Theos-World Re: New Website on the Early History of the Theosophical Society
Apr 17, 2000 02:06 PM
by LeonMaurer
In a message dated 04/16/00 3:00:02 AM, writes:
>O no, not again that idiotic pseudo-scientific and pseudo-
>theosophical fairy tale book.
>If the University of Vienna calls on their web-site this really
>an "scientific" book we first have to talk about what is Science.
Oh no, not again... Another idiotic prejudgement based on nothing more than
rumors -- that attempt to denigrate theosophy without any knowledge of what
it really teaches. Shades of the 1890s British Psychical Society, and the
other "Luddites" prior to that time -- and afterwards.
The teachings of theosophy have to be taken on their own thoroughly
understood merits... And, no research (valid or not) by historical scholars,
attempting to prove or disprove the truth or falsity of HPB's claims about
her association with "Masters of Wisdom" has any value in that respect.
Perhaps you ought to read the Mission Statement as well as the history of the
University of Vienna before doubting its authority as one of the foremost
world class centers of scientific teachings and religious philosophies. See:
< > and
< >
So, before taking such a no-nothing, prejudicial attitude, If you doubt the
scientific validity of the fundamental teachings of theosophy as presented in
the Secret Doctrine, you (and other skeptics and doubting Thomas's) would be
wise to first check out the web site at:
-- and find out what Einstein scientifically "intuited" from the teachings in
those volumes. Even Einstein was considered a fraud and a fantasizer by
classical scientists when he first came up with his special theory of
relativity and the unproven (until the late 30's) E=mc^2 in 1905.
Then, you might also read (actually, study and consider) the SD -- as a
physics textbook (as Einstein did) -- which presages, and reveals the
fundamental basis of ALL *proven* modern scientific theories of physics
(relativity, photoelectricity, quantum, and quark theories) PLUS the recent
postmodern cosmological physics (Superstring, Membrane, and Zero point energy
[ZPE] theories). All of which cyclically (not psychically) rests on the
"Fundamental Principles" along with the "Laya point" of HPB, or the
scientific "zero point instant" postulated by modern and post modern science.
Then, perhaps, we all might have some respect for your (and other
denigrating "pundits" who, obliquely, discredit the teachers to disqualify
the teachings) *well considered* and unbiased opinions about the theosophical
scientific teachings, themselves. (*–-* = italics) You might also read my
ABC paper and associated diagrams (web sites below) that postulates a new
scientific paradigm of holographic coenergetic fields that correlates
theosophy with modern string and zero-point energy theories (recently proven
to exist by the Casimir Effect as well as the split photon "action at a
distance" entanglement experiments at CERN)). After such study, you might be
more qualified to make valid judgments based on acquired knowledge, rather
than ignorance that rests on questionable historical evidence (food for
ignorant skeptics) regarding the personalities of the "founders" and their
The project noted below could possibly be a worthwhile endeavor to clarify
the history of theosophy -- provided it refers back to its origination in
ancient Greece under the auspices of the Neo Platonists, Ammonius Saccus,
Porphyry and Plotinus. (See the *Key to Theosophy* by HPB). And, provided it
rests on a serious study of their teachings as later correlated with the
*Book of Dzyan* by H. P. Blavatsky in her seminal book, *The Secret Doctrine
- The Synthesis of Science, Religion and Philosophy*. This book and it's
teachings should be the only basis upon which to judge the truth or falsehood
of the scientific basis of theosophy... Not, on whether or not the so called
"Masters" were pseudonymous personalities -- for which there is no valid hard
evidence, either pro or con. Also, HPB's personality and her unproved, so
called "frauds," based on questionable historical research, should have no
relevance whatsoever to the scientific validity of the teachings presented in
the Secret Doctrine, or in her other occult writings -- which must either
stand or fall on their own logic and reasonableness, as well as on (HPB's
predicted) modern scientific corroboration. In any case, HPB cannot be
blamed for her possible dissemblinng to avoid violating certain oaths of
secrecy regarding the esoteric occult imformation transmitted to her by the
Masters (who might also have required a certain degree of anonymity). In
addition, why would HPB have intentionally blinded certain dangerous occult
teachings in the SD by leaving them to be "dug out" by her more intuitive
students with a level of intelligence. ethics and scientific/mathematical
knowledge close to that of Einstein?
>> There is a call for papers for a new website on the early
>> history of the T.S. and the Masters. There will be
>> monthly interviews and it starts today with K. Paul Johnson.
>> The website is titled:
>> "These Webpages are to bring together academic and
>> semi academic research related to the early history of the
>> Theosophical Society, its surroundings and legacy."
Without reference to the above mentioned historical review, but with
reference to modern and post modern science, I hopefully await some
intelligent discussions in these theosophical forums related to the
fundamental scientific principles that underlies all evolution, as well as
the scientific relationships between spirit, mind and matter -- as presented
in the SD and other writings of HPB and her (pseudonymous or not) Masters KH
and M -- and supplemented by other corroborative writings of William Q.
Judge, under their direct tutelage. How else can the principles and ethics
of theosophy, and the reasonableness of karma and reincarnation, be
disseminated to and understood by ordinary people in "the language of THIS
age"? Anything else is just worthless gossip and babbling -- signifying
nothing -- except to philologists and historians -- whom all true
theosophists can take with a "grain of salt."
"To prejudge without serious study and thought is to be blind to the truth or
falsity of any scientific, philosophical or religious doctrine" -- Thomas
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