----- Original Message -----
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 4:37
Subject: Re: Theos-World Re: Doctrine of
Avataras and The Christ
Gene, may be. HPB called that Jesuitism.
For me a half truth is a full lie.
Respondant: Generally: There is
a Hermetic statement that all "truth" is but half-truth and the equal and
opposite is also "truth"(half-truth). Specifically: Her statements
do not appear to be half-truths in the way you seem to mean.
And if they were, for the sake of argument, certainly a half truth is
not a full lie, just frustrating when it's "mate", the other half truth
is not yet known to the student . . . . giving the full truth, the full cycle,
(that part of the statement that involves us and gets our attention and that
part that leads us to liberation.)
When Bailey f.e. writes:
"The Law of Attraction... deals with the
ability of the Logos to 'love wisely' in the occult sense of the term. Ithas
relation to the polarization of the Logos in His astral body, and produces the
phenomenon called 'sex activity' (A Treatise on Cosmic Fire, p.
Respondant: Here she is writing in
the standard symbolic language about either a planetary logos(a previous
humanity which has become cooperative and group-conscious through love) or a
solar logos(seven major planetary logoi who have joined their group
consciousnesses synthetically in service to the will of a solar
If she is referring to the latter, a solar
logos, probably our solar logos, then she is referring to the macrocosmic
being who is developing love-wisdom on top of the previously developed
Intellectual Activity. This macrocosmic being functions as a cosmic
personality on the cosmic mental, cosmic astral and cosmic etheric
physical planes(states of consciousness) and has already developed an
intelligently active etheric body in a previous solar system and is now
developing a loving and wise astral body in this solar system. The first
solar system is referred to as feminine(using the term as occultly understood)
and this present solar system is referred to as masculine, again only in
the esoteric sense and context. So He is the god of love or the heart
chakra of an even greater cosmic being of which he is a part, one major chakra
of seven major chakras. Sex and love are used synonomously with theterm
sex meaning physical love or physical attraction(cosmic or
microcosmic) and refers to the cosmic electric attraction between the
will and the substance aspects as He gathers towards Him that which He needs
in order to serve the greater whole just as we all try to do. This
is all symbolic, not to be taken literally.
Together, we as a humanity, are the
microsmic equivalent to our solar logos(the holographic cosomolgy
paradigm) and form a personality on the mental, astral and etheric
physical planes(states of consciousness) and are indeed made in the same image
but are like atoms relative to the immense body of the solar logos.
The solar logos is also like an atom to the body of the immense being to which
it too forms a tiny part, and onward and onward towards immensity and backward
and backward toward tiny-insity. The pattern repeats over and
over. Each form, each personality is one of many which together form a
chakra, one of seven major chakras, within the personality of a great being
and that great being is one of many forming a still greater chakra. And
each one of us is a great being to the tiny atoms of our body and each atom is
a great being to it's tiniest parts. The pattern repeats to infinity in
either direction. Of all the numbers within the infinite continous sea
of numbers, which is the greater?
So Alice is writing, as dicated to, to
seems to me, symbolically, in order to teach. As above, so below.
We get some information as if it is about our psychology. We get some
information as if is about some doings of the great and powerful solar logos,
the god of love, as referred to in the scriptures, this is all teaching
technique meant to start the student thinking and self educating. It may
seem, at first, like madness, but there seems to me to be method to it. This
is all pantheism both subjective and objective. It is not meant to be
understood in the exoteric sense as some "god" outside of the ongoing creative
process looking onward as his creation goes stumbling forward or
backword. It is the expert employment of standard and proved teaching
techniques to get one thinking for one's self, and it works for some and
doesn't work for others. It is especially to be remembered that there is
no god. There are only gods. Any mention of god is the mention of
some major chakra in some being whether cosmic, microcosmic, etc. If any
of these major chakras within some grand and cosmic being, itself an
individual within some grand cosmic humanity forming a yet greater chakra, are
worshipped and singled out then one has a potentially disruptive idolatry
brewing. The monthesim of Egypt was not the worship of the one
God. It was the worship of the one favorite God of that city or nation
with other cities or nations worshipping other of the seven gods. Some
worshipped the God of Intelligent Activity; some the God of Love; some the God
of Will; and all the permutations thereof. There is the Hidden Deity
which is no "God" but a deep and hidden mystery, the synthesis of all the
seven gods like the white light of all the colors when synthesized back
together and that Hidden Deity is not subject to worship. It is this
hidden deity that Alice is NOT referring to. She is referring to a
chakra, one of seven, whether or not it is one of ours, the solar logos' or
the great Parabramam, Itself, once again, a major chakra within a still
greater being. The scholar must integrate all this material and all
these infinite states of consciousness into the One Total Unconditioned
Consciousness and Bare Subjectivity and thereby achieve enlightenment andthis
is for each one of us to do whether it is the tiny lord of an atom
in our body, a human being, the solar logos, the cosmic logos or the Great and
Grand Poo-paa of ALL TIME and ALL SPACE. We are all in this
nirvanva/samsara TOGETHER.
My humble questions to you:
1. Does this quote show that AAB believed
in a personel God or not?
Opinion only, answer: It definitely
does not unless one understands Teilhard De Chardin's perspective which is a
modern pantheism that insists on a personal god. But this is a
pantheistic personal god. This is the great consciousness of our
perfected humanity at the level of the Masters, our Atmic Plane, The Christ.
This is the perfected expression of our planetary logos which is a now group
conscious previous humanity and our goal in life. Pantheism, pantheism,
2. If not, why she refers to the Logos as
a he, even with a capital H?
She refers to our Solar Logos whois has
already developed Intelligent Activity and is evolving, on His own planes, and
expressing Love-Wisdom through Intelligent Activity. Our God is a god of
Love. In esoteric philosophy the present solar system is a love-wisdom
system and is termed Masculine as opposed to Intelligent Activity
through Substance(the Deva Kingdom) which is referred to as feminine and this
Intelligent Activity is the "Holy Ghost aspect" and the Substance the the
Divine Virgin Matter. The feminine or deva kingdom has been subjected to
the creative Intelligent Activity of the first solar system, the Cosmic
Personality has been formed. Now, presently, in this new solar system
the personality is to be subservient to the expression of Cosmic
(Kiss me Kate!) The Cosmic Soul is
pouring through the Cosmic Personality. There is resistence and hence
Light from the previous pattern of Intelligent Activity but Love-Wisdom will
3. Many balck magicians are seeking to
gain "powers" by practise sex magic, like O.T.O., Crowley, Leadbeater. Isthe
argument of Bailey that
the Logos is connected with sex activity
the "occult" rationale for the sahdow Brothers?
Answer: (I am surprised that
Leadbeater is considered a black magician. I thought he was a good human
being with some "bad" taboo-ed habits begging for enlightenment.) Sexual
activity in the context that you present like all activity is an Intelligent
Activity and serves a purpose in Nature. There are two choices withall
Intelligent Activity. To use the Intelligent Activity for personal
selfish gain, at times appropriate, or, rather to use the Intelligent Activity
from Transpersonal perspectives, altruistically. Sex used for the
benefit of the world would be white magic; sex used for selfish purposes would
be black magic. Once again it all boils down to motive, whether
altuistic or inappropriately selfish and at the expense of other beings.
Now. I can't judge the motives of Leadbeater. I can't judge the
motives of even myself with any complete certainty so I ain't gonna attempt to
judge the motives of the Solar Logos. I can see no reason to get
concerned that the Solar Logos, the so-called god of love, is kinky and into
sex magic, that would be for His Peers to deal with, the other Solar
Logoi. Each one of us, microcosmic or macrocosmic, is subject to the
centripetal and centrifugal forces of Life(Father-Mother), harmonized at the
Buddhic plane, whether microcosmic or macrocosmic. The choice is ours
and I suppose the choice is up to Him. I'll do the best with my own
choices and if He wants my advice then He can ask me. I'm not holding my
breath until that time.
Frank, dear Intelligent and loving
Frank. Stay on guard. Stay sceptical. And let your light and
wisdom and light shine through the dark night of our ignorance. None of
us will learn anything worth knowing unless we question everything. Then
at a certain time one can relax and truely understand. It is all love
and each one of us is that love. The intellect and the scientists will
lag behind the intuition but the sure way is the better way. If I
haven't explained things sufficiently then this is due to my own confusion and
inability. I continue to try to understand and share as best I can and I
have that evil shadow within and of which I must remain aware of and
restate to it: Love, baby, love is the answer. (So transcendent as
to be an answer barely acceptable.) But the Beatles sang this to the
world so it must be true! You may have all the evidence you need to
disregard me as trying to learn but too confused to be of much interest.
This is o.k. This may be true. But if interested please ask very
pointed and sharp questions and I'll do my best.(Gene)
It seems that the idea of a personal god is
o.k. and not in conflict with HPB as long as there is a mature theological
understanding, pantheistic, of a personal god, such as taught in the
writings of Teilhard De Chardin. All conflicts of this nature are
resolvable in understanding the perspective of the other.