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Re: Theos-World The Causeless Cause and the First Cause

Apr 30, 2000 01:28 PM
by Eugene Carpenter


My understanding is

1. The empty Logoic Plane, Mahaparanirvana
2. The Cosmic Monadic Plane, Paranirvana
3. The Cosmic Atmic Plane, Nirvana

1. The Plane of the Cosmic Sea of Fire
2. The Plane of the Nought, The Circle, The Chakra, The Causeless Cause, the
Unmoved Mover, the Hidden Deity, Absoluteness, Parabrahm/Mulaprakriti, The
Interlude,  Deity resting prior to the next phase of Manifestation.
3. The Plane of the Circle with the Central Point, the Plane of the First
Cause, the unmanifested but manifesting Logos

Then the fourth plane is the plane of quazi-manifestation

Then the fith plane is the plane of manifestation, the Word made Flesh.

2. Absoluteness
3. The Absolute, all possible cosmic thought
4. Latent cosmic thought
5. Actual cosmic thought

2. Absoluteness
3. Absolute
4. +ACI-In the Beginning was the Word.+ACI-
5. +ACI-And the Word was with God.+ACI-
6. +ACI-And the Word was God.+ACI-

2.Absoluteness, the Causeless Cause
3. The First Logos, the First Cause, Brahma(neutral)
4. The Second Logos, the quasi-manfested World Soul
5. The Third Logos, Brahma(not neutral), the Creator
6. The Cosmic Astral
7. The Cosmic Physical(in-the-brain consiousness of the Solar Logos)(the
pattern repeats for the seven subplanes, the solar system planes, our
metaphysical planes.  The microcosm corresponds to the macrocosm.

-----Original Message-----
From: W. Dallas TenBroeck
To: AAA-BN (Sudy)
Date: Friday, April 28, 2000 6:02 AM
Subject: RE: Theos-World The Causeless Cause and the First Cause

+AD4-April 27th 2000
+AD4- RE:  Metaphysical Beginnings
+AD4-The exchange reproduced below prompted me to look at these great
+AD4-ideas again:
+AD4-The study of the beginning of manifestation seems to fall in the
+AD4-realm of Metaphysics -- very deep thinking about beginnings,
+AD4-permanency and endings.  An unending concatenation (Nidana) of
+AD4-events leading to further events.  Why is this?  What is
+AD4-Manifestation and our existence for ?
+AD4-What is it that is able to observe these things and/or think
+AD4-about them?
+AD4-If they are to be thought of, then how far-ranging does the power
+AD4-to THINK need be ?
+AD4-Finally, Who or What in +ACI-us+ACI- does such thinking ?  How do we know
+AD4-that is it correct ?
+AD4-I find that Mme. Blavatsky's THE SECRET DOCTRINE seems to answer
+AD4-most of these questions.
+AD4-As we look at this it seems that it is an analysis of what is
+AD4-given in the THREE FUNDAMENTALS Can we say that the SD teaches:
+AD4AWw- SD, Vol.  I, pp. 14-19 +AF0-
+AD4-PARABRAHM  relates to the condition or state which we denominate
+AD4-the NON-MANIFESTED and to which we give mentally the non-quality:
+AD4-ABSOLUTENESS, or BE-NESS  -- +ACI-unthinkable and unspeakable+ACI-.
+AD4- Parabrahm in ancient Indian philosophy is THAT which precedes
+AD4-Brahm (neuter) and Brahmaa (the MACROCOSM).  It is held that each
+AD4-human being as a MIND (is a MICROCOSM of the great Macrocosm),
+AD4-and hence the MIND is alone able to pursue this kind of thinking
+AD4-about its SOURCE and EXISTENCE, both +ACI-then,+ACI- and,  in the +ACI-here
+AD4-and now.+ACI-
+AD4- Parabrahm
+AD4-As the First Fundamental of the SD  ( I - p. 15 ) observes :
+AD4-CONSCIOUSNESS+ACI-  (If it has a +ACI-field+ACI- that implies limitations, or
+AD4-the idea of, limitations to be. If it is simply EVERYTHING, then
+AD4-only non-manifestation will accommodate that definition.  The
+AD4-idea of pure, abstract, illimitable and unqualified SPACE is
+AD4-offered. It is the ETERNAL BACKGROUND.  (see SD I 45,)  It will
+AD4-be noticed that in SD I p. 27 Sloka 8.  The description of the
+AD4-ABSOLUTENESS includes modifying qualities:  +ACI-pulsation,+ACI- and +ACI-the
+AD4-opened Eye of the Dangma.+ACI-  Pulsation is motion even in the
+AD4-abstract.  The +ACI-opened Eye+ACI- implies that there are WISE BEINGS --
+AD4-MINDS -- for which even the gap of time and consciousness to
+AD4-lesser beings that we call Pralaya  is not a barrier or
+AD4-limitation to their continued work and perception -- on some
+AD4-plane we cannot even conceive of, except to say, that it may be
+AD4-there in a scheme of ultimate potentialities forever developing
+AD4-into Realities.  The real ULTIMATE will never be reached.  It is
+AD4-the Golden Light towards which we move but which we will never
+AD4-finally discover. It MOTIVATES all life and living.
+AD4-HPB introduces then a 2nd stage.
+AD4- Manifestation +AD0- Duality
+AD4AIg-Once that we pass in thought from the Absolute Negation, DUALITY
+AD4-SUPERVENES +AFs- the +ACI-Causeless-Cause+ACI- +AF0- in the contrast of Spirit
+AD4-(or Consciousness -- see SD I 37, 39-40, 44) and Matter, (Subject
+AD4-and Object).+ACI-
+AD4-These +AFs- SPIRIT and MATTER +AF0- are then said to be +ACI-2 facets or
+AD4-aspects of the Absolute (Parabrahm) AFTER MANIFESTATION BEGINS
+AD4-(p. 16)  +ACI-The first manifestation, the impersonal, and in
+AD4-philosophy, unmanifested Logos, the precursor of the
+AD4AIg-manifested.+ACI- (see SD I 35,  This is the +ACI-First Cause+ACI-...
+AD4-The +ACI-first Triad+ACI- (p. 15) would seem to be ABSOLUTENESS  --
+AD4-SPIRIT  --  MATTER.  +AFs- or in man: Atman - Buddhi - Manas  --
+AD4-It also seems clear (p. 15) that as a prelude to MANIFESTATION
+AD4-this, the metaphysical trinity, serves as the UNMANIFESTED LOGOS,
+AD4-then, as PRECOSMIC IDEATION it energizes and re-starts the GREAT
+AD4-BREATH.  It becomes transformed into the MANIFESTING LOGOS.
+AD4-This seems to be the 3rd stage:
+AD4- Manifesting Logos
+AD4-Assuming the nature of the MANIFESTING LOGOS, all the KARMA of
+AD4-the past UNIVERSES has to be reformed, focused and set in total
+AD4-operation again.  This brings on the first great phase of
+AD4-manifestation or the INVOLUTION OF SPIRIT INTO MATTER. It  does
+AD4-this by deploying all the diverse aspects of Intelligence (or
+AD4-Consciousness) into the appropriate vehicle of matter, so that
+AD4-all the many Monadic beings of an earlier Universe may resume
+AD4-their individual evolution in the new one. (see SD I 43, )   this
+AD4-takes up a great deal of preliminary time.
+AD4-Here, on our Earth we can see how this is progressing for us and
+AD4-our assemblage of cooperating Monads.  It is said in the SD that
+AD4-we (humanity) are a stage a little past the mid-point of
+AD4-evolution when this process of involution of Mind into Matter
+AD4- Evolution in and through Mankind of developing Mind-Monads
+AD4AWw-Hereafter, mankind as a Mind-host of Individualized Minds using
+AD4-the bodies provided by Karma in Evolution, will be progressing
+AD4-forward in terms of the development of Consciousness, as each of
+AD4-us, Individualized Mind opens out its horizons to include all
+AD4-beings and every potential of the Future.
+AD4-At the same time it will be practicing the +ACI-virtues.+ACI-  This
+AD4-means, in short, extending the hand of fellowship and brotherhood
+AD4-to all other developing (evolving) aspects of Nature (Monads)
+AD4-that surround it.  This process is considered to be described
+AD4-broadly as:  benevolence, harmlessness, and compassion for all
+AD4-beings -- seeing that they are all of the same Source and Essence
+AD4-as we are.  (We, are Monads that have reached the Individualism
+AD4-of the Mind-stage).  The materials that Karma provides, and which
+AD4-is found to be used in the make-up of our bodies, represent
+AD4-Monads that are developing, under our guidance and tuition, the
+AD4-faculty of independence. +AFs-The question is:  Are we good models
+AD4-? +AF0-   Other Monads working in and around us, fulfil functions
+AD4-concurrent to, but still representative of earlier levels of
+AD4-evolution -- those corresponding to the consciousness that is
+AD4-developed in the mineral, vegetable, and animal Kingdoms of
+AD4- Fohat - Life - Intelligent Electricity
+AD4-Working as KOSMIC Intelligent ELECTRICITY it (the Manifesting
+AD4-Logos) is FOHAT +AFs- also (in a way) it seems to be an aspect of
+AD4-JIVA -- the Life-Principle with a unit-intelligence associated
+AD4-with it +AF0- and all his +ACI-Sons+ACI- (those who have been named
+AD4AIg-Builders,+ACI- +ACI-Cosmocratores,+ACI- Buddhas, Dhyan Chohans, Rishis,
+AD4-Mahatmas, Adepts, etc... are the many Universally Self-Conscious
+AD4-MONADS, that act to awaken into cooperative activity the
+AD4AIg-life-atoms+ACI- of individual  hosts of MONADS of many stages and
+AD4-levels of individual development.  We call them the Kingdoms and
+AD4-Forces of nature.
+AD4- Manifestation Deepens into more Material layers
+AD4-Manifestation (supervised by those High Intelligences) then
+AD4-proceeds universally  (p. 16) :  +ACI-The Eternity of the Universe in
+AD4-toto, as a boundless plane periodically +ACI-the playground of
+AD4-numberless Universes innocently manifesting and disappearing,+ACI-
+AD4-called +ACI-the manifesting stars.+ACI- ...  The absolute universality of
+AD4-the law of periodicity ...etc. ...+ACI-
+AD4-In and upon these manifesting stars and their planets will be
+AD4-found the +ACI-Soul-Minds-(Monads)+ACI- (p. 17)   And each of these
+AD4-maintains a living link with the UNIVERSAL OVER SOUL  (MAHAT).
+AD4-Why is it termed +ACI-an aspect of the UNKNOWN ROOT ?  (see SD I
+AD4- Mulaprakriti - Maha-Buddhi - Primordial Matter
+AD4-MULAPRAKRITI means literally +ACI-root+ACI- matter.  It is Primordial
+AD4-Matter. Maha-Buddhi.
+AD4-It is also equated with Maha-Buddhi. Or the first +ACI-film+ACI- --
+AD4-material -- that links SPIRIT to the grosser forms and planes of
+AD4-MATTER.  It is given as an attribute WISDOM, because it (as
+AD4-LIPIKA)  inscribes the indestructible records of all
+AD4-manifestations and impacts them in the AKAS.
+AD4-It is universal IN MANIFESTATION as the Vehicle of SPIRIT.
+AD4-It KNOWS (as Universal Intelligence) all that has happened
+AD4-everywhere to each and every MONAD, whether in or out of
+AD4-manifestation.  It is absolutely pure and transparent to the
+AD4-Spirit and therefore can be associated with it, as the highest
+AD4-aspect of manifestation -- the genesis, progression and
+AD4-succession of which cannot be traced to any finite beginning, nor
+AD4-to any conceivable or ultimate end in terms of +ACI-manifested+ACI-
+AD4-(time-limitations).   It is an aspect of DURATION and also KARMA.
+AD4-The CONSCIOUSNESS associated with SPIRIT, whether in our out of
+AD4-manifestation, is INDEPENDENT of either manifested SPIRIT, or
+AD4-manifested MATTER.   It is also called MAHAT -- the UNIVERSAL
+AD4-MIND --  for the reason that the Manasic aspect of all
+AD4-consciousness working in and through the human stage of
+AD4-evolution, has to contact individually its HIGHER SELF (Atma)
+AD4-THROUGH IT.  Because of this it has also been called the Great
+AD4-Guru in Manifestation.  The Spiritual Teacher of all aspiring
+AD4-minds and hearts.
+AD4-This is only a very sort and fragmentary consideration of the
+AD4-wonderful depths of thought to be found in the SD.  The first 300
+AD4-pages offer us a splendid +ACI-spring board+ACI- from which to consider
+AD4-the subjects of COSMIC evolution, and then, of Human evolution,
+AD4-dealt with later in the book.
+AD4-If there are further questions, I will try to answer them.
+AD4-Best wishes,
+AD4-D T B
+AD4------Original Message-----
+AD4-From: Peter Merriott
+AD4-Sent: Thursday, April 27, 2000 2:34 PM
+AD4-Subject: RE: The Causeless Cause and the First Cause
+AD4-Hello Eugene,
+AD4-Thanks for offering your interesting thoughts on Parabrahm and
+AD4-the Monad.  You write:
+AD4APg- My understanding is that the Causeless Cause
+AD4APg- is Parabrahm/Mulaprakriti and the First Cause
+AD4APg- is the First Logos or Brahma(neutral) at what
+AD4APg- one might refer to as the Cosmic Atmic level.
+AD4-That's very interesting.  I'd not quite thought of +ACo-both+ACo-
+AD4-Parabrahm/Mulaprakriti as being the +ACI-Causeless Cause+ACI-, but had
+AD4-used that expression to refer to Parabrahm alone.  Though as HPB
+AD4-suggest in the SD, Parabrahm and Mulaprakriti are one - for
+AD4-example on the first page of the Proem of the Secret Doctrine,
+AD4-where it is stated:
+AD4AIg-The one circle is divine Unity, from which all proceeds, whither
+AD4-all returns. Its circumference -- a forcibly limited symbol, in
+AD4-view of the limitation of the human mind -- indicates the
+AD4-abstract, ever incognisable PRESENCE, and its plane, the
+AD4-Universal Soul, although the two are one. Only the face of the
+AD4-Disk being white and the ground all around black, shows clearly
+AD4-that its plane is the only knowledge, dim and hazy though it
+AD4-still is, that is attainable by man. It is on this plane that the
+AD4-Manvantaric manifestations begin+ADs- for it is in this SOUL that
+AD4-slumbers, during the Pralaya, the Divine +ACo-Thought,+ACo- wherein lies
+AD4-concealed the plan of every future Cosmogony and Theogony.+ACI-
+AD4-In one way we could see Parabrahm as the +ACI-ever incognisable
+AD4-PRESENCE+ACI- and Mulaprakriti as the plane of the circle.  Thus the
+AD4-Universal Soul standing in relation to Parabrahm at the level of
+AD4-macrocosm just as Buddhi (the Spiritual Soul) stands in relation
+AD4-to ATMA at the level of microcosm.
+AD4-Would you consider the First Cause is symbolised by the point in
+AD4-the hitherto immaculate white disk, as mentioned in the PROEM,
+AD4-first page.?  Itself still formless, hence the unmanifested
+AD4-Logos.  Have look at Page 16 of the Proem and see if you agree
+AD4-whether the summary of four points might represent (1) Parabrahm,
+AD4-the Causeless Cause followed by (2),(3), and (4) representing the
+AD4-three Logoi?
+AD4-More to be said and explored, but not much time at the moment -
+AD4-just wanted to add a few thoughts.  Really good to see someone
+AD4-really keen on studying the Secret Doctrine.
+AD4-Best wishes
+AD4APg- -----Original Message-----
+AD4APg- From:  Eugene Carpenter
+AD4APg- Sent: 25 April 2000 22:23
+AD4APg- Subject:  The Causeless Cause and the First Cause
+AD4APg- Hi,
+AD4-The Cosmic Monad on it's own level, the Cosmic Monadic Plane or
+AD4-Paranirvana,  is Parabrahma/Mulaprakriti and is the Causeless
+AD4-Cause.  This is  when the All  is +ACI-at rest+ACI-.
+AD4-The Cosmic Monad then manifests through the Cosmic Atma-Buddhi or
+AD4-the first and the second Logos during the manifesting phase.  It
+AD4-is this Cosmic Atma  or Brahma(neutral) that is referred to as
+AD4-the First Cause not the Causeless Cause.  The Causeless Cause is
+AD4-beyond the First Cause.
+AD4-This may be an important distinction.  This is why the term Monad
+AD4-refers to either the monad on the monadic plane or to
+AD4-Atma-Buddhi.  All depends on the context.  I suppose that most
+AD4-often the term refers to Atma-Buddhi, as the wise refrain from
+AD4-speculating on the monad out of manifestation.
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