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Theos-World RE: DTB = L [bn-basic] Re: Reply To Charles Observations

Apr 22, 2000 12:46 PM
by W. Dallas TenBroeck

April 22, 2000

Dear Louis:

I think you  make a very damaging but true picture of our general
situation.  It is well to make sure that all are aware of it.
But to describe it is not enough, we ought to look actively for
what can be done to improve on it, to rectify it if possible.  We
can, each one of us, play a part in this.
To me, however the first essential is to grasp what the
principles are that are behind and within it.  Let me speculate a
little, using Theosophy as a basis, as I see it:

No one can change another's mind set.  Any changes are self-made.

The more honest we are with ourselves, the surer will be such
alterations as are needed.

Our devotion to TRUTH, and HONESTY makes all the difference.

I do not subscribe to blaming our, or any "past," for our
present.  I admit that we are as we are, not because of the
choices we have made, but because of the image we maintain, right
now, of what we want ourselves to appear as, or, to actually BE.
But that does not set our present nature "in stone" so to say.

It is THE POWER TO CHOOSE that is significant and not the
changes.  All changes are in the past and they cease to exist
except as MEMORIES.  WE live in the present.  We have selected a
"future" and we are trying to get to it.  We constantly hold that
image in front of us.

This is Theosophical psychology.  It also shows us that we are
actually dual in CONSCIOUSNESS.  We adopt sometimes two or more
points of view so as to be able to consider them separately, much
as the MS WINDOWS programs will permit a computer to work in
parallel on separate tasks for us.

It is important to realize that WE, THE THINKER (or the WITNESS)
are always separate from our "thoughts," as well as separate from
our "desires, wants, and fancies."

If WE can change them, then they are subordinate to US.  The real
mystery to be investigated, Theosophy states, is the "WE" -- the
power and fact of the existence of the  'I am I."

For this reason Theosophy teaches that there are really 7
divisions in man's nature -- "principles."  This system will be
found to be very ancient and it can be seen in the older
religio-philosophies.  It is very important to do this kind of
study because it extends that which modern psychology has already
demonstrated are facts.  It makes their identification a great
deal more precise. Of course some of the terms used in Theosophy
do not coincide with modern psychology, and so, some adjustments
have to be made.

Mme. Blavatsky has discoursed at length on this in THE KEY TO
THEOSOPHY (from p. 83 onward  to p. 176).  In THE SECRET
DOCTRINE, you will find that this subject is also reviewed
starting in Vol. 1 with p 156 on to p. 250, and   SD II   pp.
590 - 598,  630 - 641.

A sincere student will not mind spending some time seeking to
plumb the depth of these ideas.  Basically:

1.  The REAL MAN is a SPIRITUAL BEING which is persistent and
never "dies" even if its many bodies die when they are worn out.
The CONSCIOUSNESS that is the essential MAN/WOMAN, gives us our
identity.  It is transferred after undergoing a
self-transformation in the "after death states," to a new body.
All this is done under the equitable and just law of Karma.

2.  The Mind is a tool of this ONE CONSCIOUSNESS, as it can
direct the mind to the subjects it selects for study.  It is the
DIRECTOR.  It is the OBSERVER.  It records the effects of those

3.  Our feelings, (passions, desires, wants, dislikes, ambitions,
cravings, etc.,) are all centered around our present existence as
a "Personal being."  We project concepts of various degrees of
solidity forward to frame "goals."  WE label these "Achievements
I want to do." (or some such).  But it is to be seen that these
are also movable and changeable, and that the REAL MAN can do
this.  IT IS THEREFORE SUPERIOR to the desires and passions and
is in effect their manipulator, and adjuster.

It also to be observed that the extent to which the REAL MAN gets
involved in desire, goal-setting and achieving, to that extent
these "feelings and desires" seem to rule over it.  That is
however a very false position.

Theosophical psychology studies Man as he actually is.

Western psychology studies man as he is when overwhelmed by his
desires, fancies, wants, and cravings.
It usually seeks to justify these.

I would however point out that in Law, this position is refuted
and denied.  It is held, always, that the REAL MAN, even if
undefined, has moral and final sway over his personality, and his
own interior desire principle.

It recognizes that the MIND is the responsible entity in the
human being.  It holds that this MIND-SELF is that which ought to
be in CONTROL all the time.  And further that this control
operates in all circumstances, whether among one's compatriots
and co-religionists, or in the company of others from different
cultures and theological persuasions.

The REAL MAN, being in control, ought to reign in the passions
and the fancies, holding them to a norm which (in ideal) would
demand extensive as well as impartial cooperation with all
others, and the giving of a fair deal to them, (as though they
were members of our own family) all the time.

In other words, our Laws are based on BROTHERHOOD in action, and
not on the selfish means and ends devised by our irresponsible
personalities in their individual and highly selfish search for
pleasure, ease and satiety, especially when such a search is
secretly at the expense of others.

At least our Law, however imperfectly, recognizes that this is a
"Universe of Law"  and that the operative law is a MORAL ONE --
an ETHICAL one.  It further recognizes that morals and ethics are
not communal or traditional constructs framed by habit, and
enforced by "might," but are in fact UNIVERSAL, and can be used
and applied by any human in any part of the world.

One thing we do learn from history is that in spite of many
mal-applications in religion and in government, (where "Might"
sometimes overreaches caution and fairness) this concept of a
universal and impartial LAW is to be found recognized.  It is to
be found illustrated in the oldest, earliest myths and legends of
every culture.  Further, if we investigate impartially the tenets
and rules that every great religion advances, we will find a
remarkable similarity in their identification of these rules and
laws as applicable, not only to their parishioners, but also to
their enemies and foes.

On the whole I would say that there is little of platitudes or of
lip-service in this.  It is a robust approach to actuality, and
deserves careful investigation for its fairness and accuracy in

But, I think this is enough mulling over the subject, for the

Best wishes,



-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Saturday, April 22, 2000 4:09 AM
Subject: [bn-basic] Re: Reply To Charles Observations

In a message dated 04/21/00 4:02:40 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

<< If one directs one's attention to the FUTURE, then the
 of the PAST may be left alone to mend themselves and in that
 oblivion that they deserve. >>

Hi Dallas,

It's a nice idea and an even better Ideal. The problem is that
the quality of
the thoughts that one directs to the FUTURE is shaped by the
karmic legacy of
the PAST and executed from an often all consuming PRESENT. In a
word, easier
said than done.

<<If students of Theosophy practiced BROTHERHOOD there would be
problems and good-will would enable constructive work to be done.
WE ought to look to the FUTURE.  WE CANNOT UNDO THE PAST.>>

We have had over a hundred years to learn how to practice this
and we still
seem to be no closer than when the TS started. I fear that this
notion could
become just another platitude. One we pay lip service to but
which is not
accompanied by a fire in the heart to match.

By the way, while it is true that we cannot undo the past, we CAN
resolve it.
That is what the PRESENT is for. Every thought, feeling and
action of every
present moment either resolves or complicates our karmic agenda.
The future
unfolds as a result of our choices in the present.


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