadic Ray is inherently stainless and pure. It is like
a mirror that gets covered with dust and the Path is one of
removing that dust.

No, no, It's more like a dish full of mercury ......

<< What I was getting at, is: What promise, if any, does
Theosophy make to the average person, to the Joe Six-Packs of the
world? >>

What, Theosophy is giving away six packs!?

> In other words if I learn to do it right I can come back as
Emperor of the
> World (complete with cool black robe and comfy chair)?

The comfy chair ... the soft cushion!

> Now all I have to do
> is remember to repeat as I go to sleep, "Your friends are
doomed, young
> Skywalker."

If only you'd completed your training!

-- Mark

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